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Missing Half the Fun House - Nuka World DLC


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Hey guys!

I have a game-breaking glitch happening in the fun house in Nuka World. I've been clearing Kiddie Kingdom of ghouls, and so far everything's gone great but when I get into the fun house, I can't see most of the glass (and yes, I realize there are see through panes of glass, that's not what I'm talking about!) and once I get a minute or so in, to the conveyer belt, everything turns into this white void that's pretty trippy to look at. I have no idea what could be causing this, I do use mods but my system is perfectly fine for running Fallout 4 so it's not the computer. I'm including a list of my mods as well! Any ideas to help would be amazing! I really don't want to start over, but I feel like I might have to at this point.

ScreenShot0.png ScreenShot1.png ScreenShot3.pngScreenShot2.pngListofmods.jpg

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From the looks of your screen it looks like sloppy Roombounds and Portals. I have had this issue myself in (I'm Blanking on the name) one of the underground tunnels. (the ration supply one with the holotapes between the military and cops.)


In my case it was the roombounds and something to do with my system. I put it mostly on my system because others don't have the issue but, fixing the roombounds solved the problem for me.


I didn't look at your entire load order so does any of the mods you have edit the fun house in any way? It could be that the mod messed up the roombounds or exaggerated beth's shoddy work on them.


I've played that cell myself and it all was visible so I do assume the problem is mod related.

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I've had that issue before, the first time I entered the Institute. I thought it was a house mod I had but the weird thing was on another character I had to activate that house mod otherwise the Institute would be messed up. I can't remember how I fixed it.

On my current character, an established one, I went into Fallon's (the big one down south) and was met with an empty interior. The muties were still there but nothing else. I don't have anything that would mess with that place, only the exterior (Wars of the Commonwealth) but all the other buildings there are fine.

I only wanted the magazine for my collection :( It's no big deal, I can get the book somewhere else :)

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From the looks of your screen it looks like sloppy Roombounds and Portals. I have had this issue myself in (I'm Blanking on the name) one of the underground tunnels. (the ration supply one with the holotapes between the military and cops.)


In my case it was the roombounds and something to do with my system. I put it mostly on my system because others don't have the issue but, fixing the roombounds solved the problem for me.


I didn't look at your entire load order so does any of the mods you have edit the fun house in any way? It could be that the mod messed up the roombounds or exaggerated beth's shoddy work on them.


I've played that cell myself and it all was visible so I do assume the problem is mod related.


I had this problem in the railroad headquarters too, and I had to disable one of Elianora's house mods to get rid of it, so I think it's probably mod related too, but all mods I have I downloaded before Nuka World came out, so it's probably an update? I'm not sure, I think I'm going to end up taking one thing out at a time to see if it helps anything.

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