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About antonkr

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    United States
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    Fo3, Minecraft and occasionaly Morrowind
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  1. Mod authors forums. My shack making finally paying off!
    1. Deleted54170User


      *O^O^ I have been on the road. I was involved with a newb whose friend decided to see if it was true about what happen's when I go into the battle mode. Shame that the fellow wasn't prepared for it. He could have made a fine ally, good thing there was a hospitable wizard close. ;- } His plan's have been altered so he may become a mage instead of a ranger. ;- } Shack's? Okay. I will scan the forum to see what shaky shack you have built. If you uploaded it won't you giv...
    2. Deleted54170User


      ...e me a clue to where the mod is to save me some time. :- )
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