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About brokenergy

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    Anything starting with #
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    Not the ME and TW series (I'm too fickle, sue me)

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  1. Yes, I'm still with the living
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I didn't know you had a bad video card. In science lab we were given partners to work with, the critter was a frog, and the girl I was assigned to work with on it took charge after I made her laugh. I think people just have a natural aversion to rats, and you may have looked at it with that in mind first and got the creeps from it. The princess and the frog story has been around a long time in books. So I dispelled the reason for her reluctance using the kiss it and make it better routin...
    3. Deleted54170User
    4. brokenergy


      I have a 2 gig HD 5770, so that's not what I meant when I said that video game gore is not the same as real life gore
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