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Everything posted by ElijahHouck

  1. Hearing things like that really makes it worth it. :thanks: New post just went up. Today's episode: Temple of Union Decision. Love the new episode :) . This would make a great storyline for a movie adaptaion of Fallout, IMO. I really feel like I "know" the characters, maybe because I've plaed through Fallout so many times.
  2. Are you sure the video files are in Fallout 3/Data/Video? That was what fixed it for me.
  3. Wow, really neat story so far :) . Bookmarking the page now.
  4. They pretty much are. I wish there would've been a few easter eggs where a couple of them actually worked.
  5. That sounds like a great idea- even the parachute would be great for getting away from those pesky Raiders on the SatCom towers ;) .
  6. I've found this true with both Oblivion and Fallout 3. I didn't mind the thieves guild in Oblivion (as the point was to not kill people), but the Dark Brotherhood made me feel bad. Same with Fallout 3- siding with the Enclave, blowing up Megaton- it all makes me feel like a bad person :P . It's probably because of the scale of the games- your decisions effect gameplay as a whole.
  7. Mothership Zeta is already at my local GameStop :blink: . I went to buy Crysis: Warhead, and I saw it there. I already downloaded it though, so I didn't buy it.
  8. It should be located deep within Appdata- go to "C:\Users\Your Username Here\AppData\Local\Microsoft\XLive\DLC" by pasting it into the address bar. Just follow the random numbers until you eventually find Mothership Zeta's random number folder. Copy & Paste the data files into your Data folder (you only need the .esm and .bsa's). I'm downloading now too... wish me luck :) . Wow, that was the fastest download from GFWL ever. Installing now.
  9. New MZ screens are up on Fallout's site :) . They're pretty cool, especially the second one.
  10. Well, my Fallout installation (with all 4 DLC's and a few mods) takes up 10.1 GB of HDD space. But that has nothing to do with performance- that's only storage.
  11. Watch out Bethesda, Landover Baptist Church is out to get you! ("...the only rational stand is to call for the end of Bethesda Softworks.") This is one of the funniest forum posts I've read in a while- it fails in so many ways. They assume Bethesda is aiming the game towards 10 year olds, but it's an M-rated game. And Harabec Weathers is right, thats why I stopped going to church all the time too. Now, not trying to offend anyone, that's just not the type of lifestyle I want to live.
  12. Hmm, maybe. It's crazy how something so simple can become so complicated. Well, now that I think about it, I'm having more problems with LOD in this worldspace. The LOD textures look like blue static... maybe its an LOD glitch? Edit- here's a pic- http://www.majhost.com/gallery/MrCooleo/Computers/screenshot0.png
  13. I don't think so... I didn't see anything even related to the tower at all. The script had to do with the animation of the detonator, explosion, Burke/Tenpenny's reactions, and the conversation after that.
  14. Hmm, something simple like that might just work. Especially LOD Settings, I'll try it and report back. Nevermind. I slid them all up to the highest they would go, and still no explosion. I looked around the Detonator script, and couldn't find anything related to LOD or view distance. Oh, and how do you create a new topic? I'm making a voice holotape, and I'm clueless when it comes to dialogue.
  15. It is :( . It's even placed to where you are facing north when you view it... I've heard that the explosion is only viewable from the north. I tried placing it west/east/south too, but no luck.
  16. I still do the Survival Guide (without lying to her)- I kinda like it :blink: . My biggest mistakes would be- 1) Not knowing you could swim. Seriously. I spent like 2 hours on the way to Rivet City trying to find a way around the Potomac before I fell in the river, and just swimming to Rivet City. 2) Doing the entire MQ. Instead of skipping Moriarty, Rivet City, and heading to Project Purity, I should've just went straight to Vault 87. 3) Playing as an evil character. Not worth it. 4) Letting Dogmeat die.
  17. It was clearly Schmault-Tec Bubbleheads. You need more drugs.
  18. That was the greatest moment in the history of gaming, IMO. How the game developers thought of some of that stuff is beyond me.
  19. http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb147/Mr_Cooleo/AltonProblem.png As you can see, nothing blocking it. Nothing to block my view, it's not even that far away :confused: . But when you get close enough, the entire explosion fades into view just like it doesn't have LOD.
  20. Well, I meant that the explosion doesn't have it's own marker (like fire, for example)- it just has the X Marker. So what he had said doesn't apply, I can't just click a check box on that object. So how is the one that goes off in Megaton LOD, then?
  21. The problem is, the explosion isn't actually in the worldspace, it's just set to be placed at an X Marker by a script, so there's no way of doing that :( .
  22. Just one question this time- how do you generate LOD explosions? I'm using the Megaton Nuke via script and an X Marker, and the explosion won't show up if it's not within non-LOD range. I've generated LOD landscape, objects, etc- still not working.
  23. If it sounded rude at all, I'm truly sorry :( . I'm really rushed for time right now (and probably for the next month or so), and don't get home until about 6:30. I usually end up falling asleep at about 10:00-ish, so that's only 3 and a half hours I can work on it per day- and that doesn't even include eating and other necessities. And no, it's actually from a modder's resource- search "Boeing" in the uploaded files forum ;) . And thanks Cipscis, I'll start workiing on it tonight.
  24. What do you mean? I'm way to tired to be using the GECK :P ... I need some sleep.
  25. Yeah, I was thinking farther back would be better too, but since the GECK doesn't show very many cells at a time, I had to shove it there ;) .
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