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Posts posted by XxLunaMothxX

  1. Are you sure it wasn't just a moveable object or an animation? If you remember which mod it was from and looked into it, or asked the author from there; maybe you could get more insight.


    If you do find out though, that'd definitely be a command, I'd like to use as well, but so far, the only one I know is the .disable to .enable trick.



  2. Alright, unfortunately my main voice actor has been going through a lot so he withdrew from the mod, so I need a new one.


    You should comment or PM me on this site, and also try to include pieces of your previous work in voice acting.


    You need to be male (sorry female voice actors!), and have a *good mic (what qualifies as good would be a mic that does not sound like you're eating it, and one that doesn't produced a muffled or static sound. Don't worry about volume, I can fix it).


    You're going to be voicing the character, Douglas, from my Silent Hill mod (see attached file for photo (will provide more if need be)). Douglas is a character in my mod who has escaped the thing that has killed everyone else, is now an undercover member of The Order Cult of Silent Hill, has strong intelligence from the hacked files he retrieved from Silent Hill's Archives, and is "one of the good guys".


    This character is strongly based off Vincent, from Silent Hill 3. His voice, mannerisms, and stature should reflect that.


    I already have the lines created for him, and can send them as soon as I re-upload it to FileFront.


    A LOT more details will be shared if you're "the one".


    Thanks to everyone willing to help!


    -2cooldays, aka Shawna Hoffman

  3. Have you launched the GECK with nvse_loader.exe?


    Easiest way is to create a shortcut to nvse_loader.exe and add -editor to the destination.


    Yes, or else the script I made for the quest probably wouldn't have went through.


    Solved somehow? I restarted the GECK again in NVSE, and it worked this time? Huh.

  4. Alright, so I've been talking with Vivanto about getting his flashlight mod to work in my Silent Hill mod, and I ran into a little smudge in one of the steps he provided me with, and he's been gone for quite a while so I'm turning to you guys for help.





    Basically, you need to place some dummy placeholder items (preferably an XMarker, as those are invisible) where the flashlight items would be, and replace them with the actual items if the mod is detected. No separate esp is needed.


    Detecting a 3rd party file does require NVSE, so you'll need to load the GECK with the nvse_loader. But that doesn't make the rest of your mod need nvse, so don't need to add it as a requirement. You can first detect if nvse is present in a safe way (since it's needed by flashlights anyway), and then detect if the mod is present as well.


    The only downside to this method is, that dynamically added objects will despawn with the cell respawn timer, but we can just make sure that they only spawn when the player enters the cell to minimize this chance.


    You will need:
    1 quest (MyQuest in the example script)
    1 quest script (MyQuestSCT below)
    1 XMarker for each item you'd like placed


    First place all the XMarkers you need, and add unique reference names to them (FlashlightHandheldMarkerREF and FlashlightHarnessMarkerREF in the example).


    For the quest, check "Startup Enabled" and "Allow Repeated Stages", and attach the MyQuestSCT, default script delay should be fine for it.


    The script should be something like this (there are likely some errors in it, haven't compiled it myself)



    We use the quest stage 1 to detect nvse. The reason for that is, that detecing nvse itself requires nvse. However this is a safe way to do it, since we separate the nvse-specific code, which - if no nvse is present - will simply stop executing, yet the main script can continue on safely. Stage 1 should look like this:



    The item placement can be slightly improved by re-orienting the item afterwards like "rItemPlaced.setAngle X 55.12312", but you'll have to find out the exact rotation angles the hard way.


    Hope this helps, shout if you're stuck. :smile:




    Everything went well, and such except for the script for the quest stage 1. My script for it looks like this:



    float fVersion
    float fRevision
    float fBeta

    set fVersion to getNVSEVersion
    set fRevision to getNVSERevision / 10
    set fBeta to getNVSEBeta / 100

    set SHFlashlightNVSEQuest.NVSEVersion to fVersion + fRevision + fBeta



    it looked fine in Cipscis, but I keep getting an error saying NVSEVersion is not a function, and that the last line (line 13) is also missing a variable.


    Any ideas?



  5. I'm not exactly a guru at scripting, especially with NVSE, but did you run the script through cipscis? I did, and the only thing it wanted was the "end" statement, but I'm pretty sure you already know that.


    Alternatively, you can always ask the creator of mods like that for help; walrus2517 for the stimpak counter mod, and there's another mod on FNV: Nexus, the "Realistic Reloading" mod, you could checkout.



  6. I thought about that, but it'd be nice to actually be able to use third person. idk. Also, there is a command to control npc's in skyrim isn't there? I've seen people do it before; it's like "tc", or "player.tc" or something. But the thing is: that's skyrim.


    There's also a Fallout 3 mod to do something like that here: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8250/?


    Also, doesn't the groovatron feature NPC control?


    OR is there a way to make the player have the exact same face, race, etc as the NPC, and then a way to change it back? Anybody? Please?

  7. I'm not sure if this is in the right place, considering it's a request, and an offer, and a thingy. Idk, apolagies in advance if this is in the wrong spot.


    Okay, I have been thinking about trying to get some help to add voices to the NPCs, and I have very minimal previous know-how of voicing NPCs. I have done a few, and looked over tutorials painstakingly in the past, but I need someone with EXPERIENCE! to help me add voices and dialogue to the NPCs via GECK.


    This would be for my Fallout: New Vegas' Silent Hill mod's characters. I am still working on the mod, and it's no rush right now to find someone, because I'm still building and such, and I still need to contact the voice actors, but I need someone in my contacts.


    Basically, you'll have to work with me on this, I will provide you with the voice actor's files (when time comes), etc. And give you a script for the dialogue tree. All you need to do is work this in the GECK for me. It will be a HUGEEEEEEEEEE help for me, (due to my inexperience with voiced NPCs), and for the mod in a whole. You will be credited just like everyone else, and idk, I want to make it special for you, since this is time consuming work. Please message me with your experience, maybe even your ideas? etc. I will fill you in on the plot and what I'm currently doing, etc. And we can start from there. Thanks!

    -Regards, 2cooldays


    EDIT: Nevermind. Found someone.

  8. How would I make a script that runs at a certain time and ends at another, or has another script start at the end of that? Like for example a script that is enabled at nighttime, then a script enabled at sunrise that disables that script. Or something like that. Could somebody help me out please? Kudos to whomever helps me out.


    Regards, 2cooldays

  9. Well as far as the dialog that kills someone. Isn't there a perk already in-game for that? Terrifying presence. It threatens the person and makes them hostile making you have to kill them. If you just have a script to do that, it'd look like the person just had a heart attack and fell down and died.
  10. I haven't seen any such thing, but you could do this yourself. It's easy, just extract the ground textures and their original directories using the BSA extractor from the Fallout Mod Manager. Then find what textures you want to replace, and what to replace them with (I.E. the textures in the desert theme, if you're using for just yourself, I wouldn't think you'd need permission. Only if you upload the mod.), and then delete the original texture, rename the one you like from the desert theme with the same name as the one you deleted, replace and continue for the rest of the textures. In no time it'll be a complete Mojave Desert.
  11. Hey, I know I'm a modder and could do this myself, but I've been really busy with RL lately and was wondering if anyone could make a Katie Jane Garside hairstyle for me for all races in female. And her hairstyle from only when she was in the band Daisy Chainsaw and if you could, plz make the texture similar to the games hair textures (so lore friendly...). I'll post some reference pictures below. She is one my most biggest idols and I would realllly love it if someone took the time to make a hair for me... Thanks for whomever does this favor for me! and kudos!





    Again thanks for whoever does me this favor! Kudos to you!

  12. Well said, kuddos to you.


    (from the guy who says kudos are supposed to be anonymous DX...)


    nexus seems to be missing a way to "report" new images

    It does, but you can always report something to an online admin right...


    Now moving my opinion to nexus, it really truly doesn't make much of a difference to me. It's just a site and btw it's Dark0ne's site. He pretty much has the right to do what he will with it, and everyone should be cool with that... AND in addition to that people need to remember that "This isn't the end. It's a new beginning". :sweat:

  13. I was thinking, could someone make a mod that brings back the beloved radio station from DC to California?


    Other Notes: For legal purposes of course, it would have to require some stuff from the original Fallout 3 game.



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