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Posts posted by DanielLiswinski

  1. Because my last idea: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/600094-idea-for-later/ had not a single comment or idea, I just thought about, what else could I try. So here is another Request from me for more Elves :)

    Please, add some Elvish Companions to Skyrim, no matter if they are Thalmor or not. Just add some recruitable NPC's (Mage, Thief, Warrior) to the Game. I also would like it to have more Men than Women, because I think, that there are more Women Follower Mods on the Nexus Site, than Men. So thats all of it. All that I wanted to ask off. Very simple, isn't it? :D

    And as always, excuse my bad english.


    If thats your main criteria, them being elves, have you considered just changing the race of an already existing companion? That way you get nicely voiced companions. Or if you really want a "new" companion, and don't care so much about voice acting, download one of the many companion mods and just swap the race :-)


    And... how do I do that? :whistling:

    Havn't done it before. :sweat:

  2. Because my last idea: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/600094-idea-for-later/ had not a single comment or idea, I just thought about, what else could I try. So here is another Request from me for more Elves :)

    Please, add some Elvish Companions to Skyrim, no matter if they are Thalmor or not. Just add some recruitable NPC's (Mage, Thief, Warrior) to the Game. I also would like it to have more Men than Women, because I think, that there are more Women Follower Mods on the Nexus Site, than Men. So thats all of it. All that I wanted to ask off. Very simple, isn't it? :D

    And as always, excuse my bad english.

  3. And now? :wacko:

    Since I'm now Member of MERP, I don't know, when it will be released and I don't know that KnightofGondor Guy that you are talking about. :blink:

    Ha, how wierd. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    What about Standalone LOTR Armoury????

    Hey Daniel, what's your screename on the MERP forums?


    @StuartSmile: Check the mod's profile on Moddb, where it says "Release Date." TBD = To Be Decided. There is no release date, the mod will be done when we say it is.


    @ghosu: Yeah that KnightOfGondor guy asks A LOT of questions >_>



    Actually I'm not in the Forum. :sweat: But how about my question? Could be possible, could it?

  4. And now? :wacko:

    Since I'm now Member of MERP, I don't know, when it will be released and I don't know that KnightofGondor Guy that you are talking about. :blink:

    Ha, how wierd. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    What about Standalone LOTR Armoury????

  5. Just thought it would be a good idea to ask for the Galadrim Armour or at least Haldir's Armour from LotR TT. Especially his Bow and his Sword, that looked a bit like Hadhafang. So, what are you thinking? I mean, we already got the Galadrim Armour for Oblivion and now could be the time, to do so for Skyrim.

    Of Course ONLY if it is LORE- friendly.

  6. Originally it was an idea for Skyrim, but I guess itshould also fit in the Northern Part of Cyrodiil as well. Perhaps someone who speaks german could help me a bit too?

    Ok, here's the original Text. But this just fits so good into TES 4 Oblivion, especially if you love Elves so much as I do. :D


    How about this:

    What about creating a mod with following Background:


    After a long time of brutal War and murdering of nearly all Elves, many Survivers fleet in there Homelands. But there was a small Group of Survivers, lead by a powerfull Highelf with shiny Armour, who took Control over an old and abandoned Fortress on one of the most important Trading Roads from Cyrodiil to Skyrim, to plan there Revenge.

    But it took not long and so the last off the Elves where located and a large Army of Men went out to finally get the last Part of Mythology closed, For Ever.

    And so it comes to the actual Situation, that a small Group of Elves, gathered in an instable Ruin who fight for there lives against the never ending Army of Men. It is yours to decide wich Site u will join in Battle. Will you be the one who shows forgivness? Or will you be the one who will show no mercy to Enemys of the Empire?

    It is your's to choose.....


    The Quest could begin in the Tent of the leader of the Men army. You will be sent out as an Herold to get the capitulation from the Elves. But will your Heart be cold like the Nights in Skyrim, or will you leave your anger behind when you see young, old, women and injured, Survivers from earlyer attacks? You will be lead to the Leader of the Last Elves (shrouded in Mysteries and Bedstorys to scare Children). There you will have to choose, will you still fight enemys, you could beat easyly alone, or will you help them in the last defence? Excactly at that Point, where you will speak with the Leader in his shiny Armour should be your turn. Kill him and his guards, climb up the stairs of the old tower and give the Signal for the final Blow, or show a Heart and help for good. Will you help? Than you can give orders to the remaining troops. Darkelves and Highelves, both Skilled with Magic and Weapons can be good melee fighters. Woodelves, skilled with Bows can be strong Distand Fighters, but can also defend themselves in close distance. The forces of Men Army has most Imperial Soldiers, Nord slaves (when you kill a special imperial Commander near them, they will turn against the imperials and help your defending Troops inside the Fort), Captured Giants, Catapults, and much more ( It IS a big Army).

    But no matter, how you decide, you will get a mighty Reward from both sides. But don't expact to much from the killed Women, old and Children. They have got nothing but the clothes on theyre Bodys. Only the Leader and his remaining Soldiers are wearing Armour. Highelves with the Elven Armour, Darkelves with a fitting Armour for them and Woodelves with some kind of Leather Armour and the Mages could wear some kind of enchantet Thalmoor Robes. Also the Leaders Sword could be a Stand alone Model of one of that Elven Swords, we used to know in Oblivion. He could also wear a unique Armour, Re textured or Standalone it doesn't matter. But it should look awesome and Mythic.

    After that Battle you will be always welcome to all the Elves from Skyrim (even the Thalmoor and Bandit Elves who will join you in Battles), they will open the Trading Road again and will try to restore Peace with your Help and the Help, of the Leaders of Nord Cities, like Ulfric for examble. You will get +100 to all Elves, thats the Reason, why even the Bandit Elves will turn against the other Bandits. Also you get the Option to tell them, to got to the Fortress and Help, rebuild it (in Elven Style! ) and join the Elven Soldiers there. If you got a Female Human Char, you can marry the Elven Leader and become Queen (with the fitting Outfit of course ) and to show the Human Kind, that there is no more Reason to fear them anymore. If your Char is a Male,... hmmm Gay Marriage? Maybe, if we aren't racists anymore! :laugh:

    Or you will be pleased with the Rank of his Highest Commander ( He will still be the Leader of his people) and the powerfull enchanted Armour an Weapon you get.


    Will you still be part of that racist empire and slaughter defendless Elves, the Empire will gladly put you in the Rank of Commander of the North. Your Reward will be a re- tex of Tullius' Armour and Sympathie + 100 to all imperials in Skyrim. And only +20 to all Nords, Bretons, + 15 to Redguards, Argonians and Orcs. In the Elven Way you will gain + 80 to Nords, +75 to Bretons, Argonians, Redguards and Orcs. It shoulb better, to finish all Mainquest Parts and Sidequest Parts of them, before playing this. But it would be good, to have some Random quests, like defending the Fortress Worker from Bandit Attackers, or th Protect a Deligation of Diplomats from the Fortress to each City of Skyrim to talk to theyr Rulers. And finally, after the Castle is rebuilt, you can choose a Name for it. Something that fit for a Nordic- Elven Relationship. Maybe I will edit some more interesting things to this one. But for now, thats all I have to say.


    Ohhhhhh, how I wish, to be a great Modder, to do this by my own ..... But I can't even create a simple table!!!! :wallbash:

    Please, have a heart and help meeee. :ohdear:


    And sorry, if there are to many Skyrim Armour and Weapon Requests in it. Thats just because I've only copyed the Text into here. And sorry for my bad english. I could also write it in german, but I guess this would be too much of info. :D


    I'm waiting for some comments, ideas and People, who are addicted to challenges and making people happy. :)

  7. How about this:

    What about creating a mod with following Background:


    After a long time of brutal War and murdering of nearly all Elves, many Survivers fleet in there Homelands. But there was a small Group of Survivers, lead by a powerfull Highelf with shiny Armour, who took Control over an old and abandoned Fortress on one of the most important Trading Roads of Skyrim, to plan there Revenge.

    But it took not long and so the last off the Elves where located and a large Army of Men went out to finally get the last Part of Mythology closed, For Ever.

    And so it comes to the actual Situation, that a small Group of Elves, gathered in an instable Ruin who fight for there lives against the never ending Army of Men. It is yours to decide wich Site u will join in Battle. Will you be the one who shows forgivness? Or will you be the one who will show no mercy to Enemys of the Empire?

    It is your's to choose.....


    The Quest could begin in the Tent of the leader of the Men army. You will be sent out as an Herold to get the capitulation from the Elves. But will your Heart be cold like the Nights in Skyrim, or will you leave your anger behind when you see young, old, women and injured, Survivers from earlyer attacks? You will be lead to the Leader of the Last Elves (shrouded in Mysteries and Bedstorys to scare Children). There you will have to choose, will you still fight enemys, you could beat easyly alone, or will you help them in the last defence? Excactly at that Point, where you will speak with the Leader in his shiny Armour should be your turn. Kill him and his guards, climb up the stairs of the old tower and give the Signal for the final Blow, or show a Heart and help for good. Will you help? Than you can give orders to the remaining troops. Darkelves and Highelves, both Skilled with Magic and Weapons can be good melee fighters. Woodelves, skilled with Bows can be strong Distand Fighters, but can also defend themselves in close distance. The forces of Men Army has most Imperial Soldiers, Nord slaves (when you kill a special imperial Commander near them, they will turn against the imperials and help your defending Troops inside the Fort), Captured Giants, Catapults, and much more ( It IS a big Army).

    But no matter, how you decide, you will get a mighty Reward from both sides. But don't expact to much from the killed Women, old and Children. They have got nothing but the clothes on theyre Bodys. Only the Leader and his remaining Soldiers are wearing Armour. Highelves with the Elven Armour, Darkelves with a fitting Armour for them and Woodelves with some kind of Leather Armour and the Mages could wear some kind of enchantet Thalmoor Robes. Also the Leaders Sword could be a Stand alone Model of one of that Elven Swords, we used to know in Oblivion. He could also wear a unique Armour, Re textured or Standalone it doesn't matter. But it should look awesome and Mythic.

    After that Battle you will be always welcome to all the Elves from Skyrim (even the Thalmoor and Bandit Elves who will join you in Battles), they will open the Trading Road again and will try to restore Peace with your Help and the Help, of the Leaders of Nord Cities, like Ulfric for examble. You will get +100 to all Elves, thats the Reason, why even the Bandit Elves will turn against the other Bandits. Also you get the Option to tell them, to got to the Fortress and Help, rebuild it (in Elven Style! ) and join the Elven Soldiers there. If you got a Female Human Char, you can marry the Elven Leader and become Queen (with the fitting Outfit of course ) and to show the Human Kind, that there is no more Reason to fear them anymore. If your Char is a Male,... hmmm Gay Marriage? Maybe, if we aren't racists anymore! ;) :D

    Or you will be pleased with the Rank of his Highest Commander ( He will still be the Leader of his people) and the powerfull enchanted Armour an Weapon you get.


    Will you still be part of that racist empire and slaughter defendless Elves, the Empire will gladly put you in the Rank of Commander of the North. Your Reward will be a re- tex of Tullius' Armour and Sympathie + 100 to all imperials in Skyrim. And only +20 to all Nords, Bretons, + 15 to Redguards, Argonians and Orcs. In the Elven Way you will gain + 80 to Nords, +75 to Bretons, Argonians, Redguards and Orcs. It shoulb better, to finish all Mainquest Parts and Sidequest Parts of them, before playing this. But it would be good, to have some Random quests, like defending the Fortress Worker from Bandit Attackers, or th Protect a Deligation of Diplomats from the Fortress to each City of Skyrim to talk to theyr Rulers. And finally, after the Castle is rebuilt, you can choose a Name for it. Something that fit for a Nordic- Elven Relationship. Maybe I will edit some more interesting things to this one. But for now, thats all I have to say.


    Ohhhhhh, how I wish, to be a great Modder, to do this by my own :unsure: ..... But I can't even create a simple table!!!! :wallbash:

    Please, have a heart and help meeee.


  8. Hello to you, my Savior! :D

    I just read your comment on my Request for my Story and answered it there with the link to it and also added some thoughts about the Look from Cover and Pages.

    If that shouldn't be possible to do, than let me know, and I will check out some other Book Parts, that look like I want the Book to be. ;)

  9. Thank you very much for your Comment. My book isn't finished yet. But it will completed, if I got the time to finish it. I also added it to Deviant Art for getting some feedback. For now, there will be just a kiss between two male Elves, not more so far, because my Story ends, where the Sewer Exit is. And btw. : The link isn't working, but I can tell you, how it should look like: I thought of a retex from the Book "Last King of the Ayleids".

    It should have a cover, that has the colour of the Varla Stones and the Pages should have the Colours of Welkynd Stones. The Text should have a sort of blue colour. And (!) there is a Cover to be created: The Tree you see on the Doory to the Elven Ruins with two crossed Blades behind it and there should be a text in elven Language around it (some sort of Text from the One Ring of Sauron). The Blades should look a bit like Arwens Sword from Lord of the Rings, but there should be a white hilt with golden Stripes and a Ruby on it's End and the Blade should shine like the brightest Star also with an elven text on it.

    That's my idea so far. :D

    Ah, the link to my Story:

  10. How about this:

    What about creating a mod with following Background:


    After a long time of brutal War and murdering of nearly all Elves, many Survivers fleet in there Homelands. But there was a small Group of Survivers, lead by a powerfull Highelf with shiny Armour, who took Control over an old and abandoned Fortress on one of the most important Trading Roads of Skyrim, to plan there Revenge.

    But it took not long and so the last off the Elves where located and a large Army of Men went out to finally get the last Part of Mythology closed, For Ever.

    And so it comes to the actual Situation, that a small Group of Elves, gathered in an instable Ruin who fight for there lives against the never ending Army of Men. It is yours to decide wich Site u will join in Battle. Will you be the one who shows forgivness? Or will you be the one who will show no mercy to Enemys of the Empire?

    It is your's to choose.....


    The Quest could begin in the Tent of the leader of the Men army. You will be sent out as an Herold to get the capitulation from the Elves. But will your Heart be cold like the Nights in Skyrim, or will you leave your anger behind when you see young, old, women and injured, Survivers from earlyer attacks? You will be lead to the Leader of the Last Elves (shrouded in Mysteries and Bedstorys to scare Children). There you will have to choose, will you still fight enemys, you could beat easyly alone, or will you help them in the last defence? Excactly at that Point, where you will speak with the Leader in his shiny Armour should be your turn. Kill him and his guards, climb up the stairs of the old tower and give the Signal for the final Blow, or show a Heart and help for good. Will you help? Than you can give orders to the remaining troops. Darkelves and Highelves, both Skilled with Magic and Weapons can be good melee fighters. Woodelves, skilled with Bows can be strong Distand Fighters, but can also defend themselves in close distance. The forces of Men Army has most Imperial Soldiers, Nord slaves (when you kill a special imperial Commander near them, they will turn against the imperials and help your defending Troops inside the Fort), Captured Giants, Catapults, and much more ( It IS a big Army).

    But no matter, how you decide, you will get a mighty Reward from both sides. But don't expact to much from the killed Women, old and Children. They have got nothing but the clothes on theyre Bodys. Only the Leader and his remaining Soldiers are wearing Armour. Highelves with the Elven Armour, Darkelves with a fitting Armour for them and Woodelves with some kind of Leather Armour and the Mages could wear some kind of enchantet Thalmoor Robes. Also the Leaders Sword could be a Stand alone Model of one of that Elven Swords, we used to know in Oblivion. He could also wear a unique Armour, Re textured or Standalone it doesn't matter. But it should look awesome and Mythic.

    After that Battle you will be always welcome to all the Elves from Skyrim (even the Thalmoor and Bandit Elves who will join you in Battles), they will open the Trading Road again and will try to restore Peace with your Help and the Help, of the Leaders of Nord Cities, like Ulfric for examble. You will get +100 to all Elves, thats the Reason, why even the Bandit Elves will turn against the other Bandits. Also you get the Option to tell them, to got to the Fortress and Help, rebuild it (in Elven Style! ) and join the Elven Soldiers there. If you got a Female Human Char, you can marry the Elven Leader and become Queen (with the fitting Outfit of course ) and to show the Human Kind, that there is no more Reason to fear them anymore. If your Char is a Male,... hmmm Gay Marriage? Maybe, if we aren't racists anymore! ;) :D

    Or you will be pleased with the Rank of his Highest Commander ( He will still be the Leader of his people) and the powerfull enchanted Armour an Weapon you get.


    Will you still be part of that racist empire and slaughter defendless Elves, the Empire will gladly put you in the Rank of Commander of the North. Your Reward will be a re- tex of Tullius' Armour and Sympathie + 100 to all imperials in Skyrim. And only +20 to all Nords, Bretons, + 15 to Redguards, Argonians and Orcs. In the Elven Way you will gain + 80 to Nords, +75 to Bretons, Argonians, Redguards and Orcs. It shoulb better, to finish all Mainquest Parts and Sidequest Parts of them, before playing this. But it would be good, to have some Random quests, like defending the Fortress Worker from Bandit Attackers, or th Protect a Deligation of Diplomats from the Fortress to each City of Skyrim to talk to theyr Rulers. And finally, after the Castle is rebuilt, you can choose a Name for it. Something that fit for a Nordic- Elven Relationship. Maybe I will edit some more interesting things to this one. But for now, thats all I have to say.

    Ohhhhhh, how I wish, to be a great Modder, to do this by my own..... But I can't even create a simple table!!!! :wallbash:

    Please, have a heart and help meeee. :( :ohdear:

  11. How about this:

    What about creating a mod with following Background:


    After a long time of brutal War and murdering of nearly all Elves, many Survivers fleet in there Homelands. But there was a small Group of Survivers, lead by a powerfull Highelf with shiny Armour, who took Control over an old and abandoned Fortress on one of the most important Trading Roads of Skyrim, to plan there Revenge.

    But it took not long and so the last off the Elves where located and a large Army of Men went out to finally get the last Part of Mythology closed, For Ever.

    And so it comes to the actual Situation, that a small Group of Elves, gathered in an instable Ruin who fight for there lives against the never ending Army of Men. It is yours to decide wich Site u will join in Battle. Will you be the one who shows forgivness? Or will you be the one who will show no mercy to Enemys of the Empire?

    It is your's to choose.....


    The Quest could begin in the Tent of the leader of the Men army. You will be sent out as an Herold to get the capitulation from the Elves. But will your Heart be cold like the Nights in Skyrim, or will you leave your anger behind when you see young, old, women and injured, Survivers from earlyer attacks? You will be lead to the Leader of the Last Elves (shrouded in Mysteries and Bedstorys to scare Children). There you will have to choose, will you still fight enemys, you could beat easyly alone, or will you help them in the last defence? Excactly at that Point, where you will speak with the Leader in his shiny Armour should be your turn. Kill him and his guards, climb up the stairs of the old tower and give the Signal for the final Blow, or show a Heart and help for good. Will you help? Than you can give orders to the remaining troops. Darkelves and Highelves, both Skilled with Magic and Weapons can be good melee fighters. Woodelves, skilled with Bows can be strong Distand Fighters, but can also defend themselves in close distance. The forces of Men Army has most Imperial Soldiers, Nord slaves (when you kill a special imperial Commander near them, they will turn against the imperials and help your defending Troops inside the Fort), Captured Giants, Catapults, and much more ( It IS a big Army).

    But no matter, how you decide, you will get a mighty Reward from both sides. But don't expact to much from the killed Women, old and Children. They have got nothing but the clothes on theyre Bodys. Only the Leader and his remaining Soldiers are wearing Armour. Highelves with the Elven Armour, Darkelves with a fitting Armour for them and Woodelves with some kind of Leather Armour and the Mages could wear some kind of enchantet Thalmoor Robes. Also the Leaders Sword could be a Stand alone Model of one of that Elven Swords, we used to know in Oblivion. He could also wear a unique Armour, Re textured or Standalone it doesn't matter. But it should look awesome and Mythic.

    After that Battle you will be always welcome to all the Elves from Skyrim (even the Thalmoor and Bandit Elves who will join you in Battles), they will open the Trading Road again and will try to restore Peace with your Help and the Help, of the Leaders of Nord Cities, like Ulfric for examble. You will get +100 to all Elves, thats the Reason, why even the Bandit Elves will turn against the other Bandits. Also you get the Option to tell them, to got to the Fortress and Help, rebuild it (in Elven Style! :D) and join the Elven Soldiers there. If you got a Female Human Char, you can marry the Elven Leader and become Queen (with the fitting Outfit of course ;) ) and to show the Human Kind, that there is no more Reason to fear them anymore. If your Char is a Male,... hmmm Gay Marriage? Maybe if we aren't racists anymore! Or you will be pleased with the Rank of his Highest Commander ( He will still be the Leader of his people) and the powerfull enchanted Armour an Weapon yo gain.


    Will you still be part of that racist empire and slaughter defendless Elves, the Empire will gladly put you in the Rank of Commander of the North. Your Reward will be a re- tex of Tullius' Armour and Sympathie + 100 to all imperials in Skyrim. And only +20 to all Nords, Bretons, + 15 to Redguards, Argonians and Orcs. In the Elven Way you will gain + 80 to Nords, +75 to Bretons, Argonians, Redguards and Orcs. It shoulb better, to finish all Mainquest Parts and Sidequest Parts of them, before playing this. But it would be good, to have some Random quests, like defending the Fortress Worker from Bandit Attackers, or th Protect a Deligation of Diplomats from the Fortress to each City of Skyrim to talk to theyr Rulers. And finally, after the Castle is rebuilt, you can choose a Name for it. Something that fit for a Nordic- Elven Relationship. Maybe I will edit some more interesting things to this one. But for now, thats all I have to say.

  12. Since I saw so many Screenshots, Videos and read descriptions, it seems for me, that there are even lesser Elves than in Oblivion. So I'm asking you, if it's possible, to put more Elves into the World and the Cities of Skyrim.

    Or we all could write a letter to Bethesda, that the Next Part TES6 should be on the Isle Summerset with much more Elven Things. :D

    But let's come back to my Request: More Elves for Skyrim. A simple Request. Nothing special. Maybe one of the Cityrulers could be an Elv. Or to join them...... aahhh.... just add some more Elves to the Cities and I would be happy. :D

  13. Is it possible to create a Mod or a skript, that allows the Player to import his Character back from Golems of Amgarrak and Wichhunt into Awakening or maybe into Origins? It's just sad to see a char, that got a lot of awesome Weapons and Armors but no one there to use them and after completing Witchhunt, your Char was at the End of his / her long journey and could only be used as a sidepart for DA2. :down:

    That really bothered me so I decided to ask the community if someone else chares my opinion. :ohdear:

    Just think of it: Every Mage can wear the Best Staff and clothing, every Warrior can wear the best Armor and Weapon and so every Rouge can.

    And in the front row is your main character, with the highest level and the best equipment. :wink: :dance:

    The Enemy will cry for that Godlike Cheat. Just think of it, your Char back to the Roots and start with all your new Equipment from the Very First Step , that he / she took. :laugh:

    That would be the best Mod for Dragon Age ever! :woot:

  14. I need someone, who can create a special Book. Don't worry, the Text comes from me. ;)

    All what you have to do is to let me first know, if you're willing in creating / retex a Book for me and copy my Story in it.

    NOTE: The Text is complete in german, so it would be a bit wierd to read for people who can't speak or read german.

    But you would do me a big favor for creating it. Just let me know and I tell you, how the Book should look like.

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