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Everything posted by gizmologist

  1. Not everything can be smelted. I've found that only things with names that start with adjectives can be smelted (Large Dwemer Strut, etc), as an easy rule of thumb. The exception is the Small Dwemer Lever. The LEAST efficient scrap to take, in terms of ingots per pound, is the "Solid Dwemer Metal", a 25 pound chunk of metal that only gets you five ingots. If I have a pack mule with me, I'll take them - if not, then they're not worth the trouble. The BEST scrap to recover are the ones that weigh two pounds (or whatever the unit happens to be): the Bent Dwemer Scrap metal, the Large Dwemer Plate Metal, and the Small Dwemer Plate Metal. They actually get you three ingots each, more than their weight! This mod ads a porter, to help you carry all your Dwemer (s)crap: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34112/ . It's a good mod, but he never shuts up! (I actually moded the mod to take him out of the merchant faction, which did the trick.)
  2. Try using the console to disable the obstruction? Assuming you're on a PC, of course.
  3. I have found that when a menu is open (such as inventory or dialog or whatever) the caps-lock will toggle the little LED on the keyboard on and off, but won't actually change the walk/run setting in the game. Perhaps this is confusing people? I'd love for someone to come up with a way of having more than three speeds of movement, something linear like a controller provides. Not sure how to do that with the keyboard, though. I thought about changing W and S to accelerate and decelerate - the longer you hold W, the faster you go, and then when you lift your finger off, your character just coasts along at that speed, kinda like auto-walk (C on the default setting, I think). I think it would be REALLY awkward. Or maybe I'll just try using a controller. This thread has got me thinking now...
  4. My steward disappeared. After searching all over, I gave up and tried to find a new one, but none of the follower NPCs had the right dialog options. I searched the web for a solution, but the only solution I found required that I have access to the current steward so I could use resetactor on them. Since my steward was gone, that wouldn't work for me. So I came up with a new solution, which I share here because I am sure I am not the only one with this problem. 1. open the console 2. type in SETPQV BYOHHouseFalkreath bHaveSteward false Of course BYOHHouseFalkreath is for Lakeview Mannor. You'll have to use BYOHHousePale or BYOHHouseHjaalmarch if you've got a different house. This doesn't seem to effect extant stewards (they remain a steward) until you have them follow you and then dismiss them. Then they go back to having the "I need a steward" dialog option. :smile:
  5. I believe it CAN be done from the console, but only for certain NPCs. They need to be a current follower, and have a follower voice-type. Just making them a follower by adding them to the follower faction (which I forget, goggle it) and raising their relationshiprank to 3 or more should do the trick. I've never done it, but I've researched stewards intensively to figure out how to replace them when they die or disappear.
  6. I see the Thalmor as more like the Soviet Union than Nazi Germany. But then, I'm an old Cold Warrior, so maybe I'm biased. I don't believe that Hitler was elected (the Nazi's lost the election rather badly), but was instead appointed (Chancellor was it?) by Hindenburg. Also, he is responsible for a lot more than 6 million dead - that was just the Jews! He killed at least that many more, mostly Eastern Europeans, as well as ... well ... there aren't too many groups NOT included in the list of the dead.
  7. REALLY interesting idea. One of the alcohol effect mods "randomly" moves you around Skyrim if you drink too much and black out. In the description of that mod, the author mentions that "randomly" isn't really that random because a truly random move usually resulted in the players death from falling. His solution was to locate several safe places ahead of time (I think he placed markers) and just pick one randomly and send the player there (and unequipall because there's nothing like waking up from a bender thinking "Where the hell am I? Where the hell are my clothes?") I wish I could remember the name of the mod. You may have to do the same thing - place markers all over Skyrim (perhaps the marker from the Boethia quest where you rescue that priest from the Forsworn camp) and randomly pick one to which to teleport the wife NPC. This would modify a LOT of cells, which would probably lead to a LOT of conflicts. Then again, since your modifications would only be a marker (or five, if you add markers for her captors as well), maybe the conflicts won't be so important. Also, don't forget that not everyone plays males - make it possible to rescue your husband as well! (The rescue scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail comes to mind...)
  8. I found a solution. I post it here for future reference. I tried using the console to disable the portcullis blocking the door to the castle. That worked okay for getting in, but once inside I found that at least some of the vampires were essential, which didn't work out very well. I suspect glitching through the portcullis using the Whirlwind Sprint should would have had much the same result. What finally worked was to use the console to advance the quest to stage 40. setstage DLC1vq08 40 That worked perfectly - the portcullis disappeared. the vampires came out to fight, and the battle went normally except that the Dawnguard never showed up - perfect! After killing Harkon, Isran showed up and tried to take credit for the whole thing, so my character told him to f*#@ off ("Sure, NOW you'll talk to me!"), and hit him with the Ice Form shout. :biggrin: I expected him to attack me after he thawed out, but he just got up and left without a word. I think he knew he deserved it. (it also occurred to me that about the dumbest thing to do would be to take Auriel's Bow, the three Elder Scrolls, and Serana, and go to the Castle. The smart thing would have been to take them to the Soul Cairn, leave them all there, and seal the entrance.)
  9. I'm role-playing a female Nord. She joined the Dawnguard, then she had to let herself get "turned" to get into the Soul Cairn to recover the Elder Scroll. (She wasn't about to let herself get soul trapped, and every despondent soul-trapped soul she met in the Soul Cairn confirmed her decision.) After she successfully returned with the Elder Scroll, of course, Isran not only doesn't appreciate her help, or even recognize her sacrifice for the cause, he instead threatened to kill her and refuses to talk to her. She decided that Isran is a DICK, and she's going to stay a Vampire for a while just to piss him off. She still wants to go ahead and complete the quest, but is damned if she's going to let Isran have anything to do with it. However, she's supposed to have his help during the Kindred Judgement quest! I've done a bit of research on this, and it seems that there are only two options. 1. Use Whirlwind Sprint to get into the Castle without the Dawnguard's help; 2. Some weird trick with fast travel, waiting, etc. in order to "reset the NPCs". I'm not sure exactly what this entails, but if it works, I'll figure it out. Are there any other options I've missed? Has anyone successfully completed Kindred Judgement on the Dawnguard's side but without the Dawnguard's assistance? P.S. Once the quest is done, is Isran still essential?
  10. Cloaks - really adds to the immersion Convenient Horses - I avoided horses because they'd always get killed so quickly. This mod fixes that and adds a LOT of really useful stuff as well, like the Horse Whistle, inventory, etc. Luscious Faces - because why not? Because makeup in this context is unrealistic, that's why not. Footprints - really adds to the immersion. Nothing quite beats running through the woods at night and coming across the tracks of a wolf to give you that creepy food-like feeling! Headtracking - the Dovakin is NOT autistic! Now he looks at people who talk to him. mcCampingLite - again, immersion without a lot of annoying chores Quality World Maps, with the Clear Skies addon - I hate not being able to find my way to a ruin that is JUST OVER THERE but is surrounded on all sides by sheer cliffs. Without a good roadmap, I'd probably still be lost. SkyUI - for obvious reasons UNP - I use Blessed, but any UNP is great. And if the ladies can go buff, so should the men, so I also use Nude Male. Extensible Follower Framework - makes companions MUCH more fun.
  11. I don't know squat about heightmaps, but I seem to recall that they're greyscale textures? If so, maybe you can do four of them, each a quarter of Skyrim, and merge them together in a photoeditor like PSP or Gimp or Photoshop or something. I may be way off base with this.
  12. Short version: Does anyone know exactly where the check is made to see if the item dropped by the player is a weapon? Long version: The other day my character needed some firewood in Whiterun, so she picked up the Woodcutter's Axe that was there, chopped wood, and being a nice person, replaced the axe. A passing guard gave her crap for leaving weapons laying around, even though the Woodcutter's Axe is only barely a weapon at all, and it was originally there to begin with. It did not end well. I want to make a mod to exclude the Woodcutter's Axe from the list of items that get the guards all haired up. I've found the quest (WIRemoveItem01, or something like that), but that only seems to determine what the guard does and says AFTER the quest has been triggered. There is an AI package with a similar name, too, but again, that is after the fact. There are also (incomprehensible) scripts attached here and there, but none that seem to check item type. I want to find the point where the item type is checked so I can edit it to exclude the Woodcutter's Axe (and possibly the Pickaxe, now that I think of it). But I can't find it! Does anyone know exactly where the check is made to see if the item dropped by the player is a weapon? (If it is hard-coded into the game, then I have a backup plan - make a new MISC item that looks like a Woodcutter's Axe, and replace all the Woodcutter's Axes in the game. Then I'd have to go around and re-replace a few here and there that need to be weapons. Sounds like a pain in the butt.) Thanks, folks.
  13. Looks good, I'll try it. Thanks!
  14. I've been trying to convert the "longpipe" in the Cannabis mod to a circlet, but the mesh lacks the skin instance required to follow the movement of the head. I'm wondering if I might be able to add it by hand, by using a hex editor and copying the vert array and the tri array from the TriShapeData node. Anyone ever tried this? Anyone know of any other mods that include pipes?
  15. I saw the Hobbit the other day, and it got me thinking. I'd like my character (and NPCs of course) to have those long-stem clay pipes like Bilbo Baggins had in when he met Gandalf the first time in the movie. Also, like Gandalf had when he gave a puff to [that other wizard whose name escapes me] to calm him down (and make him crosseyed). Animations to smoke the pipe would be nice too. Bilbo did something interesting when he covered the bowl with his fingers - I don't smoke pipes so I have no idea what that was supposed to be about, but an animation that included of that would be amusing. Does anyone know if a mod like this exists? I know there is a mod that adds pot plants and bongs, but I'd rather just have the pipes and associated tobacco products without all the folderol (yes, that's a real word).
  16. There's a mod called Decorator Assistant ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13586 ) that is quite helpful. It can "lock" stuff in place, too. There are both SKSE and vanilla versions. Might be just what you're looking for. One tip - the instructions aren't too clear on it, but you have to HOLD the axis key as you use the arrows. Took me about a half-hour to realize that!
  17. Screenshots of my more interesting WTF moments, provided as links: Is that tree leaping from rock to rock? Two NPCs sleeping in the same bed. And it's a one-person bed. A deer butt. Found in a troll's cave. Most people mount their trophies on the wall, and usually use the other end of the animal. Transsexual Draugr. Note the dress and the boobies ... and the beard. Horseless Headless Horseman. Or is it the Headless Horseless Headsman? I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years. And I've yet to see a SINGLE deer. This one just walked up to my character and sniffed her. It hung around for quite a while, too. Nords can't dance, because they have two left feet. Their dancing skills are SO bad, in fact, that this guy got the death penalty. (And Vilja was wondering why no one dances in Skyrim...) I knew this was a mod, but my son didn't, and his reaction was "WTF?" So it's still a WTF. (The Mod is "Like a Boss." And Mammoths are SLOW.) :)
  18. I think the name of the place is Journeyman's Nook. There, you'll find a dead body with some arrows stuck in it. That may provide you with an example that will help you solve your problem.
  19. Claudia Christian - she voice acted for Skyrim, and I'd love to make that Riften Thane (I forget her name) look like her. You do amazing work. I've messed around for hours trying to make a decent face, and still ended up with some kind of weird mutant.
  20. If the merchant has more than some amount (around 32,768, but I'm not sure), you'll get this bug.
  21. You can use Windows' "search in files" function to look through all the files in your data folder for the text "continue fighting". If it finds it, it will tell you which file it is in, and you've found your mod. (if Windows doesn't work (whoda thunkit?), there are other programs - I recommend TextPad.)
  22. OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. (Bangs head on desk...) Thank you. I gotta go try my original script with the correct spelling, and see if it works. EDIT: Yes, my original script works. I can't believe I wasted so much time over a spelling error!
  23. That did it, scrivener07! Thank you! So, casting the object as a potion somehow blitzed its ability to respond to keyword functions? Or did casting it somehow reset it to a generic potion without keywords?
  24. Uh oh ... uncharted territory ... well, I'll figure it out, it may just take a while. I tried that. Didn't work. I also used if akReference.hasKeywordString("VenderItemFood") and that made no difference either. Not sure you can cast in an if statement though maybe it just returns true if the cast was successful? try these, to lazy to test. It seems to work fine. I get the "equipped something" and "equipped a potion." messages, no problem there. I just don't get the "The player consumed food" message, so it's not getting past the hasKeywordString business. I've tested it by eating apples and tomatoes ingame - I'm pretty sure they have the VenderFoodItem keyword. I just don't understand how to properly test for the keyword! I've tried looking at a few examples, but I'm still confused. Too much going on at once! Here's something from the Armor script: ; Armor info by keyword bool Function IsLightArmor() return HasKeywordString("ArmorLight") endFunction bool Function IsHeavyArmor() return HasKeywordString("ArmorHeavy") endFunction bool Function IsClothing() return HasKeywordString("ArmorClothing") endFunction So why doesn't my script work?
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