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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. I really hope Bethesda fixes this because bloody hell, I've spent the past 3 hours trying to figure out if my mods were messing with the quest or what. Glad to see it's hopeless for now at least.
  2. I firmly believe that after Fable's release, every RPG requires some method of livestock abuse. +approval If not chicken-kicking, then at least cow-tipping from Fallout 3.
  3. Because it wouldn't make sense to have this huge shopping district right outside the cavern exit? If you really need more stuff, just add onto the Riverwood Trader, or go to Whiterun.
  4. *Cough cough* I would like something akin to this, except, y'know, with Dwemer-bots. Oh tits. I've been here already haven't I? Guess I'll have to punch my past self now.
  5. If someone does make this, can we get some Cold Snap or Time Spiral stuff in as well? I mean, Cold Snap is practically Skyrim in card form, so it'd fit.
  6. Yeah. I'm a sucker for Steampunk, but I'd rather have a bunch of Dwemeri doohickies to play around with instead of some random Victorian stuff that wouldn't fit in.
  7. I'm not one for making the holds as populated as freaking Detroit. The fact that each character would have to be handmade, and preferably unique, and you'd have to have over 100 of them. However, I do want more NPCs around that wander on the roads. Like trade caravans that go to different cities in Fallout 3. Maybe some wagons that go around transporting prisoners or passengers.
  8. Just gonna leave this here. I have no shame.
  9. Lol. I have to say, your character must be one awesome guy to hang around. "Sheesh, I just wanna beat some face."
  10. So one day, I'm walking around Skyrim, being awesome and stuff, when I decided to walk into one of those racks with the dead animals. Comically, they flailed about, making ridiculous "THUD!" noises as they hit me in the face. So it struck me with a very stupid request: Could someone please make weapons from the harvestable dead quails and rabbits. And if possible, could you please leave in the physics that make their lifeless bodies flop around? Think about it; A bandit jumps out of nowhere to try and fondle your coinpurse, and you beat the s*** out of him with a dead rabbit. It would be spectacular! ..I need help, don't I?
  11. Your son thinks he is Batman? That is awesome beyond all words.
  12. I wish they had an improved system of what the "Raise dead" spells do. Have the NPC NOT have a default inventory, aside from clothes, armor, etc., and instead pick up any better weapons they find from the environment. Like off of corpses and such. It'd be cool to have Faendal walk up to a slain draugr in Bleak Falls Barrow, and have him pick up not just an Ancient Nord Bow, but as many Ancient Nord Arrows as he can carry.
  13. Why do people still find the mining animation annoying??? It baffles me. Especially when you can simply swing at the rock with your pickaxe to mine it.
  14. Good lord. It's like Runescape. ...God damn it I'm getting PTSD from looking at this.
  15. Okay, I understand everyone has boners for SKYRIM, but jegus you take it a bit too far. If you don't like the requests, ignore them? Or better yet, just leave your version of SKYRIM alone, since modding anything in SKYRIM would kind of screw up your purity?
  16. Yeah. If you're not going to give more of a description than "Three guys in a band" (Which sounds like a very racy sitcom). I know plenty of three-person bands, and even more bands with three people, however, they probably aren't what you're thinking, so you're probably going to have to suck it up and make them yourself It's sliders. If the mouse doesn't work for you, use the bloody arrow and enter keys.
  17. EDIT: Oh what the f*** ^^^^^ Sorry guys. Double post.
  18. The fire spells do, kinda. But not a strong light. However, I think all atronachs should get this light, because Candlelight and Magelight are freaking worthless. I feel that that kind of dual functionality would make conjuration spells like, 20% cooler. As for what light? Well, Fire Atronachs are like a bloody torch, so that's covered. Frost Atronachs could cast some kind of blue glow or mist, or it could glow in the colors of an aurora or something. It's a big glacier. Come on. Sorm Atronachs could glow purple. Maybe a bunch of sparkles and sparks could fly from it every now and then.
  19. I'm sorry, but I totally wanna die by snu-snu
  20. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/488688-adventurer-perks/page__p__3994521__hl__adventurer__fromsearch__1#entry3994521 I think you'd need a whole nother tree for beast-mastery and taming. Putting it as the first in the archery tree doesn't make a lot of sense.
  21. set killmoverandom 100 It doesn't make them happen *all* the time, but it makes them more common. Last enemy each encounter I think.
  22. Either one would be cool! I honestly love David Tennant's character, since he seems like a better companion, but Matt's character would be interesting to go with. Haha, me too. Glad I could help. :D
  23. I guess look at likeable characters like Farkas. I have no clue like what kind of Hold he's a 'Jarl' of. Or even if he reigns over a hold. But I'd say a mage-like character who isn't a douche could work (Despite using that archetype for Aokrilotkro). Or maybe a Dragon who actually likes humans, due to their ingenuity, or their smithing, or something. Akin to the Doctor from Doctor Who. A sympathetic, yet powerful character, who you can trust. And no matter how much you screw up, he'd still be on your side.
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