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Posts posted by Helldrone

  1. Hello, it's been a long while i've been creeping around the forums, searching and such, but there is a severe lack of melee claws, gloves like claws, i get there are those few rare deathclaw mods, but they are simply too big and clunky, i've been looking around and only found a few mods that might satisfy the temporary need for these, i'll be linking them below.

    Thank you aswell for taking the time to read this or even to consider this!

    https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15316 Knuckles expansion.
    https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6134 Wolverine Claws.
    And i saw some Asian type ninja weaponry but i lost track of it which was okay at best.

    But i am looking for something along these types of claws, that's snug on the fist/hand, makeshift, bones or mechanical like a unarmed weapon, example pictures below.
    Deathclaw glove example

    Metal glove example

    And maybe a type of modern energy type, not massive long claws, just on the fingers or on the knuckles.


    Laser/Plasma like claws.

    It's just an idea and it bet it would take a lot of effort to make, but just consider the lack of fist like melee weapons.

    Thanks for reading!

  2. I'd like to add onto this request and ask for a related, or even part of the same modification.



    I'd love to see the ability to upgrade the clothing and some sets of armour in the game like you can with the Vault Suit and the overlaying armour. I don't think that would be very difficult to manage, so can we give it a try?


    Thanks for reading, hopefully we can do this!

    Highly wish for this aswell, if not that, atleast let some of the clothes to be upgraded, like adding the mods like pockets or light build to compensate for the lost bonuses.

  3. I'd like to see some more detailed menu aswell, of course, looking at the Settler in the Workshop mode will highlight what task the Settler is doing, but if you sorta has constructed your Settlement in a... don't mind it's language... Clusterf*#@, like every other fallout place is, it's hard to see what they are actully doing, so seeing that this settler is a "Farmer" aka "Works on X6 crops" would be lovely or something telling that example settler is IDLE so i can put the slacker to work.

  4. Hello once more lovely forum of Nexus, it's been a long time since i ever spoken in this forum, but i'd like to voice out a little problem that have me gruntled over.

    I really like the games new Armor mod parts, Shoulder pieces, legs arms, so on, but i can't use most of the clothes i have with the armor pieces, i want to use a black suit and some armor on it, but i can't, i want ot use my Bowler hat with slacks, suspenders and Black vest with armor pieces, i want to be able to use most of the armor pieces with the clothes, except with the few obvious ones, like the trenchcoat and such, but you get the point.

    I'd like to request one who's of course could use some of theire free time to make a small/Timeconsuming mod which allows the -Vault Dweller- Male&Female to use most clothes in the game with armor pieces, cause sometimes i want to look like a old bootlegger moonshiner from the movie Lawless.

    Anyway, pretty please and thank you for taking your time to read this, have a lovely day~
    [Minor Edit]

  5. Hello Forum! It's been a long time since i've been on this forum, used to be a regular but i've kinda rusted on the trade of New vegas modding and all, so i've come across a old and probably a classic problem.

    I've got this save that i've grown very fond of but i've recently changed computer to a new one and i kinda lost track of the mods i've used on it, i remember i had a type of Save Editor or viewer that allowed me to look at the Save and see the active mods within it.

    Could some of you Forum Vigilantes help me find this software that can View my save and see the active mods it used so i can re-search the names of mods and reinstall them.

    Also i'm not 100% sure if this is the correct spot to ask this, so i'm deeply sorry for wasting your time!

    [EDIT] Nevermind, Forget about this post, seemingly my brain kickstarted and i just missed Fallout Mod Manager, The nexus one can't check like that one can.

  6. Hello again dear modders forum once more and dear detectives, it's nice to be back onto this place for i have come forth with a problem, a problem of finding something, a animation replacer for two handed warhammers and sorts, it hugely displeases me with the rather agressive stance of the warhammer...

    But to the point, I find the pose a little too agressive, not much relaxed pose to it and how it's held... even when running, for me it looks wrong, in reality i would not like to carry a hammer with both my hands backwards all the time, it's a battle stance yes... but it seems tiring, I was hoping to find a mod that would replace the animation to more something like this

    And yes, that's space marine but that's the closes thing i could find, as searching for the pose came up with nothing, so i took a screenshot in the game of the idle but unsheated war hammer

    Here's the picture.

    like you can see, if i where to carry something big, i'd like to rather hold it relaxed in one hand and it would seem more natural for traveling, walking with it just hanging there in your right hand's grasp... or left, whatever fits the animation best.

    So, yeah, you get the idea... Thanks for the help and excuse my grammar, never been the best with that.


    [Edit, Minor grammar correction]

  7. Right, i'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issure, but i'm having s light issue with some dungeoun or caves, Ore veins are suppost to respawn and be reminable after 30 ingame days now and i went back to Halted Stream Camp to pick up some Iron ore but the veins have respawned but are not Minable....



    Is anyone else experiencing this issue?


    Picture, ya?

  8. There's a acient old thread about excatly the same as this one, but it's too late to recurrect now so i'll start a new one.


    Here's an idea of a Dailiy missions for the Mojave Desert.


    In each town there could be this Job board for the courier to pick up and do and recive either caps or bulk of junk depending on the mission and the situation, i'm not after the "Epic Reward" Thingy, i want to be realistic and pathetic reward, maybe a few caps or junk for crafting of sorts, just to make the game day pass by or when what your meaning of life was and need to refresh.


    It's just the idea lies behind a old game that i use to play like World of Warcraft or that Job board on Two World 2 or other games that had them.... oohh i can't remember but it was good with those


    And once the mission is done, you return to the board with either the Kill of proof or item of proof and put it in the basket, and come back the day later or instant for your rewards in the same basket or the Mojave Mailboxes.


    And i'm very sorry if i blindely missed this on the mod spot or any other topic here, i been looking around and failed to see it then.


    But i would be very happy if this idea could be discussed before we jump to the gun, i know there will be a lot of scripting going but i would be more than happy to lisen to the pros here of what could be done and what could not.


    Thanks for reading.

  9. I tried searching but i couln't find anything related to this, or im just very bad at searching, Here goes


    Well, i bought New vegas: Dead Money on Steam, and i got to Level 30 and tried going there, went to the bunker, and i ran to the shiny looking radio and go Gassed down, i fell over and when the screen blacks out, it just.... Crashes...


    I don't know if this is The Expansion pack's Fault or it could be a mod of mine, I run the following mods.




    FOOK - New Vegas.esm

    FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm



    More Perks.esm

    Project Nevada - Core.esm

    ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

    ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

    FOOK - New Vegas.esp

    FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp


    CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

    LFox Bottle That Water.esp

    Mercenery armor.esp




    More from plants.esp

    More Perks Update.esp

    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

    Nights are Darker 25%.esp

    Better Casinos.esp


    The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp


    Craft Overhaul 1.1.esp

    Unique Items & Collectables.esp







    All i can think of is the FOOK that is causing it cause FOOK caused some strange glitches on my Fallout 3 Broken Steel.


    But if anyone Know what the issue is, Please, Please give me an report of some sort, cause this is really bothering cause i want to try Dead Money.


    Please Post if you think you have a Solution


    I tried 2 so far, Untag Quest items and Remove your gear and Disable Auto Save. Nothing worked so far.

  10. I like the idea of this mod, Like "WoW" It has dailies that keep me occupied and not get too bored and very timewasting.

    But! no worries i am a member of "Timewasters" and TimeWaisting is my speciality!


    And i very much approve for this Mod, it must be done, i must have dailies.



  11. Alright, i was been walking around the mojave desert for a while now gazing on all the mountains thinking.


    I have a feeling it might be impossible but was thinking of Ore mining of Copper, Tin, Iron, Silver and gold, but making all of them would take a lot of effort, but the idea is for either usage for Crafting items like melee weps or collecting them for fun.


    basicly (shame my bad english)


    - Mining

    - Gathering of Diffrent metal ores

    - Smelting to bars

    - Crafting/ or none crafting

    - For collection or to sell


    An idea like this would take a lot of effort to make but i would be happy if anyone could point out the hard points so i could try to refine it to a more easy request.


    This is just a friendly Request or more like Question if it is possible around the Regular moderate modders cause getting the talented rare ones is hard.


    If something seems bad or unrealistic please give me a post heh.


    Thanks for your time.

  12. Yeah, DAMM gave me a pat on the head like


    "Lol, your missing a file, here let me fix it, now have fun *pat pat*" i was furious on how i could miss that little thing but i got it all fixed now


    I can install mods now, working fine, and thanks for the help guys.

  13. Ok then. (Oh, do you have a Steam install? That shouldn't matter, but sometimes does...)


    If it were my system, I would delete the current copy of "Character Respec." completely, download another copy of the mod, and attempt to install it again. Personally, I use DAO-Modmanager (DAMM), instead of DAUpdater, but that also shouldn't matter for this.


    BTW: Since you say you're new to this, you might want to take a look at the article: "Using DA Mods for Dummies". It has a lot of general information about what to be aware of when you start modding your game. :thumbsup:




    Done and done, but i dont think that is the issure man, i did post the Log saying what the problem is man....

  14. Alright, i got Dragon Age Ultimate Edition installed with all its DLC's on my Windows 7 Ultimate


    I tried installing this small mod


    Character Respecialization - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14


    But when it's about done it says on this Error log


    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Extraction successful.

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Install mutex not found.

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Error - Error loading AddIns XML: System.Xml.XmlException: Ugyldig tegn i den angitte kodingen. Linje 30, plassering 47.

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Int32 pos, String res)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.InvalidCharRecovery(Int32& bytesCount, Int32& charsCount)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.GetChars(Int32 maxCharsCount)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ReadData()

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseCDataOrComment(XmlNodeType type, Int32& outStartPos, Int32& outEndPos)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseCDataOrComment(XmlNodeType type)

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()

    ved System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()

    ved System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)

    ved System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)

    ved System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)

    ved System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)

    ved System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(String filename)

    ved DAUpdater.Engine.Content.ContentInstaller.LoadAddInsXml()

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Installing WRK_RESPEC_MOD folder: C:\Users\------\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_6-14\Contents\packages to: C:\Users\------\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Installing WRK_RESPEC_MOD folder: C:\Users\-----\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\temp\Character_Respec_Mod_v1_6-14\Contents\addins to: C:\Users\-------\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns\

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Information - Updating AddIns.xml

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Error - Couldn't update XML file, error: System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferanse er ikke satt til en objektforekomst.

    ved DAUpdater.Engine.Content.ContentInstaller.UpdateAddInsXml(String UID, XmlNode newAddInItem)

    ved DAUpdater.Engine.Content.ContentInstaller.InstallContent(InstallInfo installInfo, Boolean bDeleteAfterInstall)

    12.03.2011 19:49 - Engine.Content.ContentInstaller, Error - Install failed!




    It would help a lot if i could get this fixed and yes i am the Admin, and ran it as a admin

  15. Yeh, i was wondering if there was any mod that lets you craft Energy cells, ECP and MC charges.


    I'd prolly be better of making this mod myself but why not look around, i did and havent found a single mod about crafting energy wep ammo, so i was wondering if there was one already. (or it's just my poor searching skill)


    and im not entierly sure this was the right place to post this question. been gone a while, derp.

  16. When try to fire the Archimedes II with the Euclid's C-Finder the beam and gun works like it should, but after when it's done the damage and beam explosion never appears, and i get glitched with the beam repeating to appear whereever i look over and over again.


    I think the new patch for NV Broke my Euclid's C-Finder and AM2.


    Anyway to fix this?

  17. Wont Copyright be a problem?



    [Edit] Well im up for the Sydney sleeper but not the TF2 One itself, more like a modifyed away from TF2's model and into a Dart sniper rifle that has the abiity too "KO" like paralyze on a successfully shot.

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