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Everything posted by kibblesticks

  1. Hey Darren, I'm afraid the ship isn't mine to give away. I can ask the author for his permission but as I'm sure you'll appreciate it's entirely his call. Hope everything is going well with Discworld beta! :)
  2. Haha thanks Bawb :smile: The cave was actually inspired by this concept by Jhonny Yip my friend sent me: http://johnyip.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/9d.jpg Credit for image: http://johnyip.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/foliage1/ I also have to thank BrettM for his fantastic tutorials on animated textures, without which I wouldn't have managed to get the emmisive maps to pulse. Animated texture tutorials.
  3. Thanks very much for the constructive comments everyone! You really help keep the enthusiasm for the work alive :smile: KorinOo, Thanks very much! It's mainly me with various freelancers popping in and out as needed. You're spot on about the project scope, so we're just releasing "Chapter 1" first. We've had a great deal of planning time so if everything goes according to schedule (There's actually a 5 foot long schedule pinned across my wall) it should be complete by 8th May 2015 :smile: I've been a bit lax with updating you guys on the progress this past week (or two :blush:) So here's some stuff! I had to scale down the original worldspace as it was too big to fill by myself. The new size will allow much greater control over the atmosphere and player experience. Please bear in mind this is all still Work In Progress. That having been said it'd be great to get feedback on these shots, and the project in general. Since you're the ones going to be playing I'd like to tailor it to your suggestions where possible :smile: First up, an impressive imperial galleon created by Phil.D. This is the ship that will bear you to Zir's Maw. http://i.imgur.com/vyKLdaN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QoEjFac.jpg Some shots of a turtle shell cave on the sea floor http://i.imgur.com/9nDrb53.jpg http://i.imgur.com/YJ6Y3tx.png http://i.imgur.com/ZaSsOdA.png A concept and some lighting tests of the coverstone resting on Zir's tomb. http://i.imgur.com/JdyPJbN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/V5Fo5fT.png http://i.imgur.com/PLlEg28.png And finally, an obligatory over-the-shoulder shot of the new worldspace http://i.imgur.com/grOfaDO.jpg Thanks!
  4. Could anyone tell me how to increase light draw distance when 'sky' is turned on in the CK? Seeing lights from a distance is essential to creating the best looking atmosphere, but currently I can only see distant lights when the 'Sky' option is off. For example: Here is a light with sky turned off. Clearly visible! http://i.imgur.com/ZcSpReS.jpg And the exact same shot with sky turned on. Now the light isn't visible. http://i.imgur.com/p0qySDD.jpg The light only becomes visible at an impractically close distance. http://i.imgur.com/jCG977g.jpg Can any CK whizzes help me out?
  5. My Google-fu has failed me, could anyone tell me how to generate custom landscape LOD textures with OScape? Or if you could point me in the direction of a tutorial that'd be swell. I know how to generate LODs, just not for custom landscape textures. Cheers!
  6. Thanks morganfinn, you caught a nice plot hole there, I'll have to explain why Zir could reach OKos but no-one else (until Caeto). Also you're right about the reef thing. I had got a half-formed concept that Zir or the sload had adapted the environment to suit their needs. I'll write that in. The aldmeri are present but sleeping. I'm initially doing chapter one, which won't feature them at all. (But you do get some aldmeri armour). Thanks for your comments, very useful :)
  7. Thanks for the link BloodrendX, I'm having trouble with my Beth account but as soon as it's fixed I'll post up there like you suggested.
  8. You ask a good question; I've read some of Michael's stuff but am not well-aquainted by any means. If there's time I'll give it a look over and see what might fit. Like I said in the other thread, if you have any suggestions for pieces of lore that could fit I'd be more than happy to hear them!
  9. Thank you all, your crit has been unbelievably helpful, I wouldn't have felt anywhere near the confidence in proceeding with the story without your input so thanks :) And BloodrendX, that's a very useful list for comparing narrative against, thanks. I'm not actually sure what kind of daedra Zir is, a pretty powerful one, but it wouldn't feel right to have it quite at "prince-level". Still, powerful enough to raise the oceans a fair amount. Did you have any suggestions as to the type Zir could be?
  10. Hey Matthiaswagg, thanks alot! And thanks for the query, I should write up an FAQ and wack it on the op at some point. Though the area is set "under water", the place you'll be exploring will be surrounded by a forcefield keeping the water out for plot reasons (and the technical stuff you mentioned :thumbsup:).
  11. Thanks mlee, always good to hear motivation :smile: So I've been concepting O'Kos, the undead sload necromancer. Here's some concepts: http://i.imgur.com/MzhmZeM.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1MkCYfN.jpg Here he is in blockout-stage, sitting on his throne of tentacles! You've probably seen enough Hentai to know where this is going.. (jk) http://i.imgur.com/jupzUxP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lBIz5md.jpg The tentacles baked down and in-engine: http://i.imgur.com/w9pt4MT.jpg Some plant concepts: http://i.imgur.com/fPIyrgY.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/4SkCPh9.jpg The first finished asset! : http://i.imgur.com/4lnC49M.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OVp8ebP.jpg And in the engine: http://i.imgur.com/LXmISdE.jpg
  12. Some better lit shots of the intial, extremely WIP asset placement. http://i.imgur.com/lS7KzqE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uJmf41H.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hgordAt.jpg
  13. nhaw you always know just what to say to a modder :happy: Thanks Matthiaswagg, I'm really excited with how it's going. We also just got a new environment artist who will be taking over Zir's Maw! I just have to teach her the Maya>Blender>nifutils pipeline which should be fun :facepalm: We have a story update! Been keeping it underwraps till it was fully cooked but this thread here details all the major backstory behind Padomaic abyss. If there are any lore buffs out there who don't mind reading 2000+ words of spoiler-alert backstory please take a look!
  14. Hey guys, so several people have asked for the story to our ongoing project: Padomaic Abyss. We could use some help from any lore buffs in double checking for any inaccuracies or contradictions in our narrative. Please bear in mind that this is not intended to be story-quality, that would take an entire book :geek: This is just for fact checking the major events. Warning: What follows is everything leading up to the events of Padomaic Abyss. Naturally it's one big spoiler, though it doesn't actually tell you any specifics of what you'll have to do in the playable part of the mod. So without further ado! Any questions, comments or suggestions please let me know. Thank you for reading!
  15. Spent most of today scaling and importing the grey box meshes and learning the climate, weather and imagespace settings. Then I messed around very quickly with some item placement. Unfortunately the first screenshot of the assets imported came out a bit too dark: http://i.imgur.com/DQP719C.png?2 Very quick muck about with item placement: http://i.imgur.com/dLmtmhZ.png And trying to get some good underwater-looking atmospherics: http://i.imgur.com/vqdvKVh.png http://i.imgur.com/qTgbxyr.png
  16. Quick Update, we now have a Padomaic Abyss Facebook page! Feel free to give us a like! http://i.imgur.com/YuHhT8y.png
  17. Thanks Matt :) Darren, I'm planning to release a coral resource pack when the mod is released, as these are just grey-box models right now; no UVing or Textures and incorrect topology. But if there's anything specific you'd like let me know and if I have time I'll try and help you out :)
  18. hahaha, I bloody loved the video, great work! The environments are looking fantastic too :D
  19. juanimillonario, Yep I'm trying to stick to the lore as close as possible, thanks for the Dreugh suggestion. I'm retweaking the story atm, to compensate for some rather ambitious thinking at the start, so I'll take a look at the dreugh, maomer and sload lore. setupexec, Thanks! The mod is technically going to take place "under the water" not "in the water". None of us are any great shakes at coding so we're writing in a reason all the water on this part of the sea bed is being held back. Thanks for the encouragement! Update: I'd been putting off importing the heightmaps but they worked without too much fuss :) Here's the bare worldspaces. Three on the bottom right are the maelstrom worldspace where you get sucked down, and the others are the canyon worldspace. http://i.imgur.com/O2EPFi6.jpg And here's the first shell asset http://i.imgur.com/8kHhtJT.jpg http://i.imgur.com/thGOnGu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WVMpdqP.jpg Still needs a bit of tweaking to hide seams and break up the tiling pattern a bit. Also just finished making a greybox version of every asset for the envrionments so I'll be posting the level layouts soon :) http://i.imgur.com/Ov54fpv.jpg
  20. Next few days is the large coral roots. Here's some concept stuffs; http://i.imgur.com/ovTsS2N.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/7LnBJvq.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/xL59bv4.jpg
  21. Can the Skyrim water shader be applied to a custom mesh that isn't a flat plane? I'm making a whirlpool and am weighing up the different methods of getting a nice effect. Thanks!
  22. Absoloutely! And some crashing lightning and lots of turbulent waves throwing foam into the air. Muhahaha
  23. You'd have to skin it to the vanilla Skyrim skeleton since importing custom skeletons is (I think) impossible. As a result it could only have one head I'm afraid. Look forward to seeing what you come up with! Skyrim can always use more dragons :)
  24. Thank you for the kind words! Choco, your characters look great! We're starting NPC creation in January so we'll let you know in case you're still available :smile: Update; The Maelstrom that will drag the Dragonborn to the depths of the ocean! (still WIP, needs moar foam). http://i.imgur.com/FsnH40M.jpg?1 http://i.imgur.com/YcOB5JO.jpg?1
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