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About LeahTheUnknown

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  1. Perhaps a mod that expands weapon racks to display more weapons. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15729 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19324
  2. Not exactly... I threw this together tonight, though: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/68270
  3. No, I'm trying to make it. No promises though. Also, the only way to do it would be with the Script Extender.
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12752 This might be what you're looking for.
  5. This part is where the idea runs aground, I'm afraid. You can't disable the terrain in a specific spot, the engine just isn't set up to do it. If you did manage to disable the collision, which I also think is not possible, you would find yourself under the world, looking at all the gross background stuff the ground hides: I'm not trying to dump on your idea, I wish it were possible. :confused: Leah
  6. Step 1. Get linked workshop Step 2. Put an OnWorkshopMode tracker in the script (the event is sent to the workshop, hence step 1). Step 3. When exiting workshop mode, Self.SetScale(0). Step 4. When entering workshop mode, Self.SetScale(1) That's how I'd do it.
  7. So, I've been playing around with this. It has a couple problems. First, it doesn't detect statics (shack pieces, junk walls, etc) because they don't have a keyword linking them to the workshop. For some reason, it doesn't detect beds, i'm guessing because those are 'owned' by the settler assigned to them. It doesn't detect stored items at all, I'd assume because once they are stored, they are no longer ObjectReferences. I'll keep playing around with it, see what I can come up with, but this one may have to be chalked up in the "impossible" column. Sorry, OP. :confused:
  8. Hey everyone! I'm back at modding (again) and I'm taking suggestions for my two weapon series: Lore of the Unknown and Hero Arsenal. Lore of the Unknown is a series of weapons based on or inspired by real-world items. Hero Arsenal is based on fictional weapons, mostly from movies, but I've just released my first manga weapon, Guts' Dragon Slayer from Berserk. Looking forward to hearing from all of you! Leah
  9. I threw this together for you, Zorkaz
  10. You might be the only person who releases more mods than me. How do these look? Download Link
  11. I don't think so, but you could fake it with identically named items and silent add-remove inventory switching This could be done with a perk, check out entry points. You can modify certain things based on actor values.
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