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Radiant Quests Bugged, Any Fixes Perchance?


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Been trying to find a fix for the issue, but nothing seems to come up. I can't talk to Amren for example and get his quest, same with Carlotta's quest where she tells Mikael to leave her the hell alone. Anyone know which mods would conflict or whether there is a workaround I can use perchance?:)

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unless/until someone comes with a specific answer, i can tell you how to find out.


edit: it might not hurt to post your load order just in case someone can hopefully notice a conflict. depends on the conflict and who reads the post.


usually resolving conflicts in the plugins fixes bugs and crashes. even with experience it's hard to tell exactly what will cause a certain problem or what crazy stuff might happen but i'd look for maybe plugins that alter dialogue, npc's, or possibly even the whiterun worldspace. i'm not sure what your experience is with tes5edit, but you'll need that. if you're using mod organizer you'll have to run it through that program, similar to everything else.


step 1) load ALL of the plugins in your load order and wait for it to finish. if it doesn't then it'll tell you what plugin is being loaded before a master or whatever.


step 2) right-click in the blank part of the left pane and select 'apply filter' a dialogue will pop up.


step 3) in the 'conflict status overall' section, i usually have these boxes checked but you can omit the first one if you want i guess: "multiple but no conflict", "benign conflict", "conflict", and "critical conflict". click the button that says 'filter' and wait for it to finish.


at this point the list of plugins will change to a color-coded list of overwritten records. the colors are in the documentation so you might want to check that out. you'd have to go through the mods and see what they change that might be relevant to your problem. if you find something then you can sometimes fix it by changing your load order, but other times you'll need to make a patch like so.


step 1) right-click the name of the record that you'd have to change less from in the right pane (up at the top, whatever.esp) and select 'copy as override into...'


step 2) all the way at the bottom of the dialogue, select '<new file>' and hit the 'ok' button. it will be added in the right pane as overwriting the other plugins.


step 4) alter whatever you want about your new plugin in an attempt to fix the conflict. you can mess something up by doing this, but luckily you can always delete the patch and start over. depends on how much common sense you use i guess so just try and be careful.


edit: might want to go back through to step 2 after you're done with all the stuff and sort masters instead of filtering for good measure.

Edited by ymf331
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Quick question, does clicking on any of the plugins that are loaded matter when I go with step 2 because even when I click on right side mouse is still pointing towards one of the mods, or does it not matter?

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Well I try to right click like you said, but mouse pointer selects one of the mods in the list so am not sure whether I'm doing it right lol. I don't use loot because it kept screwing things up majorly...

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Looking have an awful lot, going to send you my mod list. I've merged all the weapon mods I've downloaded together to cut down on plugins, did same with armors, and immersion related ones. It's down to 240 out of the 367 plugins I've got lol.

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i can look at a list of 240 plugins, but i'm 90% sure i can't tell you which ones are causing dialogue problems. i realize it's overwhelming especially with that number of plugins. that's one reason i try to do it in increments as i'm building a load order. it's not something everyone is willing to do. it's not that complicated once you get the hang of it, but it's extremely time-consuming. i'm more than happy to answer any questions that you have.


most people would tell you to run loot or check mod descriptions, but you've probably heard that at this point. when i started figuring out how the mods i use work together, all my problems seemed to magically go away. so that's the advice i give.

Edited by ymf331
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