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About antonkr

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    United States
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    Fo3, Minecraft and occasionaly Morrowind
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  1. Wouldn't it be quite amazing if Nexus was a real town. A real community. We would all go to a church to worship our mighty leader Dark0ne. And I would be the village idiot :DDD
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      I dunno 'bout that. I prefer my Autocratic Anarchy.
    3. Deleted54170User


      You set yourself up for that one Antonkr, cause you made the statement which caused me to see humor. Since you showed humor and commitment, you proved you are higher on the rank and file than either job description. Maybe you should be the Town Mayor? Flinklockecole is near to pointing out a truth, this site has a good deal of Anarchy, Everyone want's to be the leader, no one want's to follow, It's Anarachy! O.O And I am getting old, so, I am a young mind gone Crazy. I thin...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...k I will get a pocket knife, sit on a pad full of money to give me a soft cushion on the porch, grab a stick, shave off bit's of the stick with the knife, and when people ask me what I am doing I will say, "Whittling." Other wise I am going to take my money and go on a road trip.
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