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Everything posted by daisho13

  1. In response to post #17806004. #17855864 is also a reply to the same post. Yeah, just got it today trying to download a file. Won't contact server in NMM and the file is incomplete when I do manual download. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168/? ApachiiSkyHair Trying to get the stand alone female hair v1.4 and I cannot get a good download of it.
  2. In response to post #10938619. #10945086, #10945286, #10945836, #10948764, #10953059, #10956966 are all replies on the same post. Well yeah, bitching about a free service is a bit rubbish, it's not a good look.
  3. Thanks for the updates, I think it is a very common problem for websites that grow very large, the base of them was not designed for massive data through puts, and so things like this year happen. Keep at it, most of us appreciate the work you guys do.
  4. One of my favourite things about premium membership is the full download history, awesome everybody has this now, nice work. Edit: I have downloaded a couple files since this post that are still not showing up in my download history.
  5. I love these in detail updates and info posts, sold me on a premium membership, thanks for all the great work from you and the team!
  6. Been here since the tesnexus days, still love the site, and appreciate all the hard work that goes into it and also the updates to let us know how it's all running.
  7. I just replayed through, she is in a different part of the ship, not the initial cells you bust out of.
  8. Bumping this because I am having the same problem. This is how it looks in NifSkope: http://i.imm.io/iSSZ.jpeg but after a reload in game the magazine ends up under the wooden section, like Corejobs, but translated about +10x and -2y
  9. Thanks, I'll give it a look when I get home from work, thanks for the tip!!
  10. Hi, I am having a problem where the magazine on a rifle does not move, even though the reload animation plays, I have checked everything I know to in NifSkope, and am at a bit of a loss. I copied the magazine from another weapon, and moved it to the new one, which normally works fine, but this time it is being difficult! I am sure I have missed something simple, but I don't have a clue what it would be. Any help is appreciated.
  11. That would be really easy to do in GECK with the standard Silenced 10mm Pistol. All your would need to do is create a new id for it if you don't want NPC's to have access to it.
  12. 92 for me. It is not inherently scary, I just hate Mirelurks. I would rather face Ghoul Reavers than Mirelurks. I don't know why, but something about them just creeps me out. In terms of scariest vault, minus any denizens, then 87 wins, just for the gore in the place.
  13. You sir, are a steely eyed missile man! Thanks. I had the Outcasts turn hostile after I fast travelled to Smith Casey, your list of commands have fixed it, thanks a bunch!
  14. Yeah, I'm getting this problem with a couple weapons I am trying to customise with scopes. I know I am doing something fundamentally wrong, but I can't figure it out and it is driving me nuts! All I want is to add a scope to a couple of weapons on the 20th century weapons pack. It should not be that hard!
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