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Everything posted by MissShaoHuan

  1. If I get this I am finally getting Kingdom Come >.<
  2. Sure I'd love a mug to show my support tbh. If you do shirts, please do shirts that still look good on women with larger breasts :(
  3. Oooo I'd so get Kingdom Come if I won >.< the mods are looking great.
  4. Not at all! I just feel certain mods truly shine when they're filmed rather than photographed and I saw the two videos you posted were from earlier builds. Yes I do :tongue: I would just go to sleep if I were you :laugh:
  5. From what I understand Helgen Reborn should only be installed after bandits have moved into Helgen (so when there are spikes outside the gates) which is usually 10 or so days after the cell hasn't been entered for a while. I plan on trying (key word there) on recording some footage of Holds once it's out, so looking forward to it :laugh: I guess we'll see you on the other side then? :tongue:
  6. My advice? Delay the release, take a couple of days doing other things (and not modding) and then come back to Holds with fresh eyes. Give it a once-over in both the CK and in your own game and then check your patches in the CK and in-game. Tweak anything necessary and then see if you can upload it after all. Only you know how ready your mod is, of course so take this as generic advice from someone who's published big projects like this before (although not a mod) for specific dates. Whatever you decide I'm with you all the way, I've waited this long I can wait a little longer ^_^
  7. Well if it was MediaFire it wouldn't be a torrent, would it? :mellow: Or I guess you could just wait, which is a darn shame :pinch: but it's your mod.
  8. Darn. So MediaFire/Torrent with a small and necessary update on the Nexus for the numbers (downloads, endorsements etc.)?
  9. Would it be possible to do what icecreamassassin does for Legacy and have the main file on MediaFire for now?
  10. On the bright side, if this gets delayed until April 2nd it might give the Nexus a chance to sort itself out and you avoid any comments saying things like 'Is this a real mod or an April Fool's joke?' :blush: I personally don't use torrents, so shall have to wait :pinch: not your fault I know. I wonder what's up with Nexus' uploading.
  11. The extra name is the mod number (sits in the URL too) and the -0-0- are the version numbers I think.
  12. Holding my breath :X The mod is planned to release today, so I don't know how much of this concept artwork can be now taken into account but from what I've seen so far the mod author took concept art into account when redesigning the cities.
  13. It really is, all of the NPCs who can follow you chat to each other, vanilla NPCs and NPCs from Interesting NPCs. It was heavily influenced by the companions found in the Dragon Age games. Then go to sleep? :P
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