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Everything posted by Vaz2008

  1. Wait a year or two and, like Oblivion and Fallout 3, Dragon Age will be able to resemble a furry hentai mall from Second Life. :P
  2. Zevran's tattoo isn't Dalish. The Dalish seem to prefer far more convoluted designs.
  3. I've used mods in Oblivion, Fallout 3, and other games, so I'm not entirely clueless. Halfway clueless, yes, as I don't delve deeply into the guts of the matter. Anyway, I installed DA:O mods for the first time yesterday. Maybe the day before. Either way, I didn't actually play the game again until today. - Expanded Shapeshifting - Learned Forms Full Form Abilities v1.46 - Arcane Warrior Casting Fix v1.02 - Dragon Age Mutator 013 --- R0: Rare random travel encounters are more likely to happen So now I have combat lag. The well-known kind, where attacks don't have any actual effect on the target until a few seconds later. I did not have this before, not to a noticeable degree at least. Removed the Arcane Warrior Casting Fix *.gda from the override folder I put it in, but that didn't solve the problem. Ran the Mutator again to undo its change(s). Still experienced the lag. I hate the prospect of uninstalling Expanded Shapeshifting; it's such a lovely mod. Maybe it's incompatible with patch 1.01a?
  4. I just finished reading The Stolen Throne (which I liked) and will soon begin The Calling.
  5. The problem I currently have is similar. After playing with anisotropic filtering 2x for a session or two, I decided to trade it in for better performance and disabled it. Next time I played, the ground was pixelated. It looks like the left side of this Duke Nukem 3D screenshot: http://hrp.duke4.net/screens/hrp_screen04.jpg EDIT: Reenabling anisotropic fixed my problem. On second thought I don't think our issues are related at all. When I looked straight down at the ground, it was fine - only the slanted nearer-middle-distance areas aniso affects were pixelated. Anyway, I hope a solution to your LOD thing crops up somewhere, someday. :/
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