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  1. Hi
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    2. brokenergy


      Nice but a bit too high, that would total to over $3000 Aus if I make it from scratch. Since I know most of the parts I'm gonna buy, which GPU should i get?
    3. Deleted54170User


      Read the specs on the Motherboard you've chosen, because most Motherboards have a GPU: Graphics Processing Unit, i.e., a video GPU also known as a video card chip, hence the name GPU, built into their thin body with a plugin on the panel with its other slots on the Motherboard's back panel where you plug in 1/8 inch sound jacks, USB jacks, LAN cables, VGA, RGB, and other color output plugs, which, most of those old video output sockets have been replaced with the HDMI style video output.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Your Motherboard GPU could likely have a HD: High Definition video GPU built in. Check and see what the Motherboards GPU video output is capable of '1st', before you by a video card to install in the Motherboard's specific slots for a UHD: Ultra High Definition video card that's GPU and own extra RAM may be what you want.
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