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Morrowindfiles MODs


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Hey, I was just wondering, are the site admins planning on putting all the "old" Morrowindfiles.com MODs over here at MML? There are some 600+ MODs there, and here about half that many, and some that are "missing" from here were pretty cool (but I never downloaded)... or is there no site affiliation, and thus the admins don't have the rights to do this?... or is it up to the MOD creator to put it on either site?


Anyway, just a quick question... I mean, ts not a big deal; I can always go over there for the other MODs.

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I'm currently considering whether or not to do this. I may make a post up on the ES forums about it - would it be better to put up all the mods I can find and then offer to take them down if an author requests it ... or ... should I wait for an author to submit their mods?


Up 'till now we've asked permission for all mods on the site.

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I think you should do it. MF is dying anyway (or at least it will be soon as there are no more mod updates anymore, and more and more people are coming here.) MF doesn't own the mods anyway...so unless the author tells you to remove it you might as well keep 'em on here :D
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