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How do I increase the health of custom NPCs?


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Hello, today I tried to create a custom NPC for my mod. I wanted to give him a tremendous amount of health of, say, 2,000,000 HP, but I ran into problems. First of all, when I try to adjust the health offset, it caps at about 32700, and when I auto-calculate the stats his health goes into negative numbers. When I set it to scale with the PC's level, and set his level to 2900, his health automatically goes into negative numbers for whatever reason.


However I did notice that when I loaded him up in-game with a calculated-health of about 32000, his health got boosted up to about 527,000 due to the Deadly Dragons mod, which I had previously set to increase all enemy health by 1500%. What this showed me is that, somehow, in some way, it is possible to boost the health of NPCs, maybe through scripts, although because I am really new to this whole process, I have no idea what to do.


So, I am wondering if there is a way to increase an NPC's health to be in the millions, instead of being capped at 32000, be it through scripts, or if I am making a mistake. Any help would be a relief.

Edited by ScarletPox
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