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Posts posted by DanielLiswinski

  1. I like this idea. As for lorewise, it could be a dwemer train on an underground railroad. It seems likely to me with all ruins laying about that they would be somehow connected.


    Nice idea indeed. Let's see, what others will write too. ;)

  2. After Trainwizz came with his Raining Trains Mod, I'm still haunted with the Thaughts of a Horse Relacer.

    Travelling through Skyrim with a much faster Train sounds sooooooo funny, awesome. But I guess, we got a Lore Problem again?

    Or can somebody create this mod?


    I would welcome every Post you will give me.

  3. I got this idea some time ago and thought, that it is about time, to refresh it since everybody seems to be busy in creating some Skyrim Mods.


    Actually I got 2 Ideas, the one is a complete new Mainquest, right at the Beginning. Actually it is a Text, the bad news is, it's only german, sorry. But maybe you know a bit. It's a Story with many Ayleidish, Elvish, LotR Stuff in it and the MQ goes a bit different this time.

    And the second one is a Mod Request also nice for Skyrim, but maybe possible for Oblivion too, just some small changes would be neccessary.


    Link to different Start:





    For the Mod Request, that also has it's own little Story:





    Maybe this here will fit too, because I think, that it could be a little "addon" to it.





    Falls deutsche Nexus User das hier lesen sollten, meldet euch doch bitte bei mir und schreibt mich ruhig an, ich werde gerne Rede und Antwort stehen. ;)

  4. There comes an idea of mine up, I've also requested some time ago.

    Can someone create a Mod for LotR Animations???


    Swinging the Mace like Sauron himself, Stabbing mortals in their Beds like the Nazgul do, movingand standing like the Nine, swinging Anduril like Aragorn did, attacking your enemies with your Knifes like Legolas does, Smashing the Staff on the Groung like Gandalf did. "Yoouu. shall not. PASS!!!" (Secret new Power if all Mage Skills have been mastered???)

    Something like that would be freaking awesome!!!! :dance:

    P.S. Have you took a look to some older Requests of mine yet, search for a Post of mine on Page 8. ;)

  5. Got a new idea! xD


    What about following, and I know it might crash the Leveled items List a bit but



    Can you make a Mod, that let Orcs wear Orcish Things, Dark Elves wear Ebony Things, Highelfs and Woodelves wear Elvish Things, Human wear Steel and Iron, Stormcloaks and Imperial Outfits with matching weapons?


    Especially Elves do not longer wear Glass Armour, even if it is made out of Moonstone.


    So that Iron and Steel truly hurt Elves extremly, every Item that has Iron and Steel on or in it, but not Skyforge Steel for wearing it, after becomming part of the Companions.


    Let's take the first Elve you encounter in Skyrim, Faendal, who has a Hunting Bow and an Iron Dagger.

    The new one should now wear an Elven Dagger and Elven Arrows of course, insteed of that painfull Iron.


    For the mightiest Elves, they CAN wear the Glass Armour, or the Gilded Elven Armour, they should have some more unique Troops too, like Thalmor Archers who wear the Light Elven Set with Bow, Arrows and Dagger. Normal Troops, wearing Standard Elven Armor with Shield, Sword and / or Mace. The Wizzards still wear the Robes and have now Elven Daggers insteed of Steel or Iron ones.


    Dwemer Stuff can be found in the Ruins and on some Mashines, also Calcelmo could sell some. We all know, where the Deadric Items belongs to. :) And Falmer should only wear Falmer Stuff and no Steel Arrows, like I've seen for a Day ago as I travelled through one of their Lairs.

    For the Kahjiit and Argonians, I have no plan what theyr Standard Armour should be also I've no idea who will get Dragon Armour. I leave that to your imagination. ;)

    Last but not least I think that the Draugr should not longer wear Ebony Items, Thats some sort of wierd for me, meeting a Draug in a long seeled Crypt with a freshly smithed Ebony Weapon in his dead hand and attacking me with it. And having a BAD Enchantment on it. It's also not nice getting fusrodahed by them, falling a few meters away and getting pierced by Ebony Arrows while can't moving. Bad, really bad, because I've benn going through this s*** one time and told myself, never again. ( Must also say that I only had the Thalmor Robe equipped. :D )


    So, that is all for now, hope to read something new from you and all others here. Until then, have a nice Time and Lok Thu'um. ;)

  6. Hello!


    I would like to request a mod, which replaces the imperail soldier's armour, with the one in Oblivion.

    It would be awsome if you could import it. :)





    I've got excactly the same idea and made a Request, do u want to know the answer?


    Just guess what was the answer:


    Hint: Does that "lorefriendly / -unfriendly" sound familiar to you?


    Something about forbidden to port stuff from one game into an other.

    I'm still pissed about that lore thing. So many ideas and not a single one accepted, i feel sooooo mad, :verymad: Sheogorath is nothing against me right now again because I wrote these words right from my soul. :unsure:

    If god would have blessed me with enough knowledge for creating it all by myself, I would have all, I ever wanted as Mod for Oblivion, Skyrim and both Dragon Age Games. :wallbash:


    But sadly I'm blessed with two left hands and the Programms are in english which is not my native language. I'm German, and I only know school English.

    But still, I will wish you luck with that Request and hope that you will have more luck, than I got. :thumbsup:

  7. Hello again. :happy:

    Just a quick one.

    Did You already found something interessting within my Posts here?


    where? quote your post..... (click reply to quote a post)


    Sorry, wrote it to an other Guy. It's on Page 8 and for the lazy ones, I've copied it here. ;)






    Posted 30 August 2012 - 06:49 PM



    RasAlgethi24, on 30 August 2012 - 05:57 PM, said:




    DanielLiswinski, on 30 August 2012 - 01:30 PM, said:



    Ok. Here are the Links to my Skyrim Mod Requests.






























    That's all for now, for I don't know more for the moment.


    But I think, that these are more than enough for the next months (next year?).




    Wow! Thank you so much kind sir! That was quick.








    I'm the most famous Person, a beggar knows. Because I give more than 1 coin for a pair of shoes. I give them a complete new Life!

    Gray Fox? Who's Gray Fox???




    Just a new Idea, there is a awesome (in my oppinion the Best) Vamp Eye Mod for Oblivion, that maybe will look awesome for Skyrim too.

    Worth a Try? Here's the Link:





    Aaand one more idea to go:

    Can u create a Mod, which will turn Wolves into friendly Allies after becomming a Werewolf/ Part of the Inner Circle of the Companions?



    Of course I would welcome every Mod which adds some Elvish Stuff, I'm addicted to Elves.


    Yeah I'm an Elvenlover, and now?


    Cheese for Everyone!!!!!!!


    This post has been edited by DanielLiswinski: 30 August 2012 - 07:00 PM

  8. Ok. Here are the Links to my Skyrim Mod Requests.






























    That's all for now, for I don't know more for the moment. :D


    But I think, that these are more than enough for the next months (next year?). ;)


    Wow! Thank you so much kind sir! That was quick. :thumbsup:







    I'm the most famous Person, a beggar knows. :) Because I give more than 1 coin for a pair of shoes. I give them a complete new Life! :D

    Gray Fox? Who's Gray Fox??? :D :D :D




    Just a new Idea, there is a awesome (in my oppinion the Best) Vamp Eye Mod for Oblivion, that maybe will look awesome for Skyrim too.

    Worth a Try? Here's the Link:





    Aaand one more idea to go:

    Can u create a Mod, which will turn Wolves into friendly Allies after becomming a Werewolf/ Part of the Inner Circle of the Companions?



    Of course I would welcome every Mod which adds some Elvish Stuff, I'm addicted to Elves. :D :dance:


    Yeah I'm an Elvenlover, and now? :D :D :D


    Cheese for Everyone!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :dance: :dance: :dance:

  9. Hello. I hope not to bother you with some of my ideas. I wrote some requests and still got not a single result, after I saw your "Latest Mod" Post, I thought it could be worth a try.


    Before I start, I want you to ask if it's ok to post the links to my Requests here, perhaps you even know some Persons, who could help me with some of them?

  10. Do you remember the Start for it from TES 4 Oblivion?

    You have to had completed all other Deadra Quests and had to be lvl 20 to get it started. In Skyrim you can start it at lvl1 ( I've tried it out today with my everlasting lvl 1 Char on xBox)

    And The Reward is more than weak. So many things to do, only for 1 nonsense Point forone of the three Ways. So useless.

    So here's my Request. Get it a Rework or (unofficial Patch) That will the Quest start after you have finished all other Deadra Quests, or at least 4 of them and /or be level 20 and make the Book of the Univers Knowledge more powerfull so it will emidiatly bring your Warrior, Mage or Thief Abbilitys to 100 because it is sooo nonesense like, for that you have " The hole knowledge of the Universe in front of you" and it brings nothing, what I can get in less than 5 minutes myself.


    Someone knows how to help me out with that? Comment, please.


    And please check out some of my older Posts here for Skyrim, because I still need answers for some of them.


    Until next time and have some nice, quiet and funny Days. ;)

  11. that sounds awesome :)

    i am currently a snow elf (thank you modders) and sry to try and change ur idea abit (not change more add to it)


    i could become the king (or whatever ruler the snowelves had) if i wear the crown



    Would also be an idea. With the Snow elf Race it would be better, to have the Falmerfaction right after Char Creation. And if wearing the Crown for the first time, it should bring it's former Glory back and destroys the curse on it.

    I must say, you have nice ideas too. ;)

  12. Very good idea!


    I hope to see this mod done. So you can control the Falmer and crush the surfare people! Mwahahhaha XD



    I really hope so, but no one else answered me for now. Hopefully there is someone, who can do it. ;)

  13. As I thought again, how to make Skyrim even better, I came to following Quest Request:


    After the slavery of the Falmer, Dwemer found one of the Ancient Crowns of the Falmer deep within one of their old Fortresses.

    With their Knowledge, the Dwemer manipulated the Crown so it will give it's wearer the Power to controll the Falmer and all of their Servants.


    Centuarys later, the Thalmor are on the Hunt for that powerfull artifact to chance its Power to control Humans insteed.

    At the End it will be your Decision, what you are going to do with that object, maybe "fail" at saving it from the Thalmor, destroy it, or use it by your own.

    But nothing is without Price, the long years lying deep within the Earth changed the Crown and the one who wears it now, will be cursed by an very old and terrible curse, that the Falmer lay over it to prevent it from anyone, who seeks it.

    But the curse can be banned, but you need to find special things to do so, I leave it to the one, who would create this md for me, what to do for cleaning the Crown.


    Also I thought of something easy, like Playerfaction becomes Falmer Faction too, so that you can walk through citys, no attack, and Ruins, no attack.


    Citys no attack means, that the People won't recognize or ignore that you are a friend to the Falmer, or should i say "Lord"? ;)


    Maybe there should be the option by adding all Falmer (and Chaurus?) to you as companions, that will cross your way in the Dwemer Dungeons and everywhere else.

    So that you can even get orders to them, like wait, attack, leave,..... typical comandos you have for vanilla companions too.



    Let me know what you think about it and as always I will apologize for my bad english.

  14. Just so you know I made good on my promise to make it a theme replacer:




    Can upload to Nexus aswell I guess if you so desire. I generally don't upload here anymore preferring the trolls and asshats I get on Steam by the bucket (plus the thousands of actual subscribers of course) but if you want I can do it.


    If you want a bard mod with soundtrack now I have it sorted (XWM files were sure fun as f**k to play with I tell ya - nothing supports them - am sure Bethesda thought they were the future in 2010 lol) I can surely make it happen, however would sound a bit weird when she goes into harmony and you have 1 bard standing there.... but I guess if you can summon fire from your ass whilst fighting giant firebreathing flying lizards, a bard having mastered the art of harmonies on her own does not seem quite so out of place ;)



    Sounds AWESOME!!!! xD

    Hope to see it someday on Skyrim Nexus too. ;) If you know someone, who knows the person, who wrote that Request on youtube, can you contact him? I bet he would say thank you to you too. ^^

  15. So i guess, the one, who would combine those two mods, has to ask her for permission? Hmmmm, just a thought, we already have her as an existing Skyrim NPC ( Playercharacter) Why not making a NPC Bard, or a Replacer for a Bard, like the one singing in the winking Skeever in solitude and add the voicefile to it?


    Should be easy, as long as those two modders get to know of that idea and give permission to do so.


    Who will ask them?

  16. What the hell am I doing now??? You may ask, here is my answer.

    Someone wrote following text on Youtube:



    "Someone should make a mod for the game and add Malukah as a NPC Bard."

    aquadraconus (the one, who wrote that request)




    >> to following video:



    Now, I would do him this favour, by adding him into this Request, that doesn't come from me this time, but from him.


    I think that this is a great Request and since it's nothing from me directly, I bet someone could do his bidding.

    Creat a femal Bard, (maybe essential, follower, marryable) to a Place, you think it would fit and add her song instead of the Vanilla Skyrim one.

    Than contact the Youtube Person above, called aquadraconus and write him, that his wish came true on SkyrimNexus.

    I tellyou, he will be more than just happy, if you would do that. ;)

  17. Even for those of us, who didn't joined the Thievesguild, it would still be an option to let your char be resurrected at the Twilight Sepulcher.

    Yeeeeesss, why giving your soul to nocturnal and die anyway??? Sooooo useless than. But would it not be nice to resurrect there and became a true ghost?

    Think, think, think and let me know, what you think. Yes?

  18. So, I came to the conclusion, after my two requests:






    with the following idea: How about a combination of both?

    Maybe an alternative start, or a quest pop up after you joined the imperial troops, or the Stormcloaks? Also you would have the possibility to play first this quest line and then taking care of the main quest. In addition, it would be totally different, and would add (in my opinion) something new and unique to Skyrim.

    Just think about it, Thalmor outcasts gathering other fleeing elves and relatives to fight against those who once were their brothers and sisters. (What I mean by that is that not everyone was happy beeing a soldier in the service of Thalmor .....)

    Also, you could get the chance to have two factions in Skyrim, that are not at war with each other. If you were to joining the imperials, unfortunately, you would have to kill them all. (The children, women, elderly, sick and weak), the second main quest could begin with the news that the Thalmor discovered something and you now have to deal with it that my request 2 "Something nostalgic" would describe.

    By the way, I had at that time not yet started with Skyrim, when I wrote my first request, had just read a lot about it and searched what google and youtube showed me. So could the last part (with the sympathies) also sound a bit confusing. :psyduck:

    Anyway, I'd appreciate any comment. Hopefully I get this request to a few peoples eyes, who don't know at the moment what they could improve next for Skyrim.

    With all the fantastic modders here, it would be probably an easy, here with my request, that some could get together and form their own group of modders like MERP, for example, that would just give more to deal with the elves, as with JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth. Because I'm such a big elves fan. ;D

    Hopefully this can excite and inspire some of you with my elves fever. Because I just think that the elves in Skyrim come much too short and only the bad guys are everywhere. :down:

    So, that was my request in english. Sorry for some gramma mistakes, but goggle isn't the best translator, and i'm not the best english writer at all. ;D ;D ;D

  19. I will try to write it in english too, but let me start it in my native language.


    German Version:


    Also, ich kam zu dem Entschluss, nach meinen beiden Requests:






    mit folgendem Einfall: Wie wäre es, eine kombi aus beidem zu machen?

    Vielleicht einen alternativ Start zu machen, oder ein Quest Pop up nachdem man den kaiserlichen, bzw. den Strummänteln beigetreten ist?

    Somit hätte man die möglichkeit, als erstes eben diese Questreihe hier zu spielen und sich danach um die Haupt Skyrim Quest zu kümmern.

    Außerdem wäre es mal was total anderes und würde, meiner Meinung nach etwas neues und einzigartiges in Skyrim einfügen. Überlegt mal, Thalmor ausgestoßene, die weitere Flüchtige Elfen und Verwandte sammeln, und gegen jene kämpfen, die einmal ihre Brüder und Schwestern waren. (Was ich damit meine ist: Nicht alle waren gerne Thalmor.....) Außerdem könnte man, so auch zwei Fraktionen in Skyrim bekommen, die sich nicht gegenseitig bekriegen. Würde man sich den kaiserlichen anschließen, hätte man leider das pech, sie alle umzubringen ( Auch die Kinder, Frauen, Alten, Kranken und Schwachen) Und im Anschluss vielleicht eben die Nachricht, dass die Thalmor etwas entdeckten und ihr euch darum kümmern müsst. Was dann meine Request 2 "Something nostalgic" beschreiben würde.

    Übrigens: Ich hatte zu jenem Zeitpunkt noch nicht mit Skyrim gestartet, als ich meine erste Request schrieb, hatte nur viel darüber gelesen und angesehen was google und youtube halt so hergaben. Deshalb könnte der letzte Teil mit den Sympathien etwas verwirrend sein. :psyduck:

    Jedenfalls würde ich mich über jedes Kommentar freuen. Hoffentlich erreiche ich mit dieser Request auch einige Menschen, die im moment nicht wissen, was sie noch alles für Skyrim verbessern könnten. Bei all den grandiosen Moddern hier, wäre es doch wohl ein leichtes, mit meiner Request hier, dass sich einige zusammen tun und eine eigene Modder Gruppe wie MERP beispielsweise gründen, die sich halt eben mehr mit den Elfen auseinander setzen würden, als mit J.R.R. Tolkiens Mittelerde. Weil ich ja so ein großer Elfen Fan bin. :laugh:

    Hoffentlich lassen sich hier einige von meiner idee begeistern und mit meinem Elfen fieber anstecken. Da ich eben finde, dass die Elfen in Skyrim viel zu kurz kommen und überall nur die Bösen sind. :down:



    Wegen der Englishen Request starte ich mal besser ein neues Topic. Hier hab ich wohl etwas zu viel geschrieben. ;D ;D ;D

  20. I try the hole time to edit my Request, everytime I get to an Error Page with the choises to refresh the Page or to get back to Index. Can somebody help?


    Here is a copy of that site:




    forums.nexusmods.com Driver Error



    There appears to be an error with the database.


    If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again.


    You can try to refresh the page by clicking here


    «Return to the index

  21. Its possible to do, but any one who converted them would not be able to release them legally because it would be copyright infringement. So you would have to do it yourself.


    I wish I could, by I am no modder. I've tryed it, and now I don't have enough time because of my work. :wallbash: :verymad: :wallbash:

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