A "1 to 10" rating scale rarely functions as intended. Have you ever looked at ratings of stereo equipment, speakers especially? Nearly everyone rates their new acquisition as a 10 out of 10, five stars, awesome!!!!!!!!, etc. How can a 500.00 pair of speakers perform as well as a 10,000.00 pair. It is subjective and subject to people's jubilation at the time of purchase. So it is with the rating of mods. The "1 to 10" scale rarely results in a good solid bell curve. Speaking for myself and perhaps a few others, I rank mods 8, 9, or 10. I usually rank a "9" because there is always room for improvement. A ninety percent in university is fabulous, but in the world of mods it's average. So, one would have to embed some sort of virus to get anything lower. That's where comments are so important. I would expect that more seasoned modders could assist the newbie, or help a colleague. But a mere up or down vote, I feel is too limited. Where I teach, we have fail, pass, pass with honors. The last is reserved for a precious few students that go above and beyond the norm. Leichendiener P.S. Congratulations on nearing completion of university. It's hard work but so worth it. Good luck on your finals.