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  1. Look all I wanted if just someone to make a build that was $2,500 or less to see if it's compatable with my build that I'm making. Everything I'm getting is about 30% cheaper online than instore because I shop around, use a price comparison site and buy recent second hand if I can, so the big issue here is that is there anyone in this site that can meet the challange or not. I can't get reused parts from my old PC because it's not even mine to begin with, I already got a new monitor and sound system thanks to a friend, who also has a key for win 7, which I'll upgrade to win 10. I am not gonna upgrade the PC for the next 4-5 years, so I need this to last me for 4-5 years. I'm not living in the now and I certainly can't buy a console. If no one in this website can't help then I'll look around and ask other people, it's that simple. And I am giving you the rates for a reason because a decent PC that lasts for 4-5 years costs $1500.
  2. I'm getting it all online, so don't worry about where i'm getting my stuff. Do not worry about the OS, speakers or monitor I already have that sorted. So the fun part is making a gaming PC that is $2500 Aus or less, which is $1884 US, so it's fairly decent when you look at if from the US angle. I'm not looking for 4K or overclock the hell or stuffing the PC full of mods. I want it to last for the next 4-5 years playing recent games, so I need a PC that can be suitable for my gaming needs. Does that help? And no I can't reuse any of the hardware because the current PC is moving towards as the family PC, so this new build must be made from scratch.
  3. Okay people today is a very special day, I'm planning for a new PC and I need your help! I am asking as many people as I can to collect enough input to buy the parts that I need to build a new gaming PC. Before you all go nuts, know that I live in Aus, a $1500 US PC rig is going to be $2300 Aus by conversion, so my build cost is $2500 Aus at most and that includes the speakers and new monitor. So what brands do you recommend, especially GPU because I know that is a mine field.
  4. Are you...implying something? I already have, I have a life outside gaming... like everyone else on nexus.
  5. I have a life outside of gaming, so yeah.
  6. People buy CoD and BF series in their thousands and that is not as moddable as beth games because they are mainly multiplayer focused games. Your stats doesn't determine how popular a game is when it comes to piracy as there are plenty of people who download Fallout and the TES series illegally, with every intention of modding and playing those games without paying a cent to the developers. I know they exists, there are people out there that do it. Your playstyle also doesn't determine how popular a game can be, otherwise games like FIFA, PES and Madden series wouldn't be popular stables for publishers who need a stable source of income to please their investors. Also there are not a lot of developers that would read your post in this website, and even if they did not a lot of developers would put modding on the highest list because their main concern is to ship a functional game. Modding is nice to have but it's not the be all and end all of video games, plus there are many games out there that don't need mods to make it better as they are already good.
  7. I ban greatdarius for not knowing what darius means
  8. I bam mlee for double posting
  9. Terrified, died from fear. Idk, I doubt that Skyrim is realistic compared to other major RPG franchises like Dragon Age or The Witcher. The daedric, ebony and glass armours are ridiculous as it is silly. And lets not talk about dwarven armour. I really doubt that they would all be curious enough to consider exploring.
  10. Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2, Divinity: Original Sin are sort of open world, more set piece but matches 2/3 of your points. Gothic and Risen series also match 2/3 of your list but have a pre-set protagonist. I just want to know are you really steadfast with your criteria or are you willing to loosen your criteria a bit. The Division has RPG elements, idk how far they go. The fallout series are also open world and match all in your list.
  11. I think you need to dedicate your time in helping yourself because with what you just said on your opening, you could be going through something bad yourself. The best advise I can give you is to talk to your friends and family about what's going on with your life, build a strong support network and look into doing small little changes in your routine. For example, try singing in the shower or cook something new or exercise. Small little steps that you can change every once in the while can make major differences in your life.
  12. People do it all the time, there is no problem with it. Heck BioWare did it for the VGA 2012
  13. Who remembers the time where you practically killed the main quest in Morrowind by killing a major NPC? Because I do and this is the time where I remind people that there is nothing wrong with essential NPC as they help propel the narrative forward but you can make a case with Bethesda that they either a) do not create an engaging narrative that attracts the player in the first place or b) the concept of a narrative doesn't match with their design ethos where the player can do whatever they want in the world that they created. Besides I like my NPCs to live or at least be super tough for the player to beat rather than for them to break the game as I kill them.
  14. CDPR didn't really invest you into their world and their characters and that's okay. If you like playing Fallout 4 and are more invested in that game then you are fine. For example, I like the Dragon Age series more than The Witcher because I have more investment in them and understand the lore and connect with their characters more than the The Witcher. It doesn't make make me a bad person, it's just my taste. Will I ever play The Witcher 3 for science? Sure but for now play what you like to play rather than what people tell you to play. Oh and you can like both games too you know.
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