I really like the color change between each of the game sites in the old design, the new color scheme does not look as good to me, way too much light gray (I guess it will be replaced with the site color). The new design also needs stronger contrasts, to me it looks blurry and the different sections are not separated well enough. Also you have to scroll way too far down to see the site news. A superb feature of the old design is that when you hover over one of the hot files it focuses on that mod in the big picture, which is now completely lacking in the new design. Also we are unable to see the mod description of the trending mods right now, again much better in the old design. Another point in the new trending section is that the mod's name is on top of the mod's image, which makes the mod image seem cluttered and takes away from the image itself. The more mods section of the new design is better than the trending mods section imo, it looks cleaner and is more informative. For layout on bigger screens: Why not have the trending mods in the middle and one column each on the side for latest media (left) and latest mods (right)? The news section could then come directly below the trending mods.