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Everything posted by Giftig

  1. Sorry. The rocks, stairs, wooden floors are all glazed/shiny with a ton of white specks. It could be a graphics thing, but since I've done a lot of textures i thought I'd ask. You win. At life. FOREVER! Seriously, thank you so much :) I can play again!!!
  2. Sorry. The rocks, stairs, wooden floors are all glazed/shiny with a ton of white specks. It could be a graphics thing, but since I've done a lot of textures i thought I'd ask.
  3. I am going out of my mind trying to fix this. I've reinstalled all my mods/textures 3 times...and can't figure it out. I'm using NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K, plus the lists in the link. https://imgur.com/a/6BJTI I'm desperate. Anyone know what's going on? Giftig
  4. And EnaiSiaion on March 27, 2017: Bottom line is that behippo (aka xxxxxx) was the person who posted the video on December 28, 2016 at silverlock.org. He was the one working on it, not the others. The "team" apparently does not even talk to each other. We have not heard from Stephenxxxx for 4 months now, not even a one sentence update. The project is abandoned by the current team. That is the only reasonable conclusion. Exactly. Edit by zcul: quote edited as it contained alleged real life name and location of an author.
  5. I have tried to play through Fallout. I tried for about 4 months to get A Tale of Two Wastelands to work, because let's be honest--those two games should never have been separated. I would get it working, then something would change and it would crash indefinitely. Something as minute as a driver update or a windows update would break the game. So I moved to Skyrim in anticipation of SK64 and was able to get it running smoothly enough to get about 175 hours into a new character..then SK64 came out and it blew chunks without mods, so I got greedy and thought to just make my Skyrim look like it via mods. And I totally corrupted it. Completely, totally, wholly corrupted it. My save file, the data, all of it. I've only got through about 1/5th the quests in storylines and I can't effin' continue them. So I went back to NV and Fo3 and was completely disappointed again there, after trying for the 9th or 10th time to get it to work with my mod choices. And I became extremely burned out on Bethesda because they create the best games in the world without making them stable at all. I'd be willing to try your SEPTIM guide if you could post it or a link. Thanks
  6. I must have missed these interviews. Can you please post links to them? Couldn't find via search... I don't really remember which one it is, but in one of the live streams of DDProductions some members of the script extender team did an appearance during the stream and talk about how they work and why they work this way. There are two very long live streams (Subdivided in more videos), I suggest you to listen to both of them, since they are ilarious. It's not their job to keep you entertained. Go get a life, play something else, find yourself a girlfriend or a boyfriend. You're right it's not their job to keep us entertained. But it's fair to their fans to drop in every few days, once a week, once every other week even and say, "I don't have time to give a full-blown, release-notes style update. But I do want to say we are still working on this. Currently working on X. No ETA yet." Would that be so hard? No. I understand that they probably get paid at their real jobs a significantly more amount of money than they would be by donations. You make a good point there. But it would also be nice if they accepted some form of compensation or thanks from the community. From my standpoint, it would be nice because it would translate, even if only subconsciously, into "I should tell them what's going on."
  7. I wish they'd take half a minute to give us an update.
  8. I seriously wish they'd allow donations or some sh*t like that. I also wish we had more developers working on it. Seriously, f*cking 7 months later and we're still waiting. I just tried playing Oldrim and had my a*s handed to me by my f*cked up combination of bad mods and a bad mod manager that won't properly install/uninstall mods without running in admin mode. I'm just seriously pissed off right now. I'm not mad at the skse64 devs, they're doing their best and doing it for free. But the latter is their stupid choice and if they'd let the community pay them for their time I bet they'd get enough donations to quit their day jobs and just focus on this and we'd have it in no time. I've put hundreds of hours into my oldrim save, mods and it's just frustrating thinking of all that time I'd have to spend reconfiguring it and reinstalling of all my mods, etc. etc. etc. etc. to get it to work. I can't bring myself to do it on a version of a game that's going to hopefully be useless sometime this century....
  9. Giftig


    Looks more like a big times new roman thanks.... *goes back to lurking*
  10. Giftig


    No. Part of the ENB were a good 30 visual enhancement mods before the ENB. It's a huge mess and I just haven't gone in and undone it. The visual enhancements are nice...but not necessary. I really am okay just waiting for SSE.
  11. Giftig


    This. I got back into Skyrim the end of September in anticipation of SSE. I didn't mod any of the graphics because at the time I was under the impression that SSE would simply mod the graphics...I was wrong. SSE came out, none of my mods worked, I played it for ~10 minutes and became frustrated with the UI, so I went back to Skyrim. But I wanted better graphics. So I modded mine with RealVision ENB. Now I'm stuck in the thieves guild and after about 10 hours trying to find out why it crashes on entering Riften, I've given up on Skyrim. Waiting for SKSE64 to be ready to support some of my mods and I'll try again. So, you're telling us that the graphics aren't any better than OG Skyrim? Really? Is that what you're saying? So, the screenshot below, must be what in your opinion? PS'd? Modded? A lot of people know that I have moved away feom mods. Was too many issues. Anyway, my game isn't modded. I'm not using any ENBs or ReShaders of any type. I run my game on ultra. Am hitting well over 60 fps, which is annoying at times. Anyways, the screenshot. http://i65.tinypic.com/2nqsmk1.jpg You misunderstand. I was saying that without the UI improvements, SSE is not fun for me. I need SkyUI, Athletics, and many other SKSE dependent mods for me to enjoy Skyrim. SSE does not currently have those. The graphics are fine. But I broke my original Skyrim game trying to mod with ENB, and now it is unplayable, so I can't play Skyrim and I can't play SSE for different reasons.
  12. Giftig


    This. I got back into Skyrim the end of September in anticipation of SSE. I didn't mod any of the graphics because at the time I was under the impression that SSE would simply mod the graphics...I was wrong. SSE came out, none of my mods worked, I played it for ~10 minutes and became frustrated with the UI, so I went back to Skyrim. But I wanted better graphics. So I modded mine with RealVision ENB. Now I'm stuck in the thieves guild and after about 10 hours trying to find out why it crashes on entering Riften, I've given up on Skyrim. Waiting for SKSE64 to be ready to support some of my mods and I'll try again.
  13. In response to post #43554350. #43600485, #43615925, #43631500, #43639140 are all replies on the same post. I love the name NeMO, but will Disney? Lol +1 for NMO or NeMO if possible.
  14. Will the older mods not support Skyrim:SE?
  15. Just talking to my buddy here, we thought it would be hilarious if you had an item to visually store your hard earned coins in and, as you got richer, it grew in size. And once you had enough you could use it to beat people and monsters with. The heavier it is, the more damage it does. And in third person you could see how big it was. I don't have the know-how to do it, but I think it would be hilarious. Posting in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV forums as well.
  16. Just talking to my buddy here, we thought it would be hilarious if you had an item to visually store your hard earned coins in and, as you got richer, it grew in size. And once you had enough you could use it to beat people and monsters with. The heavier it is, the more damage it does. And in third person you could see how big it was. I don't have the know-how to do it, but I think it would be hilarious. Posting in Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and 4 forums as well.
  17. Just talking to my buddy here, we thought it would be hilarious if you had an item to visually store your hard earned coins in and, as you got richer, it grew in size. And once you had enough you could use it to beat people and monsters with. The heavier it is, the more damage it does. And in third person you could see how big it was. I don't have the know-how to do it, but I think it would be hilarious. Posting in Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout NV and 4 forums as well.
  18. Just talking to my buddy here, we thought it would be hilarious if you had an item to visually store your hard earned coins in and, as you got richer, it grew in size. And once you had enough you could use it to beat people and monsters with. The heavier it is, the more damage it does. And in third person you could see how big it was. I don't have the know-how to do it, but I think it would be hilarious. Posting in Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV and 4 forums as well.
  19. Just talking to my buddy here, we thought it would be hilarious if you had an item to visually store your hard earned coins in and, as you got richer, it grew in size. And once you had enough you could use it to beat people and monsters with. The heavier it is, the more damage it does. And in third person you could see how big it was. I don't have the know-how to do it, but I think it would be hilarious. Posting in Oblivion, Fallout 3/NV and 4 forums as well.
  20. I'm having the same problem--but no matter what I do I can't figure out what's causing it. What did you mean you updated the archives again using OBMM? Cause I'm using that too.
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