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About rory02

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  1. In response to post #24686879. #24693334 is also a reply to the same post. you missed my point, kid. I'm not saying they should be sold for the modder's profit, I'm saying that if this new system takes off, Disney and the like may well swoop in and say, you are NOT allowed to give this mod away for free, you must charge for us and give us your cut. which sucks for everyone but them. don't take for granted that the current modding scene will be allowed to survive once the money starts flowing
  2. As someone who's lurked in and used Nexus for a good number of years now, I just want to say, thank you!!!!!! for the great work you've done and please don't let the poisonous atmosphere get you down. Unfortunately in addition to all the short term problems this new workshop scheme raises, I'm worried it will kill the modding scene in the long term with things like mod drm, drm blocking non-workshop mods from being used, publishers charging for mod tools, big IP holders forcing star wars, LOTR etc themed mods to charge and give up their cut. as someone who's done some modding for a non-nexus game, I know I never would have gotten involved if I had to worry about lawyers and paying other modders to borrow their assets for my free or even private mods. yuck. boycott steam
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