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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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i can understand that so many americans voted trump to give him a try maybe some out of frustration (even still a bit surprising but with support of russia...) but i do not understand if americans still take this man seriously in june 2020 or even telling me they would vote him for a second period. i really underestimated some changes in the last 20 years in the u.s.

it must have been a dramatical change - and all this because of obama ? i can't believe that and it sounds too simple.

Obama did more to divide the races than all of the presidents before him. He was merely the catalyst that started the reaction we see going on now. That, and the dems just kept moving further and further left..... A fair few folks, me included, didn't so much vote FOR Trump, as they voted AGAINST Hilary. I expect to see the same trend later this year, when we once again go to the ballot box. I simply cannot stand some of the positions that the dems are advocating for, and I will not vote for a candidate that supports those positions. Granted, the Republicans have some positions that I don't agree with as well, but, they are MUCH fewer, and don't directly affect me. (I don't see myself needing an abortion any time soon...... being male...... and almost 60.... odds of me getting pregnant are less than zero. :) ) So, as it stands now, I am NOT going to vote for Biden...... Who does that leave?

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oh that is sad to hear. if i see what trump announces and arranges currently even many republicans do not follow him anymore. in my opinion he is acting like an insulted child always crying or twittering america first but acting like trump first. biden and clinton may be not the ideal candidates but i don't understand the hate and this is in my opinion not a justification to defend or reelect a man like trump.


please explain me why obama is in your eyes such an outstanding devider and not trump or any other republican president before. i'm really interested in some factual arguments or comparisons. thank you!

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oh that is sad to hear. if i see what trump announces and arranges currently even many republicans do not follow him anymore. in my opinion he is acting like an insulted child always crying or twittering america first but acting like trump first. biden and clinton may be not the ideal candidates but i don't understand the hate and this is in my opinion not a justification to defend or reelect a man like trump.


please explain me why obama is in your eyes such an outstanding devider and not trump or any other republican president before. i'm really interested in some factual arguments or comparisons. thank you!


Where are you getting your news?


I am asking a very serious question here.

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i assume this is no fox news exclusive thread. i hope - apart from jjb54's question which is no real question - if you know the basics of communication - i would be really happy if someone could explain me with factual arguments why he claims obama as a devider and why he thinks that trump is still reelectable.

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i assume this is no fox news exclusive thread. i hope - apart from jjb54's question which is no real question - if you know the basics of communication - i would be really happy if someone could explain me with factual arguments why he claims obama as a devider and why he thinks that trump is still reelectable.


I'm sorry you found my honest question "not a real question" .... but, it was and basically what you did was AVOID it. Which told me a whole lot ....


I don't avoid question and 'wave them off' .... I address them, even if I do not like them.


So oaky ... you don't want real dialog, you just want to 'talk a specific narrative' ...

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Trayvon Martin springs to mind as one example. Here we have a young adult (I think he was 17 or 18??) that had an unfortunate encounter with an armed man. The armed man did not shoot him until Trayvon was pounding his head against the concrete. Who gets vilified? The Victim, that fired in self-defense. Obama's reaction? "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." So, Obama took the side of the black guy, even though the "White" (latino) guy was fully justified in pulling the trigger.


There are other incidents as well, but, I am not going to detail each and every one here. Look it up, it's out there on the web. Probably on some "list" site.......


I won't vote democrat because I don't like the direction they want to take america, not because I simply don't like them. (and no, I really did NOT like Hilary as a person either......) Is Trump any better? Probably not, BUT, I agree with most of his politics, which I cannot say for the dems. Is Trump an idiot? You bet. He most certainly is NOT a politician, which is the primary reason he got elected in the first place.

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heyyou, thank you for giving me an answer and trying to explain your point of view! trump is probably not an idiot but he is obviously overtaxed and i'm pretty shure he acts more egoistic and childish instead of being a president. it seems many americans like this kind of leadership. it's just difficult for me to understand this because it is so obvious.

obama made many mistakes like all other presidents including trump but did he ever lied multiple times a day or did he ever acted like a racist or did he ever supported racism in the public like trump sometimes does ?

did he ever twittered or communicated so unreflected, impulsive and embarassing as his successor always do ?

did he ever acted like a whiny insulted child instead of behaving as a leader ?

and do you think that everyone who is not an idiot and is acting like trump is qualified to be president of the u.s. ? i really don't think so and all that i can say is that it is still unbeliebable for me that a man like trump is accepted and still taken seriously by so many americans as a president of the u.s.. it is a phenomenon i do not really understand.

i understand that many amercans had a problem with the so called establishment. but i never tought that so many americans including you really believe that a man like trump and fox news could be the right answer to that problem.

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The Trayvon Martin situation was racially dividing because people went out of their way to justify why a man could stalk, confront, and then shoot an unarmed teenager, even when told by the 911 operator not to follow him. You also seemingly missed the whole point of Obama's speech. It wasn't specifically about whether or not the shooting was justifiable. In my honest opinion how you can justify someone stalking a teenager, confronting them when they run away from you, and then fight back out of fear (honestly Trayvon was more justified in standing his ground than Zimmerman was seeing as Zimmerman was the one who put him in that situation). Anyway the point Obama was making was that racial profiling is still an issue in America, I mean if you ignore the actual shooting part, Trayvon was racially profiled by Zimmerman, that's why this whole thing started. Obama is black, and at the end of the day this could have been him, just like it could have been any other black teenager. The fact that American's got so riled up about that says a lot more about how uncomfortable American's are about racial issues than it does Obama "racially dividing the nation". The nation was already racially divided, the fact that we are still to this day fighting for equality should speak volumes about that. I swear you guys act like America was never horribly racially divided until Obama came into office. Also are we completely ignoring how racially divisive Trump actually is? Supporting white nationalists, tweeting and supporting racist views, spinning an untrue narrative than non-white immigrants are tearing America apart. Are we seriously going to say Obama was the racially divisive president here?

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Now for the actual debate.

Obama was not the best president, but he also was far from the worst president. I think history will see him in our top 10 however, because contrary to what a lot of people want to believe, he did a lot of good for this country. Fixing the Great Recession, (love it or hate it, people clamoring for it back now) The Affordable Care Act, Ending the War in Iraq, the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act, LGBT+ Rights, Energy Independence Setup, Dropping homeless veteran rates, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, The Iran Nuclear deal. And many, many more things. All of those accomplishments, also done with a congress that did absolutely everything in their power to make him a one term president twice! (Why aren't we angry about that?) All while dealing with a racially divisive country.

Still Obama had issues, Syria being a stain on his otherwise decent repertoire. Still he unfortunately left the democrats in a worst political position when he left the office. Meaning he was less like FDR aand more like Lyndon Johnson. Both great presidents but one of them (Lyndon) leaving the office in a worst state for Democrats.

I believe the major issue with Obama was that he won the presidency during a time where America (still is) was not ready for black president, and it showed. The fact that him simply being elected was racially divisive and had people questioning his origins is astounding, and should be an eye-opener to the fact that racism is still alive and well in America. I think if he had more support politically he would have been a great president. As it stands I believe he was a good president, shafted by the times we live in. He is far from the worst though, that definitely goes to Trump in my book.

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heyyou, thank you for giving me an answer and trying to explain your point of view! trump is probably not an idiot but he is obviously overtaxed and i'm pretty shure he acts more egoistic and childish instead of being a president. it seems many americans like this kind of leadership. it's just difficult for me to understand this because it is so obvious.

obama made many mistakes like all other presidents including trump but did he ever lied multiple times a day or did he ever acted like a racist or did he ever supported racism in the public like trump sometimes does ?

did he ever twittered or communicated so unreflected, impulsive and embarassing as his successor always do ?

did he ever acted like a whiny insulted child instead of behaving as a leader ?

and do you think that everyone who is not an idiot and is acting like trump is qualified to be president of the u.s. ? i really don't think so and all that i can say is that it is still unbeliebable for me that a man like trump is accepted and still taken seriously by so many americans as a president of the u.s.. it is a phenomenon i do not really understand.

i understand that many amercans had a problem with the so called establishment. but i never tought that so many americans including you really believe that a man like trump and fox news could be the right answer to that problem.


Nah, Trump really IS an idiot. But, he is an idiot with a lot of money, and he occasionally does things right. If we could keep him off social media, he would be a better "appearing" president. :)


Trump got elected because: 1. He isn't a politician. And 2. The dems ran Hilary. If they had ran just about anyone else, the dems would have won.


Ya also gotta understand the political situation in the US. Some folks will vote along party lines, even when they KNOW it isn't a good idea. The whole "My party, right or wrong." thing, is a real problem here. Of course, there are folks on the other side of the aisle that are exactly the same.....


The Trayvon Martin situation was racially dividing because people went out of their way to justify why a man could stalk, confront, and then shoot an unarmed teenager, even when told by the 911 operator not to follow him. You also seemingly missed the whole point of Obama's speech. It wasn't specifically about whether or not the shooting was justifiable. In my honest opinion how you can justify someone stalking a teenager, confronting them when they run away from you, and then fight back out of fear (honestly Trayvon was more justified in standing his ground than Zimmerman was seeing as Zimmerman was the one who put him in that situation). Anyway the point Obama was making was that racial profiling is still an issue in America, I mean if you ignore the actual shooting part, Trayvon was racially profiled by Zimmerman, that's why this whole thing started. Obama is black, and at the end of the day this could have been him, just like it could have been any other black teenager. The fact that American's got so riled up about that says a lot more about how uncomfortable American's are about racial issues than it does Obama "racially dividing the nation". The nation was already racially divided, the fact that we are still to this day fighting for equality should speak volumes about that. I swear you guys act like America was never horribly racially divided until Obama came into office. Also are we completely ignoring how racially divisive Trump actually is? Supporting white nationalists, tweeting and supporting racist views, spinning an untrue narrative than non-white immigrants are tearing America apart. Are we seriously going to say Obama was the racially divisive president here?


Trayvon was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, through no fault of his own. Do you think he would still be dead if he had simply stopped, and talked calmly with Zimmerman? Yeah, Zim should have listened to what the dispatcher had to say...... but, his neighborhood, and he was part of the neighborhood watch. I don't know what the crime rate around there was like, so, I am not going to play monday morning quarterback, and second guess his actions.


Now for the actual debate.


Obama was not the best president, but he also was far from the worst president. I think history will see him in our top 10 however, because contrary to what a lot of people want to believe, he did a lot of good for this country. Fixing the Great Recession, (love it or hate it, people clamoring for it back now) The Affordable Care Act, Ending the War in Iraq, the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act, LGBT+ Rights, Energy Independence Setup, Dropping homeless veteran rates, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, The Iran Nuclear deal. And many, many more things. All of those accomplishments, also done with a congress that did absolutely everything in their power to make him a one term president twice! (Why aren't we angry about that?) All while dealing with a racially divisive country.


Still Obama had issues, Syria being a stain on his otherwise decent repertoire. Still he unfortunately left the democrats in a worst political position when he left the office. Meaning he was less like FDR aand more like Lyndon Johnson. Both great presidents but one of them (Lyndon) leaving the office in a worst state for Democrats.


I believe the major issue with Obama was that he won the presidency during a time where America (still is) was not ready for black president, and it showed. The fact that him simply being elected was racially divisive and had people questioning his origins is astounding, and should be an eye-opener to the fact that racism is still alive and well in America. I think if he had more support politically he would have been a great president. As it stands I believe he was a good president, shafted by the times we live in. He is far from the worst though, that definitely goes to Trump in my book.

People STILL question his origins. I find it highly amusing. The conspiracy theorists are still going on about it. If there had been ANY credibility to the claims, he never would have been elected in the first place.


Obamacare, misnamed the 'affordable care act', was anything but, for a large number of folks. Sure, according to theory, a couple million people got insurance. With 10,000 dollar deductibles..... and VERY particular about what they actually covered........ which wasn't much. Folks that already had insurance, so their rates start going up. Something else Obama said wouldn't happen. And lets not forget "You can keep your doctor." Which also turned out not to be true. The ACA was written by the Insurance industry. Is it any wonder it was a moneymaker for them, and pretty much useless for everyone else? The part that I found the MOST ludicrous was, in order to have qualifying insurance under the ACA, I would have to have pregnancy coverage. I am male. I am thinkin', if I get pregnant, insurance is going to be the least of my concerns. (not to mention I am in my late 50's........ so, not childbearing age in any event.)


Obama got elected because americans didn't want war with Iran. Which Romney seemed to be a big advocate of. Not to mention being tired of the republicans getting into other 'wars'...... we simply didn't want any more. But, we got them anyway. Yemen, Syria, Libya...... So, it seemed that Obama, while technically a Democrat, continued most of the republican foreign policy choices. Accept when he was apologizing to other nations for those same policies......


Don't get me wrong. I voted for him. Twice. For the very same reason I voted for Trump. He was the lesser of two evils.


We would have recovered from the recession regardless of who won the whitehouse though. Would someone else have doubled our national debt to do it though? We will never know.


All in all, politics in the US are well and truly screwed up. We 'accept' a loon for president, and he has a higher approval rating than congress. Of course, that isn't all that hard. Congress hasn't broken 30% approval in decades. For a while, it was under 10%, but, we still kept electing the same folks that we KNEW FOR A FACT were NOT doing the job we elected them to do.


Sure, we have some pretty smart individuals here in the US, but, taken collectively? We got nothin' on a box of rocks. :D

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