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Everything posted by undedavenger

  1. I am making a clothing mod, everything is showing up fine in-game, but hair clips through the hoods. Also, I had to attach the hoods to the shoulder slot so they would move with the character. Looked at the files in the CK but don't see any option to disable hair when the item is equipped. Anybody know how to do this? Is it because I had to attach to the shoulders as well?
  2. Is there a mod that does this, or would it be hard to do? Like leave the main cavern and the one with the water pump together, but the other two sectors with the Subway station and the pharmacy as their own navmeshed settlements, separate from Vault 88? I'd love to do something in both locations if you could just get settlers assigned to the area to stay there.
  3. Plus, i got the gold edition from Steam and all of these were included.
  4. I'd like to mod the list of random names the game gives to ships encountered. Is there a mod that does this, or does anyone know what tools I might need to do it?
  5. So, I've been playing with a mod that adds full settlement functionality to Home Plate. No problems, worked fine. But with the re-release of Aloot's Home Plate, I disabled the old mod and went with the aloot version, which also makes it a full settlement. Unfortunately, I now have two entries for Home Plate in my list of settlements to send people to. Ad when I try to send someone there, they just freeze in place indefinitely. I think they are reading two different entries and the ai is getting confused. Tried cleaning the save but no dice, it's not correcting. Any ideas on if I can fix this?
  6. Yeah, I've used levelers tower before. I meant more traditional fortifications like walls and baileys. Basically looking for Elysium Estate spread throughout a castle.
  7. Would like a large fortified castle like Skystone Castle, but with more immerive storage like Elysium Estate. Like a boc of herbs to click on in order to store ingredients. Alsowould be nice to have access to the same storage in multiple rooms. Is there a mod that fits this bill, or if not, is there a fairly simple way for me to implement these things at Skystone?
  8. Hi all. I would like to make myself a mod adding more horses to the game, since there is a disturbing lack of them. I'm not talking anything super-fancy, but just named vanilla horses in various places. For example, a farm should have a horse or two. I would like to add horses to a farm and mark them as owned by the farmer, so stealing one would produce the same reaction as stealing an item from the farmer's home. Maybe even trigger them to hire thugs or whatever. I am not quite sure how to set this up or if it is possible. Maybe have a few spawn alongside bandit groups in camps or in civil war camps. maybe a few inside cities for just some flavor. Not looking for having the NPCs ride them or anything complicated like that. just something to add some flavor to the game, and make it more immersive, as if you need a horse in a pinch you can steal one, or maybe even buy one (for an appropriately gouged price) from a local. Any tips on this?
  9. I'm making myself a small mod to change a few of the younger denizens of skyrim into adolescents, inspired by Hroki. Nothing major. I made Runa at Honorhall my guinea pig, and with bodyslide and some tweaking in the CK she pretty much looks like she is 12 or so. This is working great, except she keeps trying to sit down and eat or do other activities and her body changes size, which I am cool with. But her hands grow exceptionally huge to pick up a tankard or whatever. I don't recall any other children trying to do this stuff, but I may have not been paying attention. Is there any way to exclude her from adult animations? Can I still get a child to play tag or accept children's gifts if I have changed their race to adult? Can I get them to accept standard outfits as gift rather than child clothes? Or am I simply going to have to deal with the limitations? Also thought of going bigger, making a seperate race class for adolescents with all the child traits like unkillable, games, gifting, adoption, etc. with ots own body shape. I use CBBE and would like to have a seperate bodyshape for just this race. Any suggestions on how to do this?
  10. Always been a gripe of mine that religious amulets don't show when wearing a monk robe. Of all armors, the monk robe mesh should have definitely been shaped to show off a religious amulet.
  11. I always thought the hold fuards would be better served with distinctive tabards in their design. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26983/ has a lot of great knight armors, I would love to see the various guards sporting this kind of tabard armor with their respective hold imagery. I have no idea how one would go about modding that mod into an armor replacer for SSE.
  12. Has anyone attempted a blacksmith outfit with pants? I seriously doubt Adrienne Avenicci would wear a dress to make armor.
  13. Everytime i run Skyrim, my an runs steady and fine. After closing, the fan goes insane, running well above safe zone. I shut off Steam, and it immediately slows. Anyone else having this? Any ideas on preventing it?
  14. In response to post #24758429. #24758664 is also a reply to the same post. THAT makes sense. Instead of a buck for a mod here or a mod there, why not create a pack of mods that aim at a certain goal, like graphics overhauls, or immerive environments, or realism? that way we can get ONE mod in our load order where all the parts are compatible and don't require us to tinker and patch? An actual EXPANSION PACK? (What we used to call DLC before games became pay-to-win for all the newer folks out there) I'd pay $30 or 40 for a pack containing SkyUI, the unofficial patches, graphical corrections, and performance enhancements all in one. With scripts integrated into the BASE GAME without the need for extenders or patching together. The same goes for overall graphics options, say we want a darker and grittier and more realistic Skyrim. Wet and Cold, Necessities, and a graphics package of darker and dirtier textures, all in one integrated package. Or an armory mod that contains the top weapon and armor packs integrated seamlessly into the actual game. Then you're getting a cut of more than a few bucks, and you're not only getting new content, but convenience and stability!
  15. All I foresaw with this was a stream of cruddy mods with nice claims so some could make a quick buck. I'm not against donations, but seriously, how long would it have been before a bunch of people who don't give two craps about TES or the community bought a copy just so they could make a little cash? We'd have an influx of flashy but poorly conceived and constructed mods that we won't be able to tell are cruddy until they had our money. At least the way modding has been appraoched in the past weeded out the glory seekers and cheap grabs. It takes a huge amount of dedication to make a big mod. I myself have not touched the construction kit for anything original since Morrowind, because it sucked up too much time. The dedication necessary virtually eliminates casual nuisance. You have to actually care to invest so much into it.
  16. My question is, how long does anyone REALLY think Bethesda and Steam will wait before coming after mod sites like Nexus? They're greedy, plus Nexus will now have to monitor uploaded mods for content posted from behind the paywall. Or face cease-and-desist orders. Just like with Atari in the early 80's, greed is destroying the game business.
  17. I have several mods that modify npc appearances, both my own and some downloaded ones. May sound like a noob question, but is there some way to combine these into one mod? They are dependant on the apachii skyhair mods.
  18. I think it would be nice to have a new class of hold rangers, like guards, but in the woods. Even some Imperial and/or Thalmor rangers, too. Sort of Robin Hood-like, in greens and browns. This could just be extra NPCs, or maybe have some cave dens for them or whatnot and a string of quests. Just a thought.
  19. I've used that one before. But there are big gaps between the outer robe and the inner one. I am actually using a darkened black retex of GD's Ranger Dresses at the moment. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14031 I just thought it would be cool to have a black veil, or a black dress/robe over a steel breastplate, as Falk Firebeard would most likely want to protect her from assassination.
  20. Yeah I know but I am not talking bout just slap on option to have her follow you around. And Besides Babette has been a vampire forever, I'm talking about a freshly turned child vampire. The best follower/companion mods are usually with custom everything like Valija. I like the way you said this and it even gave me another idea. What if as a child they're strongest trait are your weakest? Not any of the weapon or armor, just like alchemy, food, sneak, pick locking, and enchanting. Maybe only have them be able to be strongest in 2 trait? Maybe have the player ask them a question in what they're parents use to do? Then the system chooses 2 of the traits depending on the question asked? Who knows what there parents profession might have been and what they taught there child right? I would'nt know I don't own hearthfire. Oh and don't forget a good story line :P. Hmmm I don't know about spells, maybe. Its gotta make sense and be immersive. What about a sort of street urchin? A kid skilled at stealth, lockpicking, and pickpocketing. Maybe speechcraft because he's a fast talker. Maybe give him a slingshot or something to use him as a ranged companion? I mean, it worked fairly well for Indiana Jones in ToD!
  21. I thought it was a little strange the Elisif looked pretty much like any other Jarl. It would be nice to see her in a black gown and veil. (She's mourning, after all) And looking sort of sad, like a woman who cries herself to sleep every night. At the very least, does anyone know a gown mod with a black version that is not overtly sexy?
  22. I think that sounds awesome! Best of luck, Luddemann!
  23. I wasn't talking about nudity per se, just not overly-sexualized children. That's creepy. lol I just get tired of quests or whatever that have you look for a certain child and they ALL LOOK ALIKE. Plus they need some new options for clothing. And some new toys. Like a hero-type blanket tied around the neck to play or something. And some warm furs for the colder regions. I hate walking into Winterhold or Dawnstar and seeing all these bundled-up NPCs with kids running around in light tunics and sandles. I guess Nord = Bad parent. lol
  24. Ashara's Princess of the Woods armor also has a nice light belt for a ranger or mage character, but it is snug-fitting, so will only work with some form-fitting armors. Also has a great dagger that straps to the leg, which I have used with many armors without pants. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26089
  25. We have some great modelers here that have given us some beautiful body shape tweaks, like CBBE or UNP. I would like to request that someone turn their attention to the increasingly utilized but under-modded children of Skyrim. An all-new set of bodies for kids (nothing sexual or gratuitous) that can be adjusted for size, shape, and facial definition so that the children can be made unique as well as able to wear different clothing. Why are all the kids in Skyrim the same size? Where are the toddlers and teenagers? Why do they all wear the same clothing? Plus, we now have mods that build muscle mass or fat based on activity, why not have children grow as time goes on? conceivably, a few years can pass while playing the game. Why not have some adolescents grow to adulthood (and eventually become followers, etc.)? Just a thought...
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