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Looking for a mod creator willing to make a mod for Xbox one


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There is already a Spider-Man mod & a Superman mod on the consokes but you can't fly with Superman & the Spider-Man mod doesn't come with the web shot mod if anyone can fix those mods make them work properly I wauld really appreciate it please & thank you contact me on Twitter if & when someone ports the mods my Twitter name is Richlovesgames please a& thank you
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I'm a XB1 gamer so I have no idear how to mod games I'm using my IPad 4 to see if anyone can port some mods over to the Xbox one for me 3 in toatal Belua Sanguinare Revisited Spider-Mans web shot mod & finally The Superman race mod on the console doesn't work properly he needs to be able to fly use his heat vision & his other powers aswell if someone reads this I wauld appreciate them helping by porting the mods to Xbox one please & thank you my Xbox gt is SCOUSE WARR1OR
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You see I'm a console gamer on the XB1 so I need the mod authors I've mentioned to port those mods to the XB1 if possible cause I'm not a moder myself Belua Sanguinare Revisited is the mod I really want but I think it wauld be cool if the mod authors of Spider-Man & Superman race mod wauld first port the web shot mod to console then second make it so the Superman mod we've already got works properly some of his powers don't work like heat vision & his ability to fly doesn't work either Jor -El the merchant that's soposed to be in the sleeping giant inn doesn't show up & one of his Suits shows up light blue please help me I can't enjoy Skyrim Special Edition without these mods thanks for your time tbh I don't think anyone reads my posts if you read this then you know I'm desperate for some Really great mods please & thank you
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