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About antonkr

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    United States
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  1. Battlefield 3 and Skyrim pre-ordered!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I don't mind shooting, war, street fighting, skirmishes, and such, But...sometime's I have just got to stop and smell the Heather flower's along the way.
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      ^ lol, paga.

      you know, to tell you the truth I've never played any of the battlefield series. i just did oblivion for a scary period, then i went on to AC1 and Crysis1, which was quite a revolution to me. i hadn't played action games for...well, a scary period.

      oblivion, of course NOT being action.

    4. VesemirTheWitcher


      afterwards i was hungry to do more runshootkickarse. i got mirror's edge, and, by my BFF's constant whining, COD6. i loved it. i did some other games, then went onto COD7 but it killed the series for me. cheap sh**. Crysis2 and the witcher 2 were next. now I'm quite neutral to both series, and i HAVE NO FRIQUINGUES IDEA what to do.
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