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Everything posted by ElijahHouck

  1. Thanks Cipscis, I got screwed up because of the lack of "scripname." ;)
  2. Yeah, that's really weird... never seen that outside of the GECK. I'm curious as well as to what is causing this.
  3. Sure it is, and here's how- First, create an activator. (World Objects->Activator->Right click->New) You'll have to extract the model the clipboard uses using something like Fallout Mod Manager, and place it in the same path. For example, if the clipboard was located in "Zeta - Main.bsa/Meshes/Clutter/Clipboard/MZclipboard.nif," you would put the NIF you extracted in "Data/Meshes/Clutter...etc." Have the activator use this model, so it looks the same as the clipboard. Place all of the electric effects where you want them to be when the clipboard is activated. Set them as Initially Disabled, which means that the object is there, but just hidden until a script tells them to be enabled. Give your electric arcs unique Reference ID's, so you can refer to them in the script. I'm pretending that you named them ElectricArc1 and ElectricArc2. Begin OnActivate short DoOnce if DoOnce == 0 ElectricArc1.enable ElectricArc2.enable PlaySound SoundID set DoOnce to 1 endif End Lets break that down- Begin OnActivate This is telling the script to only happen when the player has activated the clipboard. short DoOnce Anything can come after short, such as "short Walking." It's a way of telling the script, through "if Walking" and "set Walking to," that something is happening, should happen, or shouldn't happen. electricarc1.enable You're telling the Initially Disabled electric arc to become enabled. Playsound SoundID Simply playing the sound. endif You're ending the "if" condition. Unlike Begin/End, the "if" is totally defined by you, instead of being chosen from a list of possible conditions. End You're ending the "OnActivate." One script can have multiple Begin and End conditions, as long as they are different. For example, you could have both "Begin OnActivate" and "Begin GameMode" in the same script. But you cannot have another Begin statement until the other has already ended via "End." You'll need to replace "SoundID" with the name of a sound you think fits your description. I think the Megaton gate opening sound might fit, but it's your choice. Sounds are under "Miscellaneous->Sounds" if you didn't know :) . After you save your script, simply chose your script from the drop-down list when editing your activator. And you always start a script with "Scriptname ScriptID." Replace ScriptID with what you want your script to be called. If you want, you can simply type SCN instead of ScriptName, but I personally prefer to write the whole thing out. Remember, scripts are not case-sensitive, so capitalizing things isn't necessary. Of course, it makes the script easier to navigate, especially when you start to write lengthier ones. It's kind of tough to get started, but you'll get the hang of it. A couple of months ago, I was in the same position you were in :) .
  4. I've been having a problem with my mod requiring two of the DLC's that I didn't even use (I just loaded my mod in the GECK with them checked, too). I already tried using FO3Edit to remove the masters, but that didn't work. Is there any way to check why my mod is requiring these? By the way, the two are Anchorage and Point Lookout.
  5. I'm incorporating a series of collectible holotapes into my large-worldspace mod, and every time you find one it either raises a skill or gives you a perk. One of the holotapes details the character evading an old Corvega that had been following him. I want the perk you gain to deal more damage to enemies (and consequently yourself) when you blow up any vehicle. Any way to do this via perk?
  6. Your a lifesaver, that worked! It was the Placeable Water that messed with it, from now on I'll just raise the water height in the specific cells. Thanks again :) .
  7. There is a large hole in one cell of the Worldspace's water, it floats way above the rest of the water. The problem showed up a week or so ago- I had a pond that was infested with Mirelurks, and all of a sudden, the Placeable Water I had put in the worldspace started acting glitchy. It wasn't until I deleted it that I realized the worldspace's default water had risen up to the height of that placeable water, but only in one cell. I've tried "needs water adjustment," messing with the default/LOD water height, everything. This mod has pretty much been my life for the past 6 months, and I don't want some floating water to ruin it now. http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb147/Mr_Cooleo/WaterHole.jpg See? Water missing here... http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb147/Mr_Cooleo/WaterHole2.jpg ...and that's where it's at now- partially covering where my Placeable Water used to be.
  8. Just look at the site i posted up there. its alot easier than having to research copyright status of each item yourself. Welcome to the Archive's audio and MP3 library. This library contains over two hundred thousand free digital recordings ranging from alternative news programming, to Grateful Dead concerts, to Old Time Radio shows, to book and poetry readings, to original music uploaded by our users. Many of these audios and MP3s are available for free download. Will do :) . Since all of the stuff there is free and not pirated, I'm sure there won't be any problems.
  9. Haha, thanks. I think I'll go ahead and add some 50's songs in there, and if asked to take them down I'll just remove them via update or something :) .
  10. I can't remember the details, but I think I read somewhere that you don't have to get a license for distributing music after it's been around for 50 years. For example, if I found some 50's songs, would it be alright to include them as a radio station in a mod? I've seen stuff like "40 more from the 40's," so I assume it would. Of course, I'm going to be selling my mod or anything so that won't be an issue ;) .
  11. Pepsi, regular. Used to love Coke, but I'm really sick of the taste of it. Plus it makes me burp excessively.
  12. Or you could hold the X or Z key while rotating it, to rotate it on it's side.
  13. I'll try it, thanks :) . I actually found I'm using one of the sounds from PL, so I'll have to find a new one from Pitt/Broken Steel/vanilla that works just as well.
  14. I've been working on a mod that adds my hometown for 6 months, and in that time I've went back and deleted everything I added related to Anchorage and Point Lookout. I can't find anything from either of these in my mod- is there a way to find out what is making it require these DLC's?
  15. All of the above. Don't know any that do, but I've heard a couple stories of husbands/boyfriends convincing their wife/girlfriend to play Fallout, and then they get addicted.
  16. It was "meh" for me. The best part was the explosion at the end, and the rest wasn't that exciting compared to Anchorage or Point Lookout. I would've much rather seen a Commonwealth mod, or Downtown DC expander for the final DLC.
  17. Just one question this time- What is it that makes the Wasteland's worldspace constantly have the whirlwind sound effects? Is it the large number of whirlwind movable statics that are placed everywhere, or is it an acoustic thing?
  18. Thanks everyone :) . I'll send everyone a PM who said they would do it with a few lines of dialogue, and you can send me back a sample. Thanks again!
  19. Okay, couple of things- Do you have a decent mic? And what voices would you be able to do?
  20. http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb147/Mr_Cooleo/AltonCuppa.png Anyone here interested in doing voice acting for an upcoming mod of mine? I'll give you the lines, you give me the voice. It would need to be high quality and not with some $10 mic, otherwise I'd do it myself ;). I'm looking for anyone that can do any of the following- Adult Caucasian Male Adult Caucasian Woman Adult African American Male Adult African American Woman (maybe) Children's voices (maybe) You'll definitely be credited, and you'll get to play it my mod way ahead of time- there's still quite a few months until release. The mod itself takes place in my hometown of Alton, IL- the wastes of Alton will probably end up being as big or bigger than Point Lookout's worldspace. I've been working for months creating it, and I'm definitely not going to quit. I'd be really grateful, I might even throw your name in somewhere as a cameo appearance or something :) .
  21. That is utter BS, I run it on this comp on every single setting low and it works fine, Increased Increased Spawns and all. It's a load order issue or a texture/mesh issue rather then a Hardware issue. Agreed. I'm using a low-end comp until I finish building my beast of a computer, and it runs MMM Increased Spawns just fine.
  22. Go to Documents/My Games/Fallout 3, and open GeckCustom.ini. Find the line: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0 ...and cange it to: bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 Hehe, I got beaten to it. It sure does take a while to type stuff on my iPod.
  23. I just stumbled apon it really and now that I'm using it I really just go "Why wasn't this like this originaly?!" Also mods like "Megaton Outskirts" in combination with a few others makes Megaton feel like a huge settlement with the lucky few living under the rusted roof. Instead of a few people living round a bomb...... I love the Megaton Outskirts mod as well. Especially when I used to use mods like "Summer V2," it'd really make it feel different.
  24. Ok, cool. I'll make an .esm/bsa and send you two the files. And thanks BadPenny, I'll have to try something like that.
  25. Alright, thanks a ton :) . I'll send you a PM tomorrow with the files, but for now its bedtime.
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