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Everything posted by djinx187

  1. Agreed. lots of info is just lost hell it would make a really really good book series. Atronachs are daedra though so they come from oblivion :P
  2. You have to skip it if it bugged out setstage tg04 1. Then go back to bryn and forget about it. It's the only thing you really can do short of resorting to an earlier save.
  3. I like you. You separated the honor and illegal part. Only thing I disagree with is the Thu'um because he went against his teachings on how to use it. Only the dragonborn is exempt from that rule. In the old days before Windcaller yes it would have been fine and dandy but all this time since then it was taught that the Thu'um is spoken only in true need. That has been the tradition. In war there is a need to use the voice to protect people's lives but in a duel against a man who you outclass? Hardly. It's also why people are bent out of shape that he shouted anyway. People learned what they know of the Thu'um through the Greybeards. It was only until Tiber Septim brought the Imperial College of the Voice to Markath which promoted the voice for war but nothing really has been written about that at all so I can even talk about that. Really wish some of this lore stuff was fixed up a bit but meh lol
  4. Ask the lady being whined at why do they think your an imperial spy. Seriously sums that up perfectly. Doesn't need to state it. His actions prove it. Grey-Winter when you talk to him about help with the bandits sums it up. For Nords he will sound the horn himself if they are in trouble. Anybody who isn't a Nord gets no help what so ever. I guess actions count for nothing then. As for the situation being the same no. I can't even remember if Ulfric mentioned repairing the Grey Quarter and trying to slowly let the Argonians like Grey-Winter does. He just keeps blabbing about the elves. The Empire was only half the problem the biggest threat to Skyrim are elves. (From Ulfrics Mouth) General tullius at least mentions the thalmor after the empire wins. Thalmor are not afraid of the Stormcloaks. You take a look where Skyrim is compared to where the Thalmor are? They just want to tie up the Empire and keep their business in Skyrim going. Dishonorable and illegal are two different things. The way he used his Thu'um and the way he challenged was dishonorable. It wasn't even single combat it was straight up murder he found a loop hole to gain an advantage and to get a message across. Honor and legality do not exist on the same playing field. Being lawful and being honorable are two separate things Ulfric is neither
  5. my first thought was to start moving all the bard's I managed to kill and toss them over. hmmm maybe that's why the ghost is there :) That place is cool though.
  6. wait who is the elf that is stormcloak? The only one besides the dragonborn(if you chose that race) was Captain Valmir and he wasn't a stormcloak he was a thalmor spy trying to get you to get the mask. oh and about the dunmer from Scourge of the Gray Quarter There is cause for optimism, though, as Jarl Ulfric is not nearly so tolerant of these substandard beings as his fathers were. Indeed, the soft hand of Hoag can be seen in the cities [sic] Argonian population as well; the fish-men, at least, have learned how to best contribute to their new home. They have proven themselves as models, toiling at the docks with utmost efficiency and bright smiles. It would do the dark elves well to pay heed to their scaly cousins. I would expect in due course that they will find themselves either contributing more directly or once again wandering the land in search of roof and warmth. The first line is the one I'd like to point out. Last thing he would want is to fight a war on two fronts. If he pissed off the Dunmer while at war with the Imperials that easily could of made some of the other jarls turn their back on him put him at a huge disadvantage. He literally hates everybody who isn't a nord and given time he would get rid of everybody who is elven. Brunwolf wants to let the Argonians in to the city but can't just yet for their safety(aka pain in the ass to make it happen in game). Yeah actually Maro made the deal with Astrid. It was his job to protect the emperor and you killed his son. The Emperor even claimed that Maro was arrogant for thinking that he destroyed the dark brotherhood and that he could change the Emperor's fate. Yes the Emperor mo listened to the guy he put in charge of for his personal security detail. Why wouldn't he listen to the guy who is in charge of it that would be like having no security at all. Yes a stormcloak victory would be very bad for the Thalmor because then the Empire wouldn't be draining their resources on that war anymdore. They Empire could focus on rebuilding. Legality of traditions lol. just because somebody was honor bound in to a bad deal because of tradition doesn't mean it was legal. Didn't he learn the thu'um from the Greybeards? If he was wouldn't he be honor bound to not abuse the power of the Thu'um? (The Dragonborn is the only one exempt from that little rule and last time I check Ulfric wasn't) If he won honorably I doubt so many people would have be angry but he didn't. He pretty much disgraced two nord traditions by being dishonorable with them. So much for a True Nord Eh
  7. psst for a treaty to work both sides have to give up something. The Thalmor giving up attacking the empire is a part(if not the whole part) of their concession. From there common sense would also include their main army if it wasn't completely destroyed to move out the Empire's territory while agreeing to let some of the Thalmor stay and do their thing. (but it's not written and we don't have it so we can't check bleh bleh bleh). Use common sense. Now if the Thalmor didn't make any concessions the Empire would still be at war with all of the other bonus's Mede gave to them. Not the case though. So again Yes the Thalmor made at least one concession(being able to common sense it to 2) I'm not gonna touch the whole talos/dragonborn god metaphysics tes lore thing that would take forever to say why Talos is a Divine and why dragonborn's are not and why its not a good idea to smack a warped soul stone with a nifty magic dagger.
  8. Let's just say if she was your real wife and you oh say treated her badly...... well I'd invest in some sort of protection.
  9. Overtly that really depends on how you look at it. Coming from the PC's view then it would be obvious since well your interacting with her and her associates at one point in the game. Other then those that are privy to the information they wouldn't know for sure. Yeah rumors may pop up now and again but it really isn't that obvious. Law-giver thinks that she is putting the thieves guild behind bars. You basically have to learn about maven's dirtiness because you have to go through that part of the main quest in that sense they screwed up since you are pretty much forced fed(that is another pet peeve of mine for skyrim as well but that's for another post. the information. She isn't anymore corrupt then oh say a US Senator. She really reminds me of a lobbyist more then anything else. You get vague glimpses that she is powerful influential person for the empire before you learn she is corrupt. You get the idea that she is a big part of two pretty nasty organizations when in all reality she really is just an important client. At least that's what I got out of it. If your looking from just the player's point of view and don't look at her interactions with the world then yeah people would be right but when you look at the big picture well I see the writing differently.
  10. oh I know that I'm just sick of seeing the "piss poor writing" part about it :P They fit her in quite well with the whole scheme of things. She knows how to make money, how to use her assets to the fullest, how to lead, how to thrive when times are bad. She maybe corrupt but at the end of the day she would know how to run things for the better. She has had people killed who had got in her way but she still hasn't committed genocide like some other jarls we know.
  11. Would you really want to follow an army named after one man? What would happen if he died Galmar would be in command? That isn't a scary thought. The stormcloak's would end real quick after Ulfric is killed while the death of an emperor honestly the effects wouldn't be as harsh to the empire. Even the stormcloak oath irk's me more then the imperial one. Maven becoming the jarl actually makes sense since she is supposed to have strong ties with the empire otherwise you really think the db or thieves guild have any real use for a brewery owner? ( I mean seriously it has got to be the only reason she has been alive for so long )
  12. Personally I would rather had them work on other parts of the game then bringing in some of the popular mods from the other games. It's nice they did add the stuff like bookshelves and the like but I honestly don't think it was worth it for how the quests came out. I would have rather had guild quests that felt not lacking then being able to get married and all that yada since I know somebody on here would have added those things sooner or later aaand they would have been done better and more then likely wouldn't of made things like flying backwards dragons happen(Safe bet with the modders on this site)
  13. Steed because I pick up everything that is shiny.
  14. First play through I always use a male toon. Normally modeled after my ugly mug if possible and I play it the same way like it was me. After that I use toons that I really can't identify with so next time through I can do it differently. Does it have anything to do with role playing? sort of . Do I pretend I'm a chick when I play a female toon? No. Just makes it easier to make choices in game that I wouldn't normally do because I'm not relating to the toon. Honestly this is kind of a mind warp question because I never actually thought of an answer to this question even though I've seen it 1000's of times on the internet.
  15. marksmanship couldn't ever be seen as a stealth skill. I mean the word couldn't mean that it could relate to hunting or even that marksman I don't know is another term for oh say sharpshooter which is another word for I don't know sniper. Nope no possible way to ever link it to stealth ever. My eyes maybe bleeding after reading the first posts though
  16. Alduin in the beginning, Blackreach, the first time I slit somebody's throat/first decap, first time seeing/hearing the night mother, Looking over Sovngarde
  17. I would actually love that new vegas type ending for elder scrolls since I do the same thing after the main quest I end up rolling a new character. I mean writing a reaction to every event for every npc would be a ton of work even if it was only text. Throw some voice down on that and your looking for a huge amount of work. To me open ended like it is in oblivion and skyrim really is a big cop out seems like a short cut from actually writing a nice ending for the story instead of being just another quest. I mean the fallout endings gave your actions some meaning to it and were able to cover some of the what-if's. Ever since Elder Scrolls came out i hate the term open ended. When a book is open ended when your done with the story the book is finished you need to start over. In a game though when you do hit the ending and nothing else progresses in the game world it's like a kick in the nuts. The story is over but nothing else in the world changes like it naturally should just irks me. I know I hit the ending of the game but it doesn't feel like the end because I'm still there and nothing changed. The phrase doesn't have anything to do with endings gameplay wise but how the gameplay actually is and it drives me insane. Do me a favor and explain how text-based dialog would increase variety and immersion. To me the more reading there is when interacting with npc's the farther immersion is(just npcwise I actually like the books and notes in the game). Most of the good npc's in skyrim would have been completely broken if it had been all text. That Cicero feller would have been far less annoying as all text but it would have ripped him of that personality. He would have been the same as every other npc just dressed differently. Maybe you mean variety for quests? A badly written quest is going to be a badly written quest with or without voices. Text-based dialogue to me is less personal and does less for me then voice. (Same way with letters and text irl too) I am more apt to do quests when I hear somebody talking then just reading it. I'm more apt to actually listen and do optional objectives. It's a lot easier to show emotion through sounds then it is through text. I mean has anybody ever sent a sarcastic remark over a text message which would have been funny if it was said but made you look like a prick when written down because there was no tone to it. (not including emotes because the last thing I want to see is those things in games) Oh and damnit jakeo I completely forgot about that I knew there was a reason I didn't back up oblivion for later use just quite yet lol. Still can't wait for that to get out seems like it will be out right when i get completely sick of skyrim
  18. For me it's skyrim but because of the little things like how the guilds felt in aspect to how they were in oblivion. Like the thieves guild you actually felt like you joined a crime syndicate. Companion's felt much more like warriors then the fighter's guild ever did. The College made much more sense and gave a better mage's feel to that part problem is they got the feel right but that is the only part. The quest line's by themselves are just plain dull and boring the radiant quests for the guilds are just plain mind numbing. The world itself again I like skyrim better then oblivion not biased on looks but how it feels. I would fast travel everywhere in oblivion because the land was boring and flat everything was pretty much the same. Skyrim though I fast travel less I find little things in the world that I just find interesting and I end up wandering around searchng for all the little things. The Npc's are much better in Skyrim then in oblivion even with some who are only in quest lines for a small amount of time. I never had a game that would actually make me hate an npc so much or actually feel like crap that one died or even successfully making me feel like I got betrayed in a game. Yeah the npc's that were well done and few and far between but they are there unlike in oblivion. I was quite happy in Oblivion that I didn't have to deal with most npc's for too long. Not one of the npc's in oblivion could even pull a decent reaction out of me good nor bad. Ok I was wrong about that Grey Fox I wanted to punch in the face for saying Capital! too many times. (so I should of said reactions they were aiming for) I would compare to MW but it has been waaaaaaaay to long since I played that game. Yeah the npc's not giving a damn what you do and how they talk to you are annoying as crap at times but it is a step in the right direction. The dungeons, caves, mines and everything else that you could crawl through were nice as well. Yeah most of them only had one way to get through them but most of them were different and had a very minimal cloned layout going on. In Oblivion you could go through many areas and you would just remember it being exactly like that last area you did. There were less frequent unique areas to explore. Yeah a few of them were unique but most of them were not. Skyrim though most of the areas have similarities but I haven't found one outright clone. Yeah the bestiary is a little slim but it was like that in oblivion as well. The game mechanics and ui. Not even gonna bother writing about them besides the fact that soon changes will be made to them both Oblivion and Skyrim really did a horrid job on game mechanics and ui. Thankfully though we have a talented and skilled modding community(too much? lol ) that it really isn't a deciding factor since it will be fixed by people who do not have a budget, a boss, a deadline, and who does not see it as a job but a hobby. So I gotta give it to skyrim.
  19. This is why I run them over by pushing a cart on them until they pop.
  20. How would the guild have any sort of power if they didn't act that way and use those means to achieve an end. Seriously who would be scared of people who just stole a few things here and there? I wouldn't be. You can choose to be a thief and not run with the guild or you can run with the guild. You run with the guild you get jobs and get paid to do them. It is that simple. Yeah you work for people you don't like but that comes with the whole joining the guild and getting assigned a job. The guild in Skyrim feels like an actual thieves guild. In Oblivion the guild feels like a bunch of people who happen to adventure then snatch some stuff from random places. I'll give you the poor player choice thing but not the story telling. I actually like the story behind the thieves guild and how it shows how it works more so then the oblivion version of it. I actually like Maven and how she fits in the game world but yeah she is a b**** but it works. I never actually seen Maven get empowered or what not from you through the whole quest line. You do a job for her and she pays you. Which happens to serve both people quite well. She gets what she wants and you benefit from it. It also shows where she is within the thieves guild not as leader but a client. Same thing with her connection to the DB. Really brought up the Thief of Virtue? The guy screwed up a job and hit on a non attractive women of power to get away. That's really the same as I don't know persuading the guards to look away when you get caught stealing instead of paying with coin he paid with something else. (Pretty sure there was a mod for something like that in oblivion though lol) Just remember not everybody thinks the same way you do about the thieves guild. Think of the thieves guild as the mob. Sometimes stealing isn't what they need to do sometimes it's not about getting the coin but sending the message that they shouldn't be messed with. There is more the being a thief then just stealing and pickpocketing. Blackmail, Extortion, Embezzlement, Fraud, pretty much anything you need to to get that money
  21. Paarth - A dragon who doesn't try to eat me and everything everybody else said Cicero - Earned his spot after about the 10 time meeting him I usually just killed him but then he grew on me. Pretty much any khajiit because they all remind me of a bad Antonio Banderas ripoff. Half temped to make a puss in boots outfit for s**** and giggles.
  22. Every game Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim I have a severe love/hate relationship with the games but one thing for sure is I logged in enough time in all of them to know none of them are actually better just different. Not going to even bother going into the whole modded vs unmodded cause well that's not even a fair fight. Deciding which is the best game I can't even do because they all have their own special qualities that make them all great games. Skyrim did ruin my gaming for Oblivion at the moment because everything is still new but I know down the road in a few months I'll hop on back for awhile. I did the same thing for the morrowind oblivion jump and the fo3/fnv jump as well.
  23. I gave up trying to figure out where the protagonist goes when he dies in a game a looooong time ago. Since the player does not actually fit in with the normal rules of the game world it pretty much throws everything out the window. There is what at least 4 places you can go. Sovngarde, The hunting grounds, the evergloam, the void, or if you followed any of the other Daedric Princes they could snatch you up, you could possibly become another dragon god if need be or you could just end up a ghost because come on 20 or 30 unfinished quests seems like unfinished business to me. crap I'm thinking about it again.
  24. Steed Stone. If I really want to level faster I'll get my character married and use the lover's comfort buff.
  25. 1. Creating new characters. Always want to try something different get to about level 30ish then start over. 2. Exploring every area in between quests since I rarely like to fast travel. Literally can take days before I even get working on the quest I started. 3. OSSS. Oh S*** Shiny Syndrome. Anything at all that can make me a few extra gold I take. Regardless of weight. I spent way to much time walking out of caves because I am to stubborn to put down that cloth. 4. Dumping the dead in the nearest water source. If there is water or a cliff dead body is going in it or over. Bonus if it's a waterfall. 5. Trying to get as many dragons in one area as possible. I hate only fighting one at a time so I go out of my way to make sure there is more.
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