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Everything posted by jaxonz

  1. I guess perhaps I don't understand Papyrus as well as I had thought. I've created a new class that extends ObjectReference. In another script, I would like to instantiate a new instance of my class. I thought I could just use something like: MyExtendedClass objMyClass = new MyExtendedClass However, the compiler chokes on this as it assumes I'm trying to use the New keyword to instantiate an array. Hoping this is a simple syntax issue and not that Papyrus fundamentally prohibits generation of new script objects.
  2. From the description, it sounds like this applies to the target (enemy). If you want to see when the player strikes a critical hit, the GetLastHitCritical should refer to the target. (Mind you, I haven't tested this out in CK.)
  3. I'm puzzled a bit because your response seems to have little to do with your original question or the information I provided. Perhaps that is a language thing. In any event, you might consider the TranslateTo function as a better alternative to SetPosition. It behaves better with most items, especially non-static ones.
  4. Get this integrated with NMM, MO, and/or FXAA ENB SweetFX Manager and you will really have a winner. One of the hardest things about ENB is trying out different features/settings. Use of profiles (like MO) would be incredibly useful.
  5. I doubt you will need an SKSE plugin to use the SkyUI MCM menus. The SKI_ scripts can do most anything you need. Of course, if you need to do things like copying files around, that may be another matter, but it has nothing to do with MCM.
  6. We're happy to help. There's a pretty great modder community that continues to extend the game. I don't get the impression that Papyrus was originally intended to "go public" as a scripting language (poor documentation, limited functional access, quite a few bugs, no error handling). It can really be frustrating at times. Nonetheless, Papyrus is what the game content is built with and what we have to work with (unless you want to write a C++ extension). IMHO, all the more reason to help one another out.
  7. To my knowledge, it isn't possible to add/modify/delete keywords via script. These are only associated via the Creation Kit and are immutable. What I would suggest is to create a formlist, let's call it flstIsEditable, to which you could add individual object instances or base object types of those you would want to tag with the keyword. (Unlike keywords, formlists can be modified via script.) You can use your spell to check against the list for that object, or you could use the Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInList (or similar functions) to locate similar object instances to the ones you have tagged. As for locating static objects and getting their X/Y/Z coordinates or rotations, please feel free to take a look at the source code included in my Positioner mod. Perhaps some snippets there that would be helpful for your project. All the best.
  8. Hi Matth, My needs are probably far below your abilities, based on what I see in your portfolio, but perhaps you'd be willing to help anyway. I'm kind of the flip side of the skill sets you describe: all coding and no graphics tools skills. I have an existing mod, Positioner, that helps finally add some accuracy to the clumsy Skyrim grab function [http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/?] What I would really like to do is superimpose a graphical guide to objects while positioning them, denoting X/Y/Z axes and rotation. Perhaps something similar to this... http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/52583-1-1396654587.jpg ... but without the button names. I'd be happy to leave the creativity up to you as you probably have a better eye for all things graphic. Someone did an unauthorized Korean translation of Positioner and came up with alternate graphics that might also be useful input [http://renn.tistory.com/229]. Anyway, I'd like a model that could be applied as a VisualEffect to items. The effect would have to be able to have orientation, such that it moves and rotates with the object orientation. Let me know if this is something you'd like to collaborate on. Many thanks!
  9. Looks good. I don't have that mod, but it may be that the left-handed rings are derived from normal rings and that the akBaseItem isn't actually pointing to the script with the attached keywords. Consider adding a test statement; if akBaseItem.GetNumKeywords() == 0 then akBaseItem = akBaseItem.GetObjectBase() I'm also not sure how you get the RemoveItem statement to compile without an object reference. Shouldn't that read Self.RemoveItem ? To make the script more efficient you might also want to add a statement that stops iteration in the While loop once bAcceptable is true. You can do this either by setting iCount = 0 or by adding && !bAcceptable to the While condition statement. Hope that helps.
  10. This is a known bug. Turn the WeaponRackMid (or WeaponRackMidPlayerHouse if that is what you are using) 1 degree either direction on the Z-axis to fix. Something about being at 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees often causes weapons to incorrectly snap to the correct node. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/5284-weapon-rack-mounting-weapons-incorrectly/
  11. In CK, look at the activator (something like WeaponRackPlaqueACTIVATORPlayerHouse) at the LinkedRef tab for the reference associated with the WRackTrigger keyword. If that is not the plaque located at the same 3d coordinates as the activator, it would explain why the shields are placing elsewhere. If that's not it, then we would need to know the exact object EditorIDs involved (there are quite a few variations).
  12. Perhaps a tricky question, but I'm sure someone out there is smart enough to figure this out. I have created a class which extends ObjectReference to handle coordinated movement of all the pieces of mannequins. It has internal variables to hold the mannequin actor, activator, and xmarker references. It overrides functions for TranslateTo, StopTranslation, Enable and Disable. Works great and is an eloquent way to move all the pieces of a mannequin as a single entity. I'm planning to do similar for weapon racks etc. One of the challenges is that I would like to be able to play EffectShaders on objects that are being manipuated as a visual cue to users. This is very easily accomplished on normal ObjectReferences with the EffectShader.Play(objRef, afDuration) function, but I can't seem to figure out how I might get it to work on my class as the actual models are internal. I suppose I could expose an external method to accomplish the same thing, but that would be pretty ugly. Thoughts on how this might be accomplished? Is there an event that gets fired off when EffectShaders play? Many thanks!
  13. You are on the right track with that. use something like... ObjectReference objFocus Event OnInit() RegisterForCrosshairRef() RegisterForKey(42) ; L-Shift EndEvent Event OnCrosshairRefChange(ObjectReference ref) objFocus = Ref ;remember what we're looking at EndEvent Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) If (objFocus as Actor) Debug.Trace("objFocus has the reference to the actor we're looking at when L-Shift pressed") EndIf EndEvent
  14. I used a script for the tracer arrows perk in a recently published mod. You are perhaps forgetting that a Perk script is still a Form, so it can receive OnInit and other form functions. I used the OnInit to RegisterForPlayerAction, so that the script receives an event when a bow/crossbow is shot. The script is only executed if the player has the perk. This turned out to be really useful. Not sure if there are any native perks that use scripts.
  15. I really appreciate your response. What I did (and is working) is to leverage the OnPlayerLoadGame event from a player ref already in my mod for the SkyUI MCM menu. This doesn't fire on a new game load, but otherwise fires reliably. I'm using it to set a boolean flag tp false on the script that is doing the work to lock down objects (which is exposed as a property. I set the flag to true when I start the procedure, then check after the game.requestsave() call to see if it is still true. If not I abort the script in progress. Working pretty reliably. This is part of the Jaxonz Positioner mod. The operation allows one to lock down all the items in a cell (most likely a player home) so that they don't get bashed around by errant havok settling, NPCs or clumsy me. Thanks again for the help.
  16. In this case I am manipulating all of the objects in the cell to lock them in place (preventing havok settling). That IMHO is something one would want to do an autosave before hand.
  17. OK, working on a little utility mod. I have an operation affecting the whole cell, so as a courtesy I am creating a savegame before this operation. Everything works beautifully. HOWEVER, when I load the saved game, the script that was running picks right up where it left off. Example: Confirm to do the operation Save the game in case something goes bad Do something big... Something goes wrong!On game load... Do something big... Something goes wrong!The only way I can think of avoiding this is to add another confirmation message after the save game. Is there some sort of volatile variable I could use that doesn't survive a saved game to detect when this is a new load and abort the script in progress? Hmmm... maybe a timestamp.
  18. I had this happen tonight with one of my mods as I was developing it. Even with a vanilla save game, my menu was not showing up in MCM all of a sudden. What I found was that by removing the OnInit event (where I was casting a 128 member string array), I was able to reliably restore the condition where my MCM panes showed up again. Hoping this might help someone else.
  19. in my case also worthy of note.. this first started occurring in Snapleg Cave. I did notice when I exited the cell, my ranged weapons had been returned.
  20. so glad i found this thread... had the same problem whenever i tried to arm a ranged weapon.... thought it was some sort of bizzare curse! Many thanks!
  21. Thanks Narcissistic for the great advice. I've been struggling with this for a bit on my Dell Precision Mobile 4600 (fast i7 8 core, 16 GB, SSD, Nvidia Quadro 1000M). Best improvement removing ENB from the mix, just using straight HiAlgo, and that borderless window patch is MAGIC (using OneTweak). NVidia controll panel for Ambient Occlusion and Anisotropic Filering (skyrim thinks we're doing no filtering). Running most of the STEP mods + about 20 and now pretty darned smooth (20-30 FPS... not great but definitely playable). One must say that Skyrim is not written to exploit modern capabilities, so even with low FPS, I'm also seeing low CPU and GPU loads. Pretty frustrating as I'm sure it could still perform better if it would just make better use.
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