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Everything posted by BooneoftheWasteland

  1. or with console, getav confidence and click on Charon, you want it to be 4. If it isn't open console setav confidence 4 and click on Charon and enter. Check again with getav and it should be fine I believe. It worked for me and all comments about hopeless etc went away with my companions.
  2. I have mulitple companions mods and vanilla as well. I use Oh Followers Hire but I get pop ups saying too many followers, yet they still follow but my game seems to feel unsteady. Anyone else have this issue and how do I disable that pop up? I currently have 8 followers.
  3. Saw the preview tonight, totally Fallout 3. There is another one also about a Father and a boy in a post apocalyptic world but haven't seen a trailer yet. This one with DW I'll be watching.
  4. mechine have you d/l'ed FOOK2? I've taken the plunge. Soon I'm going to install all my mods and see if I have any conflicts or missing some key features to fix.
  5. Okay, looking at the embedded screenshots and I am totally stoked to see this. Can't watch now, at work, but will watch at home, and will rate on the tube for ya as well. Thanx.
  6. Hey mechine. What I think you should do, well you don't need to do anything the choice is yours lol, but most people don't have the time for a complete overhaul of fixes like you've done for yourself. I'd like to but it depends on any issues with my current load order, mods, and most important the balance of time and playing. Most people just want a simple fix and play. Perhaps you should start thinking of 'patch work' overrides will be stable for gameplay, instead of strictly entire 'overhaul' overrides. I think you should put together a simple step by step process, with screen shots, as a demo, for example the whiskey example you bring up often. So step by step on how to override patch Primary Needs with Inebreiation, with something else to unify all options for whiskey. A sceenshot of what we initially see, and then a screenshot of final product after step by step walkthrough. I plan to unite a Needs mod with all foods, like FDA and Falloutfoods with what you've done but it's sketchy at the moment as I have to gather everything you've written in 3/4 different threads. A demo of that in one thread or 'mod' would be awesome. I think you should demo a very simple override patch mod and put in a disclaimer of 'use at own risk'.
  7. I'm not adding to anything to be negative Crow, the more I watched to follow along...eventually I get lost down the road my man, I can't figure out what your hitting within the options you select in drop boxes etc. I am listening, but the second you don't mention what you're selecting, I'm lost from advancing along with the tutorial... I'm a pretty keen guy, but it was quick to get lost
  8. Crow it's appreciated for real, I should have expressed it along with my comment. I am following some of it to get use to geck. It's just that I'm also a visual person when it comes to detailed computer tutorials like yours. Much thanx for these. oh and kudos for you since I started off on the wrong foot. This has been and is helpful, it is appreciated.
  9. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3986 This fixed it for me. After loading up an old game save it did nothing. I waited for 3 days nothing, went in and out of cells, nada. Decided to go back to my latest save and gave up on trying and Three Dog updated the fact that he met me. Happy I am. Definitely will rate tomorrow and thank the modder
  10. This is somewhat game breaking for me. In my ps3 version I got all the reports. In my new pc version I decided to go straight to the MQ only to find out he says nothing about me. Then I decided to go back about 40 saves and complete the Megaton bomb quest in hopes of his news casts kicking in. Instead I get him saying and now a bit of news several times and then nothing, or talks about James. I've looked at the mods and it all seems to be about speaking after 20th level and stopping certain quests being talked about, but thing is I liked them being mentioned throughout my ps3 version. Is there a way to fix this? Mod? GECK? Thanx.
  11. Is it just me, I can't see any texts, window dialogs, nothing, it's but a blur...? Both HQ and normal viewing. I really wanted to see the vendor part...
  12. Hey mechine, you still working on this? So for me at the moment my game runs well with just the merged patch. Some hiccups there but nothing in the red. However I would like to override something like Simple Needs, for Hunger/Thirst/Sleep in combination with FalloutFoods, FDA, Inebriation the 3 which I already have etc and work it out like you did for your patch. My question, does that really need a new game start? It seems rather trivial. Though the bigger of my thoughts are combining companion mods, for example CBO (companion overhaul), Phalanx mod and maybe even remote control companions mod. That seems daunting, but to extract certain little bits out of that would perfect what I am looking for. Have you been able to make overrides, unstable crashes, and then just copy and paste back the back-up data folder esm and esp without hitches and resume back to normal? My 2 things really are uniting Needs like you have and then tweaking companion mods. I don't use the big overhauls like FOOK.
  13. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4325 Ultimate load order is an example of a mod d/l which isn't a mod but a document.
  14. You should create some sort of mini walkthrough example. Like say for how you combined FDA FALLOUTFOODS, etc into Primary Needs. Along with pics. I for one, would be a follower of your work. I also have another detailed response in your other thread in which I will post later. In fact if you create that document, you should upload it as a "mod" but the download is not for an esp but for your document. It's been done before for other things but I forget, if I remember I'll post the link to that mod.
  15. Question: if I merged 2 mods in an override, and then later add in new mods for my game, what happens? Do I keep that override esp for those 2 mods as is and just delete and create a new merged patch for the whole load order, as I'm already doing now?
  16. Did you just strike gold!?! My skills in Edit and Geck and whatnot is very limited, but this seems promising. I really hope to see further discussions from other know how people here too. Well done. I'll be following this and may attempt some little adjustments as well. Edit: you gotta add to the topic title with something with "Merge, Merging, esps" etc so folks can find this on a search.
  17. I'm curious as to what your reasoning is for mod order. I don't use fook or fwe, but anyhow I noticed you have armors and clothing and whatnot low on the load. Is there a reason? Also where would you put player house mods, low or high? I have most armor/clothing/weapon mods higher up as well as little gameplay effects, pipboy additions, my perks hang around the middle and things like my MMM is roughly low alongside Fellout and Combat Enhanced Package last before my merged patch on FO3Edit. I'm just curious as to your thoughts on general reasoning with load order. Much thanx for your inputs.
  18. I've recently had no music when launching FO3. Has anyone else run across this and were you able to rectify it or have suggestions? I do run mods and I have 1.6 patch and unofficial, fose, fomm, fo3edit, etc. Also on a reinstall, do all folders stay intact, data esp and saved folders? Or do I have to add in all those folders, meshes, textures again? Much thanx.
  19. I second the surprise that it is non-existant. I thought she was cool.
  20. Or just turn him into a her... http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6798 but may require a mature rating login, I think...
  21. Nice. I'd dress up for that. What surprises me is how many chicks were there. Playing the game, sure, but that!?!
  22. This is a *bump* support this idea post. Who's going to be the brave mod to do this? :thumbsup: If it's been done for Oblivion....
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