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Dialogue for custom NPC conversations won't skip


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Hello! I'm having a problem where any NPC I create and give dialogue to cannot be skipped over. I end up having to sit there for nearly fifteen seconds for every line of dialogue! I'm not sure what the problem is. I know I have the "Make dialogue skippable box" checked for all of them, but that does not seem to fix it. Any ideas? I appreciate the help!



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Hello! I'm a brand new modder but because the mod I'm working on is very dialogue heavy I happen to know the answer to your question. =)


Dialogue can't be skipped when there's no audio for it. So all you have to do is either make a dummy WAV file that corresponds with each line, or if you have a microphone you can record yourself saying the line (or even just empty silence) so that it generates a WAV file for that line which will then become skippable.


It took me like two weeks to figure this out when it was frustrating me, so I hope this helps!

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