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  1. Ha! Nice one. It only lets me have 1 summoned creature at a time, and unsummons it if I try to summon another. :( Radium - They already awarded the gold. Now we're just posting to share our stories (and hopefully get a few laughs from them).
  2. Doh, I hate those problems that have simple yet unguessable solutions.
  3. LOL, I bet that was a loooong swim back.! :unsure:
  4. The first time I heard thunder from it, I jumped and quickly looked around, then turned my volume down a few notches.
  5. LOL :lol: That always annoyed me, especially when I would grab something by accident while trying to speak with a store owner. Ugh :angry: . They should have made it give you the option to put it back, or at least make them not get made unless you try to leave with the goods. Maybe make it where when you pick it up, it initiates the barter dialog, then if you cancel it will put the object back. Oh well, I certainly have become more careful about what I touch.
  6. lol, I ususally just Levitate, so I don't have to walk up all those stairs. :P
  7. Switch - Hehe, yeah. I hate it when I forget about it and haven't saved for a while. cmac - Lol, I guess they are good for something. After all, who really catches a taxi just to go a block down the street/canton.
  8. Well, I just finished Tribunal. I have to say the ending was rather disappointing (not to mention the last few quests I had to do to get there). So, I decided to have some fun and go postal. First thing, I buzz over to Vivec and beat the bloody snot out of him. Then I proceed to take down Ordinators with one strike (thanks to Hopefire (sp?) and 1100 strength). Soon, I've worked my way to St. Olms canton and after dispatching two Ordinators there, I run over and whack the taxiboat lady. She falls down screaming,"You will die!" and sure enough, in that very instant I drop dead. This, of course, totally stunned me for a moment before I remembered that I had taken a super Fortify Health potion earlier(+118) and hadn't healed after romping with the final boss.
  9. ROFLMAO! :lol: Nice one Darmoth! I use the sound spell to cover up when I've eaten too many bean burritos.
  10. Lets keep this thread open after the competition is finished. I keep running into strange/funny stuff, and thoroughly enjoy everyone else's stories (esp, the one about the town vs a Titan Ogrim :lol: ). I heard a shocking/funny thing from Almalexia's right-hand man today. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Warning: Possible Spoiler<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As I walk up to the dude, after solving the plague problem and to get my next temple quest, he says,"I'm so hungry, I could eat a rat." :lol: I just sat there stunned for a second, thinking both, "Man this guys salary must suck," and "Quick someone lock the basement!" Normally, I wouldn't pay much attention, but considering all the rats were currently infected with the plage, I found it highly amusing and ironic.
  11. *See my previous post for the story* Lol. He must be REALLY scared of his wife! :lol: He never stopped! I gave up after about 20 minutes, when I finished dinner . Note: Sharpie markers and 25pack cd bundles make great key jammers. Too bad I didn't figure this out unil after nearly 10 minutes. Also, after a while our feet got frozen in the jump position (and I no longer heard footfalls), but we kept moving forward like we were still running. Kinda strange.
  12. This just happened to me 2 minutes ago. :lol: I get contracted by this rich dudes wife, to follow him and see if he's cheating on her. So, I find the guy as he's leaving the local bar and follow him for a while. Sure enough, he meets up with this other woman. Before things can progress, and haunt my dreams, I interrupt. The guy just blows me off, but the woman goes ballistic, forcing me to kill her in self-defense! However, this greatly aggravates the guy who now goes ballistic! I figure I should probably confer with his wife before I do anything, so I take off running back to their mansion, with the guy hot on my trail. Reaching the mansion, I quickly bound upstairs towards the door, figuring the guy will chase me all the way in. Wrong! Just before I get to the door, he yelps out, "Let me live!" and takes off down the stairs and around the corner. :lol: I gave chase and followed him ALL the way across the plaza to the far wall, whch he kept trying to squeeze himself through. P.S. Maybe I'll turn clipping off and see how far he goes before stopping. :P
  13. 2000 Speed. :D Try running around Dwemer ruins or Dagoths Facility with it. :P
  14. Your right. I was getting confused, since they're both at the same Tavern and I couldn't quite remember the name(s) (Nels and Nelos).
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