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About RedX2104

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  1. Oh jesus there are lots of unnecessary things in your load order First of all Obis isnt compatible with hothtrooper44armors mod combined with skyrims immersive creatures. U should remove obis since u dont really notice it Ingame in skyrims immersive crestures DISABLE anything that adds spawns and random encounters. The game dont like additional spawns. U should also remove immersive patrols 2 due to its unstable behaviour towards random events. Weapon and armor should also be removed cuz its not compatible with either jswords and hothtroopers. There are much to go through but start with these. Remember to start a new game after u removed those mods. Let me know how it worked I dont expect ur ctds to be gone but we have to start somewhere
  2. On many threads out there people says That os can cause problems They say that graphiccards dont support few directx versions I myself haves a friend that plays skyrim on windows 7 and he never crashed His system is average to minimum requirements. My specs are far above maximum requirements and i crash on windows 8.1 Is there anytging on that rumor? Is it true? Is it even able to crash on windows 8.1 without mods? People claim to crash but whats the truth?
  3. Try to run script scalpel and send your papyrus log here or as pm to me Bloats can caused by unfinished scripts that got stock and repeat itself. But its better to investigate with script scalpel. U could also run savegame cleaner U said u r new to modding? Do u removed ANY mod during ur playthrough?
  4. Sounds like a overload of your script cap. Try running script scalpel (dont worry just take a look how many instances are running. Depending on ur system and mods it sounds like a ram issue. Only solution is to remove any script heavy mods)
  5. It could be that ur ini file where ur difficulty is saved is "protected" so nothing can overwrite your ini file. Not even the game itself. As far as i remember steam does not have an automatic difficulty setting applier like on xbox360.
  6. Did u try to recover ur files via steam?
  7. Update nmm try it again and then look into wryebash Just tell him "to load masters" on ur savegame. If an no error occurs u should be fine
  8. There are two reasons As far as my knowlegde goes One of ur mod has corrupted ur savegame OR try something: Load ur twice save and then try to save. If no crash occurs the reason is a quest in dawnstar. Where u have to get a daedric artefact (the one daedric prince who controls ur dreams) finish this quest "living nightmare" (i think its called like that. This is a bug inside the latest patch from skyrim no mod issue
  9. Combat drama overhaul as well as Dance of death are incompatible but im not hundred percent sure. U can try The other thing is obis and immersive creatures. Both changes bandits in some way. I had random ctds with both installed. But less ctds when i removed obis
  10. You should run fnis and select the xp32 skeleton arms fix. Should fix the problem.
  11. Can u give more information? How is ur windows name? What version of windows do u use? Do u use mods? Is there any questscene? There are reports that can cause problems on windows 8 if u have an á or é etc in your windows name. Run the game and try to save Try the following Make a new profile on ur pc name it "test" for excample so it does not have any á or è ó etc in your profilename. If this doesnt solve ur prob try to run skyrim in compatibily mode for vista or win7 (right click on ur skyrim.exe. click properties. Click on this new window "compatibility") Then try to save. If nothing helps i need more information.
  12. Sounds more like a problem with your mouse? Try to change the keyboard settings and try to swing ur sword with the keyboard If that fails backup ur animation folder and just delete the original animation hkx files. If something bad happens u still have ur backup. It could be the mod.
  13. After many attempts to make my modded skyrim rockstable i grew tired. I tried shesons memory patch. ENBBoost etc. I tried gopher advices as well but nothing seems to work :sad: After one year this is the first time i try to ask an expert. I really hope someone can help me. :sad: After all gopher have recorded videos of Skyrim without a single crash for HOURS. Either he cut his videos or he dont have a single CTD To my problem: Only CTDs i have left are occassional CTDs here and then on my last save (95% of CTDs happens while fast traveling). i started new cuz i removed a few Mods and tweaked my skyrim.ini fUpdateBudgetMS=4.5 (from 1.2 which is vanilla value) fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=4.5 (from 1.2 which is vanilla value) fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=1000 Yes im using an ENB Someone recommended to increase these values since he have almost the same specs as i do. (Down below you can find my loadorder as well as my ini stats) Sorry i dont know how to use spoiler This is the first time i asked about something like this on these forums after a year terminating ctds this is as far as i can go. But now i need help :sad: I read everything on the internet. "Its 100% stable - No its not - With the right tweaks its possible - even vanilla skyrim crashs sometimes" - Now what? xD btw yes i have the latest skyrim patch. And the latest SKSE. 1.7.3 as well as any Official DLC my pc AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (4GB) Ram 16GB AMDFX-8320 Eight-Core Processor 3.50 GHz 64bit OS Windows 8.1 my game is located at D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim I really appreciate ANY help i can get. Thank you for your time
  14. Dear Crew of this awesome mod. I offer you my voice. I would really be glad if i could be a part of this wonderful looking mod and will of course do my best if you want me to voice act. i can speak German English and of course French. (I Just speak english here becuz i have nothing to hide :P) Please reconsider my offer. I dont want a reward your great work is reward to us all enough :) If you want to hear my voice before you decide i'll post a link here. if you have interest just message me :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6i5L9-i668 Great work. Really. Looking awesome :D But i have a question anyway. After you become to the king. Finishing the questline. Do the people reconize you as the king? Can you make decisions which can please the people or not? Like in "Become Jarl of Ivarstead"
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