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Everything posted by Maskar

  1. No, you just go through the leveled list you're interested in and add the spells from that list to your actor.
  2. You simply run through (while loop) whatever leveled list you want to use and add the spells from it to your (n)pc. Just use functions like GetNumLevItems, GetNthLevItem and of course AddSpellNS. If the objects themselves are also leveled lists you could use GetObjectType to figure that out and go through those list(s) also.
  3. I've had the same problem. If you kill something, save and leave the game, you won't be able to use resurrect 1 when reloading the savegame. It's probably done to conserve memory.
  4. Check the mimics mod, it already has a companion one too (see below): http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/images/17254-1-1211413418.jpg
  5. It's already been done. Look for mimics on the nexus. They're also available in my overhaul mod (see picture below). http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/images/42780-1-1349219767.jpg
  6. Pretty sure the useful meshes collection is huge and not really ideal to add as a requirement. I would suggest to take the meshes/textures you like and create your own mod. Ideally with new path names so they won't conflict. If you're adding many resources I would suggest creating your own BSA file.
  7. Disable/enable will work if there's some time between the 2. I used the same method in my Basic Personal Hygiene mod to move around markers for bathtubs, etc. In my most recent overhaul mod I used Update3D for moving containers though. This because the moving was done in the script on the container itself.
  8. You have to update objects which have been moved with the MoveTo function. Otherwise it indeed doesn't update the collision.
  9. GetSelf works fine for me, but to create a persistent reference you could simply move the item to a newly created interior cell and make it persistent and give it a name. You can then use that name to move it around or whatever.
  10. I don't really understand what you're doing, but the reference you get from PlaceAtMe is only temporary. It's unlikely you want to use PlaceAtMe for this though. Can't you just check the location of GetSelf with a script on the item?
  11. I've had this happen when spawning creatures with a mesh pointing to a non-existing texture. I figured out what creature was causing it by printing all creatures in the area to the console.
  12. There's a game setting (iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer) which defines the amount of npcs that can be in combat at once. MMM already increases this considerably though.
  13. To be fair, it's your decision. It's pretty much impossible to tell someone if they should mod for 1 game or another. I myself will be releasing a rather large mod for Oblivion in the next few days though.
  14. MoveTo is a bit of a funny function. Chances are it has moved, but you simply can't see it. Using disable/enable should help.
  15. I suggest trying to install a few easier mods first. FCOM is considered rather difficult to install. Maybe OOO and/or MMM or something.
  16. The easiest method would probably be a quest script running once every x seconds checking for npcs in the area (much like cfh85 suggested) and check if they have low responsibility and don't have the item (GetItemCount == 0). If they don't have it simply add and equip it. You might also be able to edit the leveled lists (AddToLeveledList), depending on your criteria. You shouldn't directly edit npcs or leveled lists though, to avoid incompatibilities. An alternative method to check if an npc is evil is by checking if he/she is in an evil faction, rather than look at his/her responsibility.
  17. Persistent means it stays in memory all the time so you can access it through a script for instance.
  18. It's an option when you edit the reference in the cell view window.
  19. Just increase the intelligence of the dog to make it use doors.
  20. Not sure about ModWeaponSpeed, but ModAV will remain changed until you (or another mod) changes it back.
  21. The robe you mentioned should drop at any level as the ''Calculate from all levels <= PC's level'' is checked for the leveled list it appears in (LL0LootClothingMagic100). If it's not, it really depends on the leveled lists it's added to and its minimum level. For the robe this would be level 10. It's unlikely there will be a list with items displaying when items stop spawning as it's very easy to modify these lists and also depends on the iLevItemLevelDifferenceMax setting.
  22. I don't think using fame is good enough. Summoning/raising the dead would be considered evil and would affect your alignment. Doing quests to help uphold the law would affect your alignment, etc. This would result in having (no) access to certain abilities, spells, quests, etc. The main issue I can see is how to keep track of the spells/abilities a character can use and quests he/she can do.
  23. Crashes are usually caused by a missing master file (esp or esm). If you uninstall a file which is a master for another mod the game will crash when trying to start the game. Another option would be a missing data file like a texture. If OBMM uninstalls a mod it could be removing textures, which are also used by another mod and therefore causes a crash. OBMM should inform the user about this when installing a mod though (ask to overwrite a file). OBSE plugins can also cause crashes, which you might want to check.
  24. By default you're always stuck with limited amount of items. Mods can easily enable all items, but without it I think it's best to stick with level 22. Level 22 will give you access to the best magic items. Some creatures don't spawn until higher level though.
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