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About nemo3590

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    United States

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  1. Sui Generis looks awesome! It's only got about a day left and 22,000 euros to go. Pledge for it now!
  2. I have Wrye Bash, but I haven't learned how to use it yet in any meaningful way.
  3. I have about 150 mods. I can't seem to copy>paste the load order, and it would take too long to write down, so I'm going to see if I can just post screenshots of my OBMM. http://lakiver.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d4gbzr6 http://lakiver.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d4gbztv http://lakiver.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d4gbzw4 http://lakiver.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d4gbzxc I've disabled a few, and now it works more often than it doesn't. Maybe over time I'll wheedle it down until the problem goes away.
  4. New Information: I disabled almost all my mods, and the saves seemed to work. I reactivated them, and they didn't. So it seems one of my mods is to blame.
  5. It happens with any save, auto or named. I don't use quicksaves. I tried first changing the auto's filenames, then deleting them completely. I still got crashes.
  6. SHORT VERSION When I try to load a saved game, any of them, even brand-new ones, I get a CTD within seconds of loading. Well, not all the time, it'll load maybe 1 out of 5 times. I've tried fiddling with the save files and the .ini, but nothing seems to make much of a difference. I've googled my problem, but I can't find anything quite like this. I don't get any error messages or anything, just a CTD. LONG VERSION I have a heavily-modded GOTY disc version of Oblivion with hundreds of hours on it. I saw that Steam was offering the game for $5 and thought it would be a good idea to have a digital as well as a disc version, so I bought and downloaded it. I wasn't expecting it to hijack my .ini file and my saves. My original version was all messed up (dunno how to describe it--my mods were deactivated and left the game funky-looking) so I uninstalled and re-installed it. That seemed to fix the graphical problems and reloaded my mods just fine, but now I almost always get a CTD when I try to load any save, even new ones. I can start new games just fine, and everything looks alright, but I can almost never load it or any other. Any help on how to fix this? I'll be happy to give more information if you think you need it.
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