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This topic is unending. We all know toilet paper is needed and that bidets are not safe. They don't guarantee the water is filtered, or that the bidet is regularly cleaned. As nice as some folks are, they may be terrible housekeepers. Toilet paper that is positioned so as to pull over is obviously the right choice to make to ensure a sanitary and pleasant experience. :)
CTD when Scrapping / storing in Sanctuary, help required!
JamesAutumn replied to Samurok's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Man this problem is getting worse! Thankfully my only issue is building just in Sanctuary. I've been building like crazy elsewhere and connecting a bunch of needless wires as a test. So i must have something inherently bugging out Sanctuary. -
you need psychological help sir just saying I'm kidding i love your comment :D Over is the only way to go in life. Under provides so many complications and has been statistically known to break up families and start civil wars. I remember the Costco toilet paper massacre where 40 pallets of Toilet Paper were burned to death.... You guys just don't know the evil of Under technique. It cost a lot of good men and i am against it. I went to a friends home once and his toilet paper arrangement was under. I never spoke to him again. Thankfully i know the meaning of true friends now who don't let me down on the toilet paper arrangement. Toilet paper responsibly!
CTD when Scrapping / storing in Sanctuary, help required!
JamesAutumn replied to Samurok's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yeah me too. I removed Homemaker from my PC completely and loaded up saves from hours before and i still couldn't do anything in sactuary without a crash. I may try to disable all mods and remove wires and then load all stuff back in to see -
So is this a normal thing? Mods Used: -Dead Skies -Natural Atmospheric Commonwealth -Seasons of the Abyss ENB - Vivid Preset Any insights into this would be most appreciated as things are pretty bright. I don't know if Rad storms have always had this or if one of the mentioned mods screwed up. Much love and hope to learn more about this! - J
So i have a photo of my game and the skybox is broke. It seems when i go above the game world a bit the sky looks alright but now not so much. So here is the photo. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/885379279719183191/0CA7F14D7A8DE5B12FE0BECC977773A642571F0B/
Companions won't follow into interior cells
JamesAutumn replied to JamesAutumn's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Honestly Dogs can open doors we shouldn't hate on them and not let them do it games :D -
I do streaming. It can be impacted for sure more so than video i've been spotting. I had the ENB settings a bit lower than the video but i've raised it up to what would be the proper amount i think
Companions won't follow into interior cells
JamesAutumn replied to JamesAutumn's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
That's definitely interesting to see how that would cause him to not follow! Thankfully since future builds of Place Everywhere I haven't had this issue since. But if you are using an older version, check page 5 of this topic for what someone told me on a steam forum for a fix. But otherwise i'm thking the newest versions of Place Everywhere addressed this issue. -
Not sure how to look at all the enb settings you might want to see but system specs are. -Crucial RAM 24gb -Eight core AMD 8370 -Nvidia 1060 6gb -windows 10 pro 64-bit -OBS runs in 32-bit mode downscaled to 1280x720 -Native is 1920x1080 Game runs at 40-50 frames steady, just freezes outta nowhere pretty much.
First off much respect on the Krebs and Pip-pad. I'd love to figure out the issue myself man. Now that the game has yet again updated i'm unable to work on it for the next few days unless the script guys decide to take a friday off. I tried downgrading to earlier versions of the game pre-creation club update and no luck. So far i checked my enb and raised it from 4gb support to about 5gb so my video card is getting used more so than cpu on things. I think the only time my problem straight up happens is when OBS is running along side it. When it's not it hasn't crashed even after 4 hours of playing. But when OBS is up oh man it's a nightmare. Will post an update on the game when script extender comes back. I'm hoping game update will fix whatever broke with my game. - J
So that was kinda of an A-hole post you did there. totally insulted my tastes and preferences. If you saw a conflict you coulda let me know rather than rant about 'purposeful builds'. I'm just looking for help and i thought my mods through. I have a list of must keeps and ones i feel enhance the experience for myself personally. Wish i could just delete post like that that don't help. So congrats princess you totally didn't contribute. EDIT: Despite my best efforts and troubleshooting this issue still happens. What i've tried: -Installing, upgrading, and even downgrading graphics, audio drivers. -Formatting and clean installing operating system and game. -Running game with ZERO mods and testing it that way. It all seems to crash hardcore when i'm running this game with OBS which i can't seem to get a consultant or experienced streamer who also plays the game to help troubleshoot this very specific and weird issue.
Since the the latest update i believe it's 10 20? Either way since that update fallout 4 runs great. The issue is that it will generally freeze like it locked up. Then my whole PC will lock up as a result and i have to Physically reset my entire PC for things to work again. Here is my load order of stuff i have updated and so far all the latest versions. I even moved Scrap Everything to bottom of load order and no love. Load Order:
Companions won't follow into interior cells
JamesAutumn replied to JamesAutumn's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
After using this line of code Place Everywhere is now usuable with multiple companions in tow. The author of the mod hasn't fixed this but it's a Timescale issue. After posting on that mods comment section someone provided the following solution that you have to manually enter yourself. Go to Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins, open up place.ini under main, make sure you have this line autoTimescaleDisabled = on (note there is no semicolon!) and either never hit F11 in workshop mode, or change ;buildTimescale = 0.01 to buildTimescale = 10 (note the semicolon in this line is removed!) This is the only function in this mod that can possibly cause what you are describing. I DO have experience with the coding side of mods, I've worked on some big ones and I've been a rabid mod user for many years. -
Companions won't follow into interior cells
JamesAutumn replied to JamesAutumn's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
CONFIRMED: Place Everywhere is the culprit of my companions not following into interior cells! With much testing and disabling it and doing massive builds i had no trouble with companions following. As much as i love the mod i'm gonna have to let it slip away as they probly don't even know the issue.