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About bszylard

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    Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Eso, Crysis series
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  1. I would honestly recommend Tendo as well...
  2. In response to post #34107225. #34110340, #34110380, #34113860, #34117570, #34123370, #34125160, #34131120, #34131270, #34135235, #34137910, #34140375, #34141120, #34142055 are all replies on the same post. I completely agree... Read my very similar post from a few days ago :) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3746860-reasons-i-love-fallout4/
  3. I did meant as an advice, or maybe just something positive about the way how we all mod our games. And my main - subjective - reason for posting it is the numerous posts here, and on other forums mentioned by you as well that so many seems to have problems. From this point of view it might look like a show off of course :) But if there is a way to prove that things are working then why not?
  4. Did not meant to be a show off. Just a simple statement. If you really think that i'll simply remove the post.
  5. Stability is a technical issue i think.
  6. So, it's been now my third play through and i must say i still love the game. And thanks to the modding community on the Nexus page i will keep playing for months to come. Now it might sound cheesy what comes next but reading through these forums and obviously a lot of posts on the different mod pages i just feel that i have to share my playing and modding experience as someone who loves Bethesda's games. I logged more than 3000 hours on Skyrim - heavily modded -, and i'm nearing 350 hours on FO4. I also have several hundred hours on FO3 and FNV, pretty much heavily modded too. My top reason for at least at the moment - favoring FO4 is the incredible stability the game showed me. Now, i don't have a serious gaming PC, i play always on my laptop attached to a 49" tv+sound system through the HDMI connection to have also 5.1 sound not just the big screen. I don't have a very beefy laptop -specs are here: I7 4720Q 2,6-3,4GHz; 16GB RAM, Nvidia Gefore 960M 4GB DDR5 and 1TB SSHD. For FO4, i run always the game on 1920*1080 resolution, having textures on ultra settings, the other settings are medium or high. Since i'm playing the game from november last year i had maybe 3 or 4 CTD. Crazy no? :) In my all time favorite Skyrim i have that amount of CTD's within a few hours. True, i'm not using so many mods, espeially not scripted mods with FO4 since there's still no GECK. But until now this game proved to be one of the most stable Bethesda release for me, and i have played and playing all of their open world RPG. Here's a list of my plugins that i'm using in my game now, it's pretty much the same that i used for my second full play through as well: Obviously i have a bit more mods, the ones that don't have plugins, like Texture Optimization, A Little Bit of Green, all the Vivid releases and Better New Roads are not listed by NMM. All in all i run permanently just a bit more than 100 mods. What actually convinced me about the game's stability is that as soon as a mod is updated i update as well. If i see something new on the Nexus page i'll try it out. Since the game is demanding it, i pretty much live with quicksaves... So i'm doing a lot of stuff that so many are recommending not to :) However, i always take care that every mod installation it's happening as the author recommended. If i have a small hick-up i search everything about it until i find a solution. If it's the case i ask the mod authors and all of them are helpful. I don't know if i'm the only one who's actually so - let's say - satisfied but i surely hope there are others as well, who at least mostly agree with me. I would like to see comments if this is the case or no. And if anyone have questions about how to make some staff that i have in my load order to make work, i will try my best to help. That's why Nexus is a community i think :) Cheers everyone :)
  7. I'd love to help. * Windows 10 * I7 - 4720HQ 2.6-3.4GHz * 16GB RAM * Nvidia GTX 960M 4GB * 1 TB SSHD * GMT + 2
  8. I have just one main thing to say about all this. Since the paid modding first came down as a fact i honestly didn't know what to think about it. I could-can completely understand the reason behind it, even if personally i didn't liked the idea. However, i just want to add immediately to this, that it was modding and mods that actually put me on a proper shopping spree to buy several Bethesda games :) I won't argue if the original idea of how the revenues were to be shared was well thought or it was "greedy". The main idea that came down into my understanding is that Bethesda - who by the way are already i think a big enough company to don't give a s#*! about an extra 1$ here and there - actually listened to this 8% of gamers and they did what the community's main wish was. In a greedy, upside-down world as we're living today, this was probably the most unexpected and surprising act, let's do how the customers would prefer. So all i can say, hats down to Bethesda. This approach made me to respect Bethesda, since that's what they did, they showed respect to us, gamers who use and or create mods.
  9. I had the same problem for several painful days, and after i also couldn't find anything useful anywhere i started to play with my mod orders. I use realistic water, audio overhaul and SSIM. I found that audio overhaul has to the be first, than SSIM, and after that realistic water. The patch for audio overhaul is no the last in my order. Since i have this order i do not have the problem again :) I can die anywhere and no problems with the reload! P.S. i had the problems only in dungeons and etc., not outside... This was actually what led me to try to play with the order of these 3 mods. :D
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