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Precombines Procedural Question

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Okay fellow modders, I want to generate precombines for Spectacle Island in its entirety. Before I begin, I’d like to get a sanity check on the overall procedure.

Step 1: Generate PreCombine Geometry for current cell. Cycle through all the SpectacleIslandExt cells 1 through n and generate precombine geometry for each cell one at a time. [found under the World drop down menu]

Step 2. Generate Visibility for all Loaded Cells. Locate the approximate center of the Island, zoom out in the render window until all the Island is visible. Generate Visibility for all Loaded Cells. [found under the Visibility drop down menu]

Step 3. Generate Precombined Visibility for all Loaded Cells. Locate the approximate center of the Island, zoom out in the render window until all the Island is visible. Generate Precombined Visibility for all Loaded Cells [found under the Visibility drop down menu].

Step 4. Celebrate. Pat myself on the back and drink 1-2 beers of choice to celebrate.

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Well Houston, I now have a problem...a big problem. After running precomined/visibility my game crashes whenever I COC to the Spectacle Island. Shakes head in disbelief...fracking thing was working fine before this.


** Dons his trusty troubleshooting hat and begins exploring.

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Some nifs can be buggy. When you output a nif from an SCOL and then run the Precombined Generation Thingy

it might crash or display weirdly. I had this issue once and additionally all objects in the cell lost their havok data.


So bottom line: Check if one of your .nifs is faulty or strange.

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I feel for you. I'm currently really considering if I should to it with my large worldspace.


But hey maybe you can use a backup. The CK often makes backups of your esp. It can be found under Fallout4/Backup or something similar

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After exhausting various attempts I took Zorkaz's suggestion and looked for a backup. I found one from 01 July. I then deleted all the messhes and vis data that had been generated in the attempts to resolve the issue, and reinstalled the older version. It worked. :) I lost a entire weeks worth of navmeshing but at least it now works. Thanks Zorkaz for the suggestion.

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