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I dont like it when there are residents fighting with monsters and when I help them and the Residents ALSO get KILLED. Any mod to fix that? LIke kill ONLY WHERE MY mouse Pointer is no All around even with Explosions. IT would help me aloot guys!. THANKS.

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This is what happening to me daily:

- I find Yuriana (the Tank Wench mod) often got into battle with Inigo and Serana. Yuriana uses some splash spells that eventually pisses one of my follower off and they go into attack frenzy to which Yuriana is not even defending herself.

- Serana always get mad at me because my horse kept ramming her (using Immersive Horse).

- Sofia and Recorder seem to be extremely resilient to friendly fire. I know Recorder will never fight back no matter what. Sofia has an extremely high tolerance. She took 10 arrows to the face before she fought me.

- Even with Run for Your Lives, it doesn't stop the neutral combatants like guards from helping me. This means if someone does splash damage, they will aggro that someone, and my entire entourage will aggro them, and we get a massacre on hand.

- NPCs do have a slight tolerance against friendly fire. I once shot a guard in the butt with my bow without recourse, but the damage done must have been rather weak.

Luckily I am Imperial and I have Voice of the Emporer to calm people down. Here is how I deal with it: Use direct damage weapons or spells. Run away and let them conclude the fight before you step in. Or if you really want to keep an NPC alive, heal them :) Skyrim doesn't have a way to transfer aggro like in other games. Warrior can't taunt and shield bash to aggro the monster.

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