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Hello guys, Finally have I settled for a mod list I'm keeping this way until I finish all major questlines with 1 character for once. And become thane everywhere. And do all the daedric quests. At least... that's the plan. The problem is... Well, it's in the title. I cannot become (full?) Thane of Riften. I also do not believe it has to do with my mods, as this quest 'line' is buggy to begin with. Here is a summary of all that has happened:- I already had a problem where wujeeta was dead. She is needed for the questline to track down the source of a Skooma deal. I could not remember giving her a healing potion, but I had to prid her ID and move her to me to confirm she was dead when I wanted to become Thane. After many failed attempts to fix this (among which was resurrecting/recycling her, only to reveal she wouldnt talk to me about any quest, she was only thanking me for a potion I think I never gave her in this playthrough), I recycled her and activated her quest via command and that seemed to work. I could talk to the jarl to continue the quest and everything. - After I had helped the jarl and all her people in the hold I needed to, I did not notice a pop-up for the 'talk to the jarl of riften' misc quest, but when i checked my journal it was there. - No dialogue showed up on neither the jarl nor her housecarl when I tried to talk to her so that I could perhaps buy Honeyside. - When I advanced the quest through the console, during not a single stage could i talk to them. when i set it to completion, I got the weapon of Riften, Honeyside was mine, Iona was there to follow me, but the steward had no dialogue about furnishing and after I killed a guard to test my Thanehood, only the dialogue 'I'm with the guild' showed up and not 'I am the thane'. I do have Crime Overhaul installed, but I don't recall that causing these issues. In fact, I'm only running mods right now with which I have never had this problem before and I have become Thane of Riften here and there with other characters numerous times. What should i do? No way I'm starting over AGAIN. I'm level 40. I'm about 50 or so hours in. What I want? For the guards to recognise me as Thane of Riften, for Honeyside to be both mine and furnished and for Iona to be able to follow me. Currently, I only have a part of that... and don't know how to get the rest. Hopefully someone can help, because I have been at this 'fun' Thane business for hours now. Darn bugs... I prefer an as clean as possible way to fix it with the console, because obviously I don't want to start all over. And rolling back to before Wujeeta died... well, I have no idea when she died and I play in cycles of 10 saves (unless something truly major happens, like the start or end of a full new questline, I use 1 of those saves a day and keep overwriting it, then the next day I start using the next save), so there is no way I can go back THAT far (not that I would want to either, because that would be practically the same as starting over). Thank you in advance (and for your patience in reading this...) - DiaborMagics
LE 2 werewolf howls in human form
DiaborMagics replied to DiaborMagics's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
- this comment can get deleted - but the request still stands :D -
Hello everyone, To my surprise I couldn't find a mod that adds the Howl of Terror and Howl of the Pack to the player in human form once they become a werewolf. I would like to request these in slightly weaker forms: half the duration for Terror and one wolf summoned (preferably a real wolf over a spectral one) for Pack instead of two wolves. Of course I'd love it if the shouts sound the same as the werewolf sound itself and if they were lesser powers, so they could be used more than once per day (otherwise Nords already have Battle Cry). What do you guys think? Have a great day and holiday month, DiaborMagics
In response to post #55731251. #55818026 is also a reply to the same post. But it wasn't good enough yet? I never had problems with how it was, even on the phone. And you'll use your pc for downloads, right? Or do you download to your phone?
Alright, I see there are many people with (mostly valid) complaints, others whom just say 'I hate it', without offering any constructive criticism and lastly, people whom actually help with usable feedback. And more than I could add at this point, because I must admit I have not used the new layout for more than 5 minutes. Instead of doing any of that, I would like to ask a question (and okay, state 1 thing clearly, even if I know it's in vain: I would very much like it if the old.nexusmods.com would not disappear and for us to get the option to turn it on or off by default. If we are logged in, www.- will redirect us to old.- if we desire that). The question is: why is there this much focus on mobile use? The reason why I ask you this, is because Skyrim is a laptop/desktop game, not a mobile game. I use the website on my phone, too, but that is only to quickly check things. I believe that the new design takes us away from the heart, the main focus of the website: to find mods quickly, along with all the needed information and to download and track them when wanted. The downloading part - I don't think any user does this on their mobile devices, correct me if I'm wrong. And even if some do (although I wouldn't know why), I think that is only a really small percentage there. I personally feel like the new design impacts desktop/laptop use negatively, for as far as I have seen it - it hurt my eyes in a litteral, non-exaggerated sense when I first saw it, as there was too much strain put on them all at once - everything is designed in tiles/images too big for good usability with a mouse and everything is slower and harder to find. In my opinion, desktop/laptop use should always take priority for sites such as these, because they are mostly directed at computer gaming and thus computer users. Not mobile users. In short, we are moving too far away from what I believe this website should focus on and that is a waste of time and effort on not only your part, but on everyone's. I must admit I have not even used the new website on even my phone yet, because I have old.nexusmods.com/skyrim on its home screen. I almost have no doubts about the new design working very well (maybe too well (too big images and buttons perhaps, if the desktop version is any indication)) on phones and tablets, but again, that should not be the focus in my opinion. Even if I check the website with my phone, the previous version was easy enough to navigate on a smaller iPhone 4 and it is also easy to navigate on a tablet, or bigger Galaxy A5 2017. All I have to do is zoom in and I can use the old version perfectly fine, no matter on which mobile device I use it. And even though I use it on my phone, 95% of my time spent on this website, is through Google Chrome and Firefox on either a desktop or laptop. Do with my explanation as you will, but I would very much appreciate an answer to my question. Just to be thorough: The question is: why is there this much focus on mobile use? Thanks in advance, DiaborMagics
all backpack mods are invisible on my character
DiaborMagics replied to Thebowgal's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I noticed this in the past with backpacks as well, but only when my character was a vampire. I did not see it as a big problem back then because it was just the backpacks, but now it happens with my actual clothing, too - at least, for the clothing items that have the same pale/yellow-ish shield icon in SkyUI as backpacks do. Here are some before and afters: https://imgur.com/a/C1uxC Perhaps everyone with this same problem, was having this problem on vampire characters? -
Hello everyone, For a long time I've wondered about how I can add 'stuff' to my character automatically the first time a save loads with a mod installed (for me that is always on a completely fresh game anyway, I've learned over the years not to change things midway through). In my current case, I am making some custom shouts, just for fun. They are OP but they are for a dragon-humanoid 'queen' character and need to be OP, again, just for fun. But I would like to add the new words and unlock them as well, as soon as the game loads the mod for the first time. I'm very bad when it comes to scripting. I have looked things up to no avail, so... can anyone please guide me? Thanks in advance! - DIaborMagics
Does the Nexus use NPAPI? Still can't download with Chrome
DiaborMagics replied to DiaborMagics's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
For me that hasnt worked in a long time, only on firefox. I will check the link later, maybe theres relevant info there. -
Does the Nexus use NPAPI? Still can't download with Chrome
DiaborMagics replied to DiaborMagics's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sorry for posting in the wrong thread; I figured it is a problem with downloading mods, so... but thanks for telling me :wink: From what I see, IE Tab integreated Internet Explorer into your Chrome Browser? Doesn't that create a huge security risk? If not, then it's a great idea and probably the best one possible. Still lame I can't use the button on Chrome normally tho :tongue: There is an option to make sure that IE Tab only runs on specific sites if I recall correctly. Have switched to Firefox myself for memory reasons, so I don't quite remember exactly how it works. :smile: But turning it on permanently is a huge risk, that I won't deny. :tongue: Ok thanks, at least I'm right about that one. I'll try it out. In the meantime, anybody know of any safer routes? -
Does the Nexus use NPAPI? Still can't download with Chrome
DiaborMagics replied to DiaborMagics's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sorry for posting in the wrong thread; I figured it is a problem with downloading mods, so... but thanks for telling me ;) From what I see, IE Tab integreated Internet Explorer into your Chrome Browser? Doesn't that create a huge security risk? If not, then it's a great idea and probably the best one possible. Still lame I can't use the button on Chrome normally tho :P -
Hello everyone, TL;DR: I would like to know who can still download mods to MO directly from the 'Download with Manager' button and how. Full: I would like to know who can still download mods to MO directly from the 'Download with Manager' button and how. Eversince Chrome ditched NPAPI support I have to use FireFox and even though I've done so for about a year, maybe more now, FireFox still is not my favorite browser, Chrome still is. I just NEED to be able to download directly via Chrome again. Does anyone know how to enable it? Especially if the Nexus doesn't use NPAPI, I don't understand why I cannot download mods through Chrome, unless I install Manually, which I hate to do, too. I have been Googling my fingers off and I can't find a single helpful thing on this. I can't be the only one who wishes to download normally through Chrome, right? Every time I look through mods and want to install or update a mod, I have to copy the URL, open Firefox, paste, go there, click the button. This... just frustrates me to no end. And I never get the question to allow external handlers, either. That list in my settings is completely empty, too and there isn't even a 'handler' keyword in my Chrome user data. I really hope someone can help me here. Thank in advance, DiaborMagics
Thanks for all this! Strange, I wasn't getting any notifications and thought the thread had been sort of abandoned. The opposite is true. This is absolutely magnificent! Many ideas to test here :D Thank you all, I will dive into it again as soon as I have time for it (this week has been busy and at least upcoming week will be, too)
Thank you for your reply. I'm thinking of creating a custom race. I could for that purpose make a set of stronger shouts and add those to the race. Problem solved (?). But it's a shame there's no general buff possible as a skill/ability.