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About jaxonz

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  1. A quick mod request. Would be great to be able to build things like the nuclear reactor, vehicle mod station, or alien containment inside the cyclops sub and to be able to place found objects like the car, baseball caps, etc. Basically allow anything you can put in a base also be placed in the sub if there is room. This would allow full use of cyclops as a mobile base. Doing the reactor might be problematic in adding power to cyclops. A potential workaround might be to allow nuclear fuel rods in place of power cells as cyclops fuel.
  2. This was kind of a fun day to release it. :-)
  3. Yep, timing is everything. Happily, it is really easy to strip out all those dependencies.
  4. OK, this isn't actually a mod request. I just thought you might want to know about a tool we just released that lets you easily make your own mods. GameToMod We're eager to see what you can do with it.
  5. We're having some interesting discussions with the release of a new utility that exports saved games to create new mods. I thought other mod authors might want to chime in. GameToMod
  6. Hi CD, That's a good point. There is erroneous information about mod event registration not persisting... frankly given the conflicting information I chose not to take chances. The initial OnUpdate is also to avoid calling RegisterForModEvent in OnInit() which produced some bad results. Will try that locally and see how it behaves. (Eliminating the loop and instead calling OnUpdate just once.)
  7. Hi there... I'm a huge fan of SkyUI and infinitely grateful for the ability to add MCM menus to our mods. I'm delighted to be able to contribute back to the community with a little library that makes coding MCM menus a little easier.
  8. I just noticed this tonight: Skyrim PC Update Brings Welcome Mod Improvements Looks like the big thing is that mod updates will be handled via Steam instead of Skyrim launcher. I expect this will cause some confusion and potential corruption of some player environments (if users are subscribed to mods via Steam updates could occur even if one is using MO/NMM and SKSE to launch). Has anyone beta tested this yet? Instructions in the article on how to do so.
  9. Very cool to darned smart source this within the community. Best of luck to all the applicants!
  10. Hi Everyone, Thanks to a system crash I'm rebuilding my environment. This seemed like an opportune time to get cleaner separation of my mod source from Skyrim data. My setup is as follows: Skyrim, all DLC, and Creation Kit installed to C:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Mod Organizer set up in a separate directorySKSE, SkyUI, SkyUILib and other helper scripts installed as mods under MOMy own source in it's own directoryA "mod" under MO for my source with a symbolic link back to my source directory (I really didn't want my own stuff under MO's file structure)An MO profile for mod authoring with SKSE, SkyUI, etc., and my source selectedCreation Kit defined as an executable under MOI've followed some guidelines for running Creation Kit under Mod Organizer. I can launch CK just fine and all of my content appears virtually in Skyrim's directory, thanks to MOs directory hook magic, but am still having some challenges: I'm able to edit script source files (using SublimeText 3 with Sublime Papyrus) but am unable to save them. The directory magic that MO performs won't let me make changes to my scripts. I see the error "unable to save... unable to create file... file exists" with no option to overwrite.I'm unable to launch some tools, such as my favorite script editor, PapyrusEd (just launches and dies without any error message or log. I'm using the CorFlags utility to ensure it launches in 32bit mode.).I can compile existing scripts and they go to the MO Overwrite directory only if I add the directories for SKSE, SkyUI, etc. scripts as Includes in the SublimePapyrus.INI file. It seems that should not be necessary if MO is making them appear virtually in the Skyrim directories.Seems that the process of folding overwrite's back into my source is going to be quite a hassle. This will especially be true when I create a new script that did not before exist in my source directory as the "sync" option won't recognize it and will likely force me to manually copy the files back to source or "create a new mod".If you have worked past these issues, please share how you did it. Otherwise, if you feel you have a good build environment, I'd love to know how you have things set up.
  11. The native Windows remote desktop would work pretty well between those 2 Win 7 systems, especially if they are both on the same home network. The 2 topics that should come up if you tap the Windows key and type Remote are: Remote Desktop ConnectionAllow Remote access to your computerHope that helps you get started... and real sorry to learn about your accident. Get well soon!
  12. Scripts can create new object instances (ObjectReferences) but it needs to be based on a form defined by CK. There may be ways to have object properties drive behavior, provided you have a script attached to the base form or dynamically to an objectinstance. Perhaps it would be easier to offer advice if you could explain your intent.
  13. Still need to work up hemispherical and cone shapes. My plan is to use the other shapes respectively for hemispherical and spot type lights.
  14. I was able to get largely what I wanted for the sphere by editing the chaurus egg in NifScope, changing a few properties, and altering the texture maps to brightyellow.dds
  15. OK, a couple of observations: Without textures, there is no change when I apply my shader to show selection. This may be more of an effect that the NIF itself carries its own effect shader.There seems to be no collision layer, so the object is only selectable via command console. I really appreciate the help on this.
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