A few QoL suggestions. All small in the scheme of things but they would make Vortex easier to work with and shouldn't be a nightmare to implement: - Rather than automatically resize the columns depending on the mod selected, could the user have the option for the name to have a max column width or concatenate to keep the column size steady? Some mods have LONG names and the column size flips back and forth sometimes and can be disorienting when scrolling down the mod list. - Sorting, please give the user the option to have mods with an available update (thus having selectable version options) sorted to the top. I have seen Vortex do this with uninstalled mods but not with installed/enabled ones. IF there is a way already, please do let me know as dumb me can't figure it out it seems. - That menu that pops below as multiple mods are selected? It's very useful, could we have the option to have it pop up by default, even when only one mod selected? Why? Because when the user has to scroll all over for the updated mods or just for cleanup and it happens to be just the one, then they have to scroll back to the lone selection to right-click or use the Status options to do whatever is needed. If the bottom menu is active by default (or if we could pin it), then it's a step saved. - When using filters at the top, we get a nice status at the top with a "clear all filters" button. Could we have it be part of the headers and not the list? That way it will remain in view rather move out of sight if we scroll around the mod list. Again, it would be a small but so welcomed QoL improvement. - When multiple versions of the same mod exist and it is not installed, could we have the option for the default version shown be the newest rather than the oldest? Of course, that would may mean having mod developers stick to a formal versioning format scheme... tall order the way things are now, herding cats and all that. :smile: Thank you all for your hard work.