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Everything posted by DocClox

  1. Greetings, all! Another silly question if I may, from the House Of Clox: I want an actor to emit a cry of pain. All the lines I need in are in generic dialogue/Combat/Hit. But they don't show up in the Topic property drop-drown. Is there a simple way to do this, or do I need to make my own non-combat dialogue topic?
  2. Hey, no problem. Now that you've led me to think of it, I can think of some fun uses for the technique :D
  3. You could look at the behavior subgraphs and maybe set up multiple idles with the same target keyword and different actor keywords. Each time an actor used the item you oculd remove the old one and add a new, random one. You'd have to accept having thee same initial animation the first time an actor used the item, but after that you could do what you liked.
  4. I have a complex settlement object that currently leaves bits of itself behind when moved. So I thought to AttachTo the base when they move and free them up (because they need to move relative to the base) when the furniture was placed. Is there a way to do this? Or should I just use disable-move-enable on the loose parts?
  5. Good advice. I started off with nif animations following the FPI tutorials, and they were great until I got to multiple controllers and then I ended up hopelessly confused. Maybe I should try going at this from the ground up like I usually do.
  6. I think there's a helper activator that does exactly this. I saw it in passing looking for something else. Yah. Look at DefaultSetWeatherWhileInTrigger. There's a couple of others too, but that looks like a good bet.
  7. Anyone else found this to be the case? I have this code, working as of a year ago: if ! game.isPluginInstalled("JustBusiness.esp") debug.traceUser("rrs", "JB not found") return endif It now reports that "JustBusiness,esp" is not loaded. Which is demonstrably untrue. The plugin name is spelled correctly and has the proper extension. [edit] Not just isPluginInstalled but getFormFromFile also fails for this mod. Which is very odd, since it's loaded and working in-game. I'm fairly sure GetFormFromFile is working for other mods as well, so it's starting to look like something screwy in my setup... [edit] ... and I'm officially an idiot. There's a space in the filename for the mod that I'd swear wasn't there a year ago when this part worked. Move along, nothing to see here :)
  8. Do these need anything special to enable this? I have Nifskope 2.0 Dev 7 (revision 2dad25d) but I don't see a "Havok" / "Create Convex Shape" entry on the BSTriShape right click menu, and the File->Import menu is greyed out whenever I have a model loaded. [edit] There is a credit to Qhull in the about dialogue, which sounds collision-relevant. I just don't seem to have the UI entries. You need Dev 8 for this. But still... elric will just CTD Wow. That was hidden away. Pre-release I suppose. I would have sworn I had the latest version. It'll be interesting to try it out. If all else fails, there's always the old standby of stacking cinder blocks into SCOLs, then exporting the nif and copying the collision from there.
  9. Do these need anything special to enable this? I have Nifskope 2.0 Dev 7 (revision 2dad25d) but I don't see a "Havok" / "Create Convex Shape" entry on the BSTriShape right click menu, and the File->Import menu is greyed out whenever I have a model loaded. [edit] There is a credit to Qhull in the about dialogue, which sounds collision-relevant. I just don't seem to have the UI entries.
  10. NIControllerSequences scare me :smile: I used them successfully in a recent Skyrim project, but they're still a bit new for me and therefore intimidating. I suppose I really should make the effort and use them a bit more to get it all locked in a bit tighter.
  11. OK, that worked. I had to use OnLoad to get it to initialize for some reason, so it'll need a 3d instance at some point, but that can be managed. Maybe I can suspend the tape in a ball of green energy for a few seconds when it's first added to the machine, just to make sure it had a 3d instance at some point. Other than that, fantastic. Good call.
  12. Yeah. That could work. Have the array of instructions and the builder and access functions in one script, and the one to populate the array on the other. Have to use OnInit() to call the setup function... possible race conditions, but should be OK if I don't set any initializers... on the base... I'll try that. That sounds like it should do what I want.
  13. Nope. Not having it. What does work is casting it to rrs:holo_tattoo_raider_qr which is the leaf of the subclass chain. However, doing that defeats the whole point of the object oriented paradigm. I don't want to have to know what the specific tape instance is. This is starting to look like a compiler bug. I guess I'll have to script everything as holo_base and populate the struct arrays in the CK properties window. Ugh!
  14. Don't you need one particular version of Max if you want to make collision? 2013 or something, that being the only version where the plugin works properly for F04 collision?
  15. Sounds like you should watch the first couple of Kinggrath's Mod School videos. His "Kit Bashing" vid in particular sounds like just what you're looking for. Pretty much entry level stuff, too. And just needing the Creation Kit.
  16. A static, although it doesn't have to be. It's supposed to be a movable laser head. [edit] OK. Got basic sparks working. I found the Addon Node Resource Cell mod, and copied the mode in question to my nif. That still didn't work, so I copied across the flags and now it shows up just fine. Still leaves the question of turning it off and on, however. I suppose I can change the type of my laser head to something that will take a script, although I'm still not sure where to go from there. Or I can create an nif with just the effect, attach that to the laser head, and then enable and disable it at need. Sounds like a plan, anyway. [edit] Yeah, that worked. Put the spark node in its own nif, attached it to the laser head, and then enable it whenever I want sparks.
  17. I'm making holotapes to hold programs to drive a programmable tattoo machine. I have an object reference that points at a record that's a subclass of a subclass of ObjectReference. But when I try and cast the ObjectReference to the intermediate class, it yields None Base class that inherits from ObjectReference: Scriptname rrs:holo_tattoo_base extends ObjectReference And I have a subclass of that which implements a specific program Scriptname rrs:holo_tattoo_raider_qr extends rrs:holo_tattoo_base And I have a holotape that uses the rrs:holo_tattoo_raider_qr script. https://imgur.com/a/r6YFVI0 I place an instance objectreference ref = trolley.placeatnode("holotape_node", default_program) debug.messagebox("reference = " + ref.getDisplayName())GetDisplayName() correctly shows the name of the tape. So the reference is right. But when I take a variable of type rrs:holo_tattoo_base programAnd try and cast to if from the ref I just placed program = ref as rrs:holo_tattoo_base debug.messagebox("program = " + program) I get None back. Anyone know what is going on? As I understand the language, this ought to work. Am I missing the obvious somewhere?
  18. I want to be able to generate sparks from one node on a nif, and I want to be able to turn it on and off. I've read a bit about effect node numbers, and I think I can probably set up the node, but I'm not clear on how to turn it on and off. Or is the best approach to attach a sparker to a node and enable/disable it depending on need? If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be fantastic.
  19. I used to like playing Borderlands when burnout loomed. There's no real modding to speak of, and no great depth of strategy beyone "which gun shall I use?" so I found it ideal for turning my brain off and just running and shooting.
  20. Got it working! https://imgur.com/a/ZfwcnRr I can rotate or translate that ring to any location, and the actor will move with it. Thanks for the help, folks. Much appreciated. (I even managed to turn the lights on, somehow...)
  21. Select a tri in the mesh you want to hide, "F" to flood fill all connected tris, and then "H" to hide them. Worked for Skyrim anyway, no idea if it does for Fo4 - the hotkey cheatsheet doesn't seem to appear on the fallout version of the CK wiki
  22. Attach 'em all to a RotationHelperFree marker, and then rotate that? Been doing something very similar just recently, should work like a charm.
  23. Welcome to Bethesda Game modding =) Yeah, I know. It just gets a little dispiriting sometimes when weeks of work break because the sun one day decides it's going rise in the West and set in the South. Anyway, I think I fixed it. I rotated the ring which worked. And then it broke again. It's currently working after some fussing over the order of placement and attaching.
  24. I actually had these all lit earlier. I set up a generator and pylon and nothing happened. So I set up a shack wall and ceiling and tried putting a placing light there with the workshop - and it still wouldn't light. Then the game crashed, but when I reloaded the lights were all lit. I'm definitely missing something. Maybe I'll have more luck with a different light.
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