This just happened to me 2 minutes ago. :lol: I get contracted by this rich dudes wife, to follow him and see if he's cheating on her. So, I find the guy as he's leaving the local bar and follow him for a while. Sure enough, he meets up with this other woman. Before things can progress, and haunt my dreams, I interrupt. The guy just blows me off, but the woman goes ballistic, forcing me to kill her in self-defense! However, this greatly aggravates the guy who now goes ballistic! I figure I should probably confer with his wife before I do anything, so I take off running back to their mansion, with the guy hot on my trail. Reaching the mansion, I quickly bound upstairs towards the door, figuring the guy will chase me all the way in. Wrong! Just before I get to the door, he yelps out, "Let me live!" and takes off down the stairs and around the corner. :lol: I gave chase and followed him ALL the way across the plaza to the far wall, whch he kept trying to squeeze himself through. P.S. Maybe I'll turn clipping off and see how far he goes before stopping. :P