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About brokenergy

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    Anything starting with #
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    Not the ME and TW series (I'm too fickle, sue me)

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  1. Where is everyone? The status updates are drawing blanks
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    2. brokenergy


      Great, fix one thing and more things get worse. Ugh
    3. Deleted54170User


      Ah! The domino effect. When it is time to set things into motion we usually start with the key domino though. The very last one in the box. So, Let it all get worse, if that's the way you see it, let it Go! To see if the result is a really cool design you've been building up to all this time.
    4. brokenergy


      Idk what I'm going to do. I officially stopped playing DA:I because of my PC. I'm moving into other games till I play and finish the game someday, when I have a job.
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