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Load order crash?


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Anybody else having problems with the load order? After the new version of FO4 mine just CTD nonstop.

I tried evey thing I could think of but finally ended up disabling every single mod just to get the game to start.

I am now in the process of starting the mods one by one (five at a time) to see what works and eliminating the ones I no longer find attractive or useful.


Any tips as to what definately will crash or what is unnecessary with the new version?

Picked up that SSEX and Settlement keywords isn't needed. Any others that you might know about?

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CTD when exactly? Wont even load fallout? When starting a new game? Loading a game? When trying to enable mods in game? randomly as your walking through the wasteland?

I had to disable all before starting a new game (would CTD always with mods), then re-enable them.

However now if I change the load order using the in game mod manager I will CTD when saving the order, even without a single mod.

If I go back in the changes are usually saved, a few mods dont seem to load up (downloaded before 1.5) I'm guessing those need an update.

UI Mods are generally broken unless updated late April, Easy Lockpicking also seems broken, worked in beta but now it auto-disabled and cant re-enable.

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I've had some serious problems. The game wouldn't start, just a black screen while loading then desktop. I finally ended up disabling all my mods and started over by enabling them 5 at a time staring with CBBE.The most important ones I checked to see if there was a updated version. I would then start the game to check for CTD. I also thinned out my mods and removed the ones I no longer use.



I found that DEF-UI was giving me heartache and had to remove and reinstall without the HUD part otherwise, I would CTD every time.


Another thing I noticed was that I would start the game and suddenly receive a message that the game was starting without a bunch of mods, as though I had disabled them in the load list. The only way out was to quit immediately and go back, disable, and enable a random mod. I used one that changes Cait.


After I disabled and enabled a mod the game would start normally. This surprisingly seemed to happen after installing a new mod, even though the new mod seemed to install without problems. It may have something to do with the load list disappearing until you cycle a mod.


Remember to export the load list occasionally when you get the game to load.


This has taken me several nights of work but I think I'm there. Unfortunately, I went into FO4 mods menu and the game crashed on the way out.


Good luck to everybody out there having load problems.


BTW, I lost two guns, an M9 .38 cal and a 1911 .45 cal. I only found them after going back to an earlier save from before the update. Weird considering all the gun mods were in place and my other modded guns showed up.

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All of the UI mods seem to be causing problems, but you can update DEF_UI and Pleasant UI to work with 1.5. I have it running for the last few nights. I need to change my load order though. It's gotten something out of order so that my armor/clothing naming rules aren't running from the correct ESP which is super annoying. Also seems like the internal mod manager can be really stupid about ESPs and masters and doesn't put them in an order that makes sense.

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Yeah, I updated DEF_UI and it seems to be working ok now. I'm still having that "all mods disabled" type of startup whenever I install something new.

I have to go back and disable an old mod then enable it right away and suddenly eveything loads ok.


But all my stuff is working now so I'm keeping my horse shoe the right way up and sitting very still everytime I load the game. :confused:

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