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Everything posted by xeightballx

  1. Wow. It's looking great! An idea for the cross-guard: I was thinking something like how the original dragonplate armor was done. Like how the metal was bolted and molded around the bone. [Reference] Also, for the grip, I was thinking leather in the groves. just a thought. [Here's what I was thinking] maybe add in those horns or bones on it too. Maybe that for the hilt? I don't have photoshop, and I'm not an artist, so that's about as good as it gets for me. Again, It's looking great! Keep it up man! Also, I saw that you had ideas for it too like changing the hilt/pommel and such, If you think they are good, post 'em up! I don't have a problem with it at all! The more input we could get on the sword, the better!
  2. Unfortunately the 3D map has restrictions on it so that you can't zoom too close to the edge of the map. I kinda get annoyed with the fact that you can't scroll past Solitude, or that the closest that you can zoom in on Markarth isn't anywhere near Markarth. So: does anyone know how to edit/fix this? Before you say it, I've tried the mod that allows you to zoom in to individual buildings. [Here] It's just a setting in the .ini file that changes the LOD for the map, and allows you to zoom in further. And yes, I've tried the "Quality Map Mod" it's nice, but only a detail mod and the camera is still restricted. And [this] allows for the camera to have full 360 rotation, greater zoom, etc... but still doesn't remove the restrictions. So how would I go about removing the borders on the 3D map you pull up from the menu?
  3. NOT bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 !! I am talking about the map of Skyrim that you pull up from the game menu. I get a little annoyed that it can't get a better angle behind Solitude, or that the closest view of Markarth on the map isn't even at Markarth. The border/invisible wall/whatever that prevents you from looking over the whole map just seems like something that shouldn't be there in the first place. Does anyone, anyone at all, know how to edit the menu map so that there are no borders on it? Or at least how to move back the borders/restrictions so that you could move the cursor freely? This -> [Camera Move Area]
  4. This Sword -> http://i.imgur.com/D6UCV.jpg except with a more of a 'dragon bone' hilt. I was thinking something along the lines of the top of THIS staff as the hilt, with a gem (blue, red, black, silver, whatever) in the mouth at the base of the hilt, all of course, 'looking' like the hilt is made from bone and metal, like the dragon bone plate armor. Preferably not as a replacement for a mesh or texture, etc... - and as something to craft at the forge. Just a thought. Would be great if someone could do it. Thanks in advance for anyone who can!
  5. It was already done for Oblivion, and It would be awesome to see it in Skyrim. Not as a texture replacer though, but as a whole new craftable set. Original here: [http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16442]
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