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Everything posted by IxionInc
Water graphics issue
IxionInc replied to IxionInc's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Thank you so much! -
Hi all. Recently I've been having an issue with water kind of frazzing out. I haven't really pressed the issue, since I've been adventuring in places without big masses of water, but this is just ridiculous: http://imgur.com/AyDR3wJ,2D6MMkM,h424IDR#1 Without ENB on, (Shift+F12), the problem goes away and the water looks like this: http://imgur.com/AyDR3wJ,2D6MMkM,h424IDR#2 I'm certain it's my ENB messing up, but I have no idea how to fix it, because I love my ENB shaders. This version can't handle multisampling of any kind, and I've tried to turn it off the most I can in the default NV settings. Transparency multisampling is off, and water multisampling is at "Low". If anyone could help me figure out how to get my water fixed, that'd be appreciated. Will post any further details should they be required.
Would it be possible for me to get the IP for the server? It looks promising, and I'd love to try out multiplayer. :)
Honestly, not really. Modding for Minecraft seems easy, and there's tons of them out there that add in new content and all sorts of stuff that a game that'd be difficult to mod wouldn't have. However, the one caveat is that there is no central, established way to install them. Sure, all you really do is replace files in the .JAR, but there are so many add-on "requirements" for mods that are outdated or contradictory that it would be helpful to have a Nexus site dedicated to it. Not only is the Nexus well renowned, but a central location could inspire people to maybe update their mods and content, make them less conflicting, and hell, maybe there could be a stable, easy-to-use mod manager. Not to mention that the Curse forums are just that. Forums. So you have to go through some shifty and unreliable sites to download, since the Curse forums themselves don't provide that service. Planet Elder Scrolls supposedly has modding for TES "covered", but we're still up; Or vice versa, I don't know nor do I care which came first. Point is, downloading and installing mods for Minecraft is difficult for the average person; Even someone who knows how to install and run the most demanding of Skyrim/Oblivion mods. In my case, I was trying to install ThaumCraft, which requires 3 different files as well as the actual mod, that don't seem to do anything, and sure don't work well as "mod managers". I've tried several versions of the three files, but none of them worked, and there is nowhere in existence to download past versions of the mod itself. These kinds of frustrations could be remedied easily with a central and reputable name like the Nexus; and really what downsides are there?
There's already two unarmed kill moves; Though none with shields.
I want the Kwama back from Morrowind. I'd love to fight some kind of hierarchical enemy group like them.
I really hope that the person who makes this creates the Elsweyr just like in my imagination; Shifting desert sands, humid and overgrown jungles, temples and treasures abound, and smugglers and skooma cartels plotting against you! I want Elsweyr to be like an Indiana Jones movie. All the time.
Plus it's a mod. I don't care about lore, I just want to see a recreation of an Oblivion Gate on this engine, and maybe done right instead of constantly going to Mehrunes Dagon's magmatic sphincter. An Oblivion Gate to Nocturnal's realm, or maybe to Namira's plane would be awesome if done right.
Dwemer Certified. Look it up. As far as I know, that's the closest that's available.
Normally, I wouldn't care for this, but after playing through Weapons of the Third Era, with wakizashis, tantos, katanas and what-not, I'd love to have some more armor; Especially that of the samurai. Someone make this.
No, but I'd presume he's working on it. He mentioned something about being able to pilot it and what-not.
Why not go the long haul and ask for a Warhammer mod? I'd love to run around fighting Skaven and such.
I'm game for it. Back when I was heavily playing Oblivion, I made a request for someone to make a spell that summons an Order Obelisk that would spawn Knights, but sadly it didn't get a lot of views. Maybe this could be the basis of a mod such as this?
There isn't any staves for the specific elemental bursts or the polymorphs, but I'm sure if you PMed the creator he'd make them. Hare Krishnas OP: http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=10300
I'm hoping that eventually someone makes a mod that adds in explosives, thrown weapons, and firearms. I would KILL to have some Alchemist's Fire.
Well, there's a lot of miscellany animations anyways that can be used like eating, sleeping, chopping wood, mining, etc. RTS didn't use any new animations either, I don't think.
LE A mod that allows me to play a good character
IxionInc replied to Galadrew's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Yes. That's almost exactly what that alignment means. As I can plainly tell you're not familiar with the classic D&D alignment system, lemme tell you about it: There's two axis. One is Order and Chaos, the other is Good and Evil Now, basically, Chaotic Good is your renegade cop. Lawful Good is your law-abiding, warrant toting enforcer. Neutral Good is somewhere inbetween. Same can be said about Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil. So in essence, yes, Hircine IS an a**hole. Neutrality is essentially not giving a s***. CHAOTIC Neutral is not giving a s*** at others' expense. -
I think there should be more "special" NPCs, you know? Like Talsgar the Wanderer. Maybe some kind of friendly Necromancer who wanders around with his two Dead Thralls? I don't know.
LE A mod that allows me to play a good character
IxionInc replied to Galadrew's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Except "Skyrim" didn't get to write its own quests. A human being wrote them, and they didn't HAVE to force you to play an evil character. There would have been no uproar had they given us a choice on this. In fact, they would have made a lot more people happy. It's really very simple. Why am I forced to kill Grelod in order to be able to play the Dark Brotherhood quest line? It has nothing to do with the "harshness" of life in Skyrim. Someone simply wrote the quest that way and gave us no other choice. You don't need to make up artificial reasons about how this came about. If you really DON'T want to kill Grelod, then I guess you're not going to be an assassin then, since they are inherently "evil" in TES. To be honest, I do think that there should have been some alternate options to the quest lines, such as the ability to join up with the Silver Hand, or meet up with Maven Black-Briar's nemesis and join them, but I couldn't give two shits less about being a good character. What does get me is that you're complaining about the developers "Forcing" you to be evil, when they're not. It's an open freaking world. Just like if I wanted to be an evil character, I couldn't turn around and do the good s***, you can't be a good character and do the evil s*** if you're morally obligated to it. So that means missing out on the Dark Brotherhood quests. That means missing out on the Thieve's Guild. That means passing on becoming a werewolf. If you're really going to strive roleplay a "good" character, without imagining any reason behind any morally ambiguous sacrifices or risks, then you're going to have to keep yourself exempt from those quests. Maybe they wrote the quests that way because they *wanted* it to be a do or don't decision. It's not like one of the developers said "Hey, I really hate people like Galadrew who want to be little-goodie-twoshoes in the homeland of the Nords, so I'm just gonna give him a big 'f*** you',". But oh no, it's not like you can't take down the Thieve's Guild because of Maven's resources and sociopathic cunning, no, it's gotta be because no one wants me to be good! It's not that I can't join the Vigilant of Stendarr because I'm Dragonborn and those overzealous crusaders might label me as evil if they found out, no, it's cause Bethesda hates good players! TL;DR, if you want to be a good character, then do without. The definition of being good is through exemption and devout dedication to those beliefs of righteousness. All in all, this is a request thread, and it's your request. So if it gets made, so be it. But though I somewhat agree there should be multiple choices in the guild quests, I find this request dull, and the fact that you seem to be calling out the devs childish. If you want to be a goodie-twoshoes lap-dog for the Emperor, then go play Oblivion. That's all I can say. Actually, no. They're mercenaries through and through. The very first quest you do for them is beat the s*** out of Dannica Pure-Spring, that priest of Arkay in Whiterun, for not paying a fine or something. I wouldn't classify berating a priestess a good choice. -
This has my approval. I'd like to see more hunting parties, more people traveling around, and I'd like to see the Khajiit traders have an actual freaking thing to carry those tents and all.
Whoever does this had better tone down the damn dragons or something as well, because there's no way you can keep the exposure, food, water, and sleep in check when a dragon appears and starts shouting you into a bloody pulp. And if that's "not the point", then I'd like to say that I'd much rather have a survival mod, instead of a "plow-me-in-the-arse difficulty" mod.
LE And some sick-ass Dragon weapons!
IxionInc replied to shinobistyle76's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Does anyone even search the Nexus anymore before posting? I searched "dragonbone" and came up with two freaking mods that do this. haha oh jeez http://files.myfrogbag.com/bg1ewq/sbahj.jpg ah dnt knw hw DOPE nd sweat dese weapins b snice dey jst reetxtred oarcish butt dey do wut u axed -
Pretty sure this'll be made without question.
As long as it's not just armor that makes you look like a Centurion, I'm down with this idea. Maybe different kinds of "Power armor" as well? For example, the basic armor could be a one-piece armor you could equip (Or maybe a one piece armor with different gauntlets?) that would remove your ability to equip weapons, but it would give you unarmed attacks akin to the Dwarven Sphere's crossbow attack in one hand, and a large Centurion-like hammer in the other. Maybe even different styles too. The first would be basic Dwarven armor, then you could move up to making Glass construct armor, and maybe even more, all the way up to a hellish suit of Daedric power armor.
You'd have to fix the water first. Those waterfalls? They're essentially decor with the ability to force-push you "downstream". Not actually water. If you could or couldn't, it would still be cool, albeit rather useless in my opinion, since there's nowhere really to go in that water. Maybe there will be some pirate or sailor mod that lets you sail to new mini-areas, and have your own personal docking cove like the Imperial Trading Company, or Smuggler's Cove.