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Hilarious appearences of Malcolm Holmes


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I think I got a couple that'll provide a good laugh.




Alright, so I'm in Dead Wind Cavern, fighting my way through Deathclaws with the Alien Blaster - no real challenge there - and I get to the Legendary Deathclaw's place. I skulk around, hugging the rocky walls. Suddenly, that deathclaw goes aggro for a split-second, and Malcolm just runs in. "WANNA TRADE'!!!?/1/GREGKRPOHP"


He trys to run off, and gets raped by the Legendary. I use the moment for a Sneak Attack Critical.



And then there's when I'm at the Fort. I wasn't using my PC at this time, and instead using a friend's 360. I'm talking to Caesar, and about to perform the surgery on him. I'm not using it with the Auto-Doc, which means I have to do REAL work. Right as I'm about to start, Malcolm comes out of nowhere, screaming something about Blue Star Caps. Then he walks off.


Nice distraction before having to perform surgery on a Tyrant.

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Vulpes Inculta, in his Dapper Gambler disguise, shows up after you've at least:


1. Spoken to Mr House in the lucky 38

2. Been inside the tops casino

3. Spoken to s*censored*.


All of the above may not be be necessary, but he shows up after doing those.


From personal experience I can definitely confirm that you do NOT need to do any of the following:

1, Speak to benny

2. Have the Platinum Chip

3, Kill benny

4. Let benny escape.


Weird, I've never had him show up unless Benny was dead or had escaped. I had talked to House, entered the Tops, left to do other quests for a few days before coming back to deal with Benny, and still Vulpes didn't show up until I ran Benny out of the Tops.



Anyhow, this reminds me of the ways Mr. Crowley would try to catch up to you in Fallout 3 if you stole the T51-B power armor from Fort Constantine after giving him the keys. I've had him waiting for me having a cigarette in front of Vault 101 after the Waters of Life quest, try to jump me during the raid on the Purifier with Liberty Prime, but the terrifying one was going to sleep inside my Megaton house and waking up to find him waiting for me inside my bedroom with a magnum pointed at me.

Edited by zerrodefex
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i blasted Vulpes in the face with my recently acquired Vertibird gunship.


I have the J3X Vertibirds mod going too,so here I am just buzzing around enjoying my bland texturless flight and I spot a group of fiends,I swoop in take them out,then I noticed these two little dots following me.(Mind you,the NCR adored me) I had my gunship drop a couple nukes near them to scare them away.I ended up flying to my base camp,dropped my bird off,went inside dropped my junk off thinkin I was safe.I go back out:


Malcome and the creepy NCR guy were both there waiting for me><

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Malcolm's luck ran dry on my current playthrough :whistling: ; I'd just exited the Nipton Pitstop Bomb Shelter (AWOP mod), covered in Jackel goo :sick: when I caught Malcolm running down the road towards me; gave him the rest of the game off. :devil: Even weirder.................I'd just looted poor ol late lamented Malcolm, when I turned around towards Nipton I find purple haired, space cadet lookin' Jackie (something like that) running up on me (cripes! I hadn't been that popular since I was handing out free Jet at the annual Fiend Fiesta)....................gave her the rest of the game off too.
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  • 6 years later...

god! i hated holmes so much! his freaking annoying and tends to pop up out of nowhere, and to make it worst he sometimes appears during an intense fight which causes me to either die or get crippled in the process. now i always shoot him whenever i see him heading towards me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Malcolm always makes me laugh. My current game I was taking Niner back toward his bike after the "let's have a drink" bit and stopped to kill the Coyotes hanging around Devil's Gullet, and as I'm picking up the old cans and other junk down there he just materializes and starts yakking away. The only thing I can think of is he came out of the cave entrance....it's like he knew I was going to be there and just waited to ambush me with his star cap obsession.


I haven't killed him yet, but I've seen him die plenty of times by running into enemies or mines after talking to me. One of my favorites was him running up as I was checking out that Powder Ganger camp near Jean Skydiving. I was sneaking up behind one of them that was sitting down by the fire to reverse pickpocket a frag mine on him, then Malcolm comes running up out of nowhere and triggers a powder charge that was at the ganger's feet and blew them both up.

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